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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Ditto...guilty of what? Miguel could have phoned in an anonymous tip on the drugs, but that wouldn't necessarily have amounted to anything. Chris could have called the SO's non-emergency line, and morally probably should have, but they could have been talking about video games for all he knew. He had no real reason not to sell them what they purchased. Bubba was guilty of partaking of an illegal substance, but beyond that? He also didn't know for sure what would happen. So, guilty of what? Bubba perhaps accessory before the fact, but conspiracy? A stretch. The other two? No.
  2. I believe she did. I think she's changing over to high-powered lawyers now.
  3. Probably because she wouldn't have been of value to them. The strength of their case is that there's no doubt he did it. I can't see her piling on with her opinion only would do much good.
  4. There is no rule. I've heard a bunch of talk about Hillary opposing him in the primaries, but I didn't see that happening before, and at this late date, I surely don't see it. Anybody is free to run against him, though.
  5. Yeah, I'm not EVEN gonna start Lost until I have absolutely NOTHING else to do for a month. I am SO AWFUL about not putting stuff down once I get obsessed with it.
  6. OH...gotcha. Thanks! GET OUT!!! That is way cool.
  7. Very interesting! I'd like to know more about this. I'm guessing you haven't gotten many responses because the topic title isn't in ALL CAPS, as we have come to expect from you.
  8. I am 3/8 Indian (feather, not dot) - 1/4 Creek and 1/8 Cherokee. I can't prove it with genealogy records yet, but I'm pretty sure about the numbers. NA records are not the best, and esp. considering little things like the Trail of Tears, etc. IIRC, you have to be at least 1/4 to live on the reservation? I could be wrong about that. Also, I believe you have to live on the reservation to receive casino profits, etc. I'm pretty sure that's true of the Cherokees/Harrah's. If anybody knows of good ways to get good information on NA genealogy, please post it. RE: black/white - No opin
  9. I did this on one of my trips; caught the train in either Jacksonville or Anniston. GREAT trip, although uneventful and pretty slow. The biggest thing I remember from that trip was when we got to NO, they backed the train in to the station near the Super Dome. Across the Ponchartrain. The track at that time (maybe it's been updated, I don't know) was this rickety-feeling wooden structure, and the rails were about five feet off the water (it seemed...could have been higher). There were no guard rails. The train went about 20 mph backing across the lake, with the bridge swaying and creakin
  10. I just found it to be a dirty, icky place. Saw all the attractions (they had at the time; the last visit was some years back, and way before Katrina)...meh. I dunno...I just keep thinking dirty and icky when I think of something to describe it. HOWEVER, as you see, others who are familiar with it LOVE it, so if you stick to their advice, I'm guessing you'll have a good time.
  11. I'm no help...it's one of the worst places I've ever visited; stayed there two different weeks years apart and it was horrible all the way around. I say this not to rain on your parade, because there are plenty of people who absolutely LOVE it...I just wanted to offer an alternate opinion. When I'm looking for information on a place, I want to know the good and bad so I can make an informed decision. There are plenty of great historical places to visit; I would just say be careful and observant at all times. Also, please let us know how it went when you get back.
  12. AWESOME!!! I think we need a pic! Also - you are not going to believe this, but I promise you yesterday I saw one in bloom, and I thought to myself, "I wonder if Blondie's stick is blooming this year?" Woo hoo! :clapping:
  13. Well, at the moment, a not-thin-washed-out-very-tired girl panda. (Note that I did not say "washed up". ) I'm still recuperating from the decade from hell, and so I'm slowly working my way back to normal. Lord willing, I will be able to make better progress on that in the near future. Sometimes life just throws up on you, you know? But God is good...all the time. No, not never...just seldom. Sometimes I sneak down there for a quick visit, but the Witness Protection Program doesn't like me staying in one place for a long time. Also, I'm skeert Madea will drag
  14. Gimme a few days, toots. Oh, I'll still be here. I'm like the gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe...hard to get rid of.
  15. That ain't no girl. Busy, busy. Will talk to you in a day or so.
  16. Yeah, that'd drive me nuts, too. Mine are in the shade, so it's not as bad. Have you tried a small squeegee thing (like you clean your windshield with at the gas station)? That seems like it would get into the corners better. I've been planning on buying one, but haven't gotten around to it yet. :sigh: THANK YOU!!! I was wondering whether I was the only...er...slightly dusty person here.
  17. Man, this is depressing. I hope he's found ok. I'd ask why his wife waited so long to report him missing, but he could have had a habit of hanging out at the neighbor's house for hours, or she could be a little feeble, or who knows. I do hope they find him.
  18. Some talk on the interwebz about the worst of the violence being in 2003-4 and pretty much dying down now. Worries that the attention will get everything fired up again. I dunno...just tellin' what I read.
  19. Maybe the Occupy crowd could come out and protest.
  20. Citizen's ArRAYest!!! Citizen's ArRAYest!!!
  21. I've been with State Farm for going on 12 years. My rates have only ever increased incrementally (small increments).
  22. I'd call Shepherd's Rest and talk to someone there. They can give great direction. shepherdsrestministries.com (770) 443-5213
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