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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. If one day you wake up in a ditch with a big ol' rock bashed into your skull and your husband missing, it wasn't me, I swear!!!
  2. Good heavens. http://www.ajc.com/news/georgia-government/state-releases-list-of-1383688.html
  3. Ooh...all this talk about you mens doin' laundry is makin' me lust! :fanningmyself:
  4. HE's the one who wants a wedding? Thump him in the head! I vote with you.
  5. I think he looks like a smart-arse. I've seen a couple of smirking mug shots lately, and if I were their parent, that would just SEND me. However, I suspect something is amiss in this young man's family life if he's to the point of shooting up a school (or threatening to). YES, MA'AM. I personally would start with the home life of kids who do stuff like this, but then somebody would accuse me of stereotyping. Not saying it's the parents' fault...as we have seen on this board in the past couple of days, people who are doing their very best to be good parents sometimes run into re
  6. Maybe it's a British thing. This also just occurred to me - perhaps ironing is one of those mundane-but-calming tasks that helps him feel relaxed.
  7. I remember a big stink about that a few years ago, but I do not remember it was specifically with regard to Theatre on the Square. It was regarding Theatre on the Square...here's what I found after I wrote the above: http://projectqatlanta.com/news_articles/view/that_gay_landmark_in_marietta_not_anymore?gid=10546
  8. I believe Acworth First Methodist owns lake frontage as well...they also own (I think) a tiny chapel at Acworth Beach. They may know of what you're talking about...
  9. I am so sad. What a great production company.
  10. Thanks for answering that...I meant to ask. I was wondering if you meant satan by the XXXXX. Much more logical that the other kid told him. Who are his favorite characters? What does he like best about Star Wars?
  11. Not this pcommer. I am horrified and aghast that any parent should ever have to deal with what you did. I don't know you and I don't know the cause of how your daughter turned out, but your pain is very evident in your words. My heart hurts for you.
  12. Gotta go with Pubby on this one. Three conservative sites I really respect - Hot Air, Ace of Spades HQ, and Legal Insurrection - all say this is simply a revision to the original EO issued in 1939 to bring things like Cabinet officials up to date. It's been updated by every President since 1951, including by WJC and twice by GWB. According to these guys whom I respect, major language of the original EO (and subsequent updating EOs) hasn't changed. hotair.com ace.mu.nu legalinsurrection.com Edited for clarity.
  13. That's a mighty big IF, IMHO. Also, he's 36...5 years $90M? I don't get the thinking, but it's no skin off my nose, so I don't really care.
  14. Yeah, baby! We bes antisocial and proud of it!
  15. Oh, I know...I wasn't bustin' on him...I was just pointing that out. I know he has way more experience in this area than any person ever should have, and I salute him for the way he handles it. I have never sensed anything from him regarding things like this other than kindness and love for his son, and a desire to help others. I didn't realize you had experience in this area as well. My heart goes out to you both, and to any parent dealing with such troubling issues.
  16. I also think there are laws in place that prohibit people from profiting from their crimes. However, I'm not an attorney, and I didn't stay at Holiday Inn Express last night, so that for what it's worth.
  17. Call me crazy, but I believe setting three fires around the house in a week would be deemed disturbing actions. I'm guessing you were writing your post and didn't see that part. NOT making any sort of diagnosis, because I have no professional qualifications to do so. However, this situation is indeed beyond troubling.
  18. I agree with you, Blondie. although I would be mortally livid at him beyond belief for his stupidity and the destruction of the family, I would have to forgive him and move on. If you do not forgive, it will eat you up inside. Bitterness ties you to the other party, and I would not want that. Life has a way of paying people back for their meanness, and I'm guessing his misery has only just begun. I personally wouldn't want his stupid $.10/hour. I would want to move away, start my life over, and tend to the needs of my children as best I could. I would want to forget that I had ever know
  19. I know of a kid who didn't say a word till he was five...tested and re-tested...his parents were sure he was grossly retarded (or whatever the PC term is now) except he was normal in every other way. IIRC, he had older siblings, so he could just point and everybody would get what he needed. One day, he started talking and hasn't shut up since. IDK...no help for your situation, but I'm sure your situation is not uncommon. Please keep us posted as to how Mr. Big Ol' Baby progresses.
  20. Post of the week, and it's only Monday. Incredibly well-said, sir.
  21. If it was settled, I missed it. Last I heard it was still pending appeals. Can somebody else weigh in on that?
  22. Hey, what's going on here? A professional explaining something? We can't have that! It'll ruin our reputation! (Thanks for that...I figured Bubba was guilty of something, but you made it very clear.)
  23. I can't think it would. I would assume that any LEO would be bright enough to know a likely drug user when he sees one, and I would assume he would know what to do if he thought they had illegal stuff on them. I don't think his inaction implies anything. If he knew Donny really, really well, and was convinced they were up to no good, he may have had a moral obligation to notify someone at the SO. Perhaps not calling 911, but calling the non-emergency line and asking to speak to a detective and explaining his gut feeling. Again, simply a moral obligation, if that.
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