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Everything posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. The other end (Polk Co) was passable this morning but it's rained a lot since then. The creek on that side didn't appear to be in any real danger of flooding when I left for work, though.
  2. I would imagine the pain from spacers would be about the same as with braces, some initial pain that gradually eases as the teeth adjust to their new, more permanent positions. No experience with spacers, but plenty with braces, so this is just my opinion/assumption. I wouldn't so much call it pain as discomfort, certainly nothing Advil or Tylenol won't take care of.
  3. Why would bank owned foreclosures be exempt from property tax?
  4. I would be very clear that I understood it was nobody's fault but my own when explaining in court...I think Paulding has a pretty reasonable judge in such matters, but if they don't dismiss maybe they'll at least reduce the fine...only ticket I've gotten here wasn't one I could argue so I just sent the money for the fine-but I know others who have said she was reasonable & fair (I assume there's only one traffic judge but I don't know this for a fact). Good luck.
  5. oxygen water coffee not necessarily in that order
  6. Nah, not everyone signed on for that service...or at least I didn't. Of course, I don't know that an audience of one is worth the effort, but I still read 'em when they're posted.
  7. Same. I was so bad as a baby my moma says sometimes she wanted to literally knock me out so I'd go to sleep...must have been a pain, being that she's always asleep by 9pm if circumstances permit. My sleeplessness was a point of contention (along with most everything else ) between me and her when I was living at home. I used to dream alot, very vivid and sometimes disturbing dreams; now I hardly do at all, or else I just don't recall them most nights.
  8. I don't understand why it's considered odd to have milk with hamburgers? Tabasco sauce makes just about any good thing even better. I put sugar and butter on rice, sometimes. Cold sweet tea without ice with homemade biscuits that have been in the fridge overnight - but only if they're made by me or my moma (preferable). Peanut butter and syrup sandwiches (many years ago). I'll eat runny eggs and boiled okra just as soon as I return from my first airplane trip. Ain't gonna happen.
  9. How do y'all resolve your bad experiences with businesses who don't advertise or sell online or specifically on this site? Don't say you don't have them because there are plenty of 'vent' threads and posts aournd here that say otherwise...
  10. Right...no chance her pissy demeanor was the end result of many years of marital 'bliss' rather than the cause of Bill's 'appetite for other women'. It's entirely possible that what some perceive as condescending and hateful is instead (at least partly) a lack of trust or confidence and her attempt to retain some dignity after the very public airing of her husbands infidelities. A person can only take so much hurt and disappointment before they instinctively and subconsciously go into self-defense mode or find some other way to cope...it really irks me that so many people seem incl
  11. Gross. @ this thread. I swim at my sister's and thank goodness her kids are grown and hardly ever swim, anyway.
  12. A good chance? Of what? You either have hail damage or you don't. How old is your roof?
  13. Yeah I thought the timing was interesting, myself. Probably blame it on budget constraints since that's a tough reason for anyone to argue against...
  14. I don't need the TV news to tell me what's reality...so if it helps consumer confidence somehow to tell the masses what they want to hear, what does that hurt the rest of us? The effect of the economy on each of us is subjective anyway - where this person is struggling, that one may be doing well, or at least holding even. Certainly there are some who are prospering, though they're not likely people we encounter every day...or ever. How is it hurting someone who can't judge the truth by their own situation to hear a little positive news instead of negative for a change? What I'd really
  15. . That may have been true at one time, but between the subdivisions that have been built up there in recent years, the number of tenant occupied residences and apartments, and other new residents who have moved into the area, I doubt that's the case any longer. Some of those family members have moved out of the city, and some have passed away. Unless few of the residents of either subdivision or the new residences built on Braswell Mountain Road are registered to vote, I hardly think they could be outvoted by the members of any family, extended or otherwise, if they were serious
  16. No. Not unless you want all this unnecessary drama and defensiveness to pollute the entire site. When you choose to share strong opinions on subjects that tend to be divisive or even controversial with the public at large, you should expect such responses, and even yes, criticism (aka negative feedback). What's the big deal? Accusations...proof...references...citations...left...right... Blogs Why not just say what you think and move along? Opinions aren't right or wrong, and surely there aren't a large number of people who look to the posts in the political fo
  17. Or maybe she did plan ahead, and then something happened that was beyond her control. Life is funny that way. If being a parent requires one to become as reactive and judgemental as some of the responses in this thread would suggest, then that's one bullet I'm glad I managed to dodge. This ^^ is an astute observation and it says a great deal about society in general that despite our assertions that we are a polite and compassionate people, the reality is we are so wrapped up in ourselves and our own lives we can't be bothered to take a moment to give someone else a hand w
  18. That was a great post, man. Really.
  19. See, I was just verifying what I pretty much knew already. Those dogs are something else... (It was the bug eyes and spitefulness that gave him away). I don't think they have any grasp at all of the concept of size. At least it has teeth. Imagine that same behavior from one without any...and that weighs less than 5 lbs soaking wet.
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