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Everything posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. I went down there (Van Wert) once to walk the dog just for a change of scenery. Only took a few minutes to realize I'd much rather be up around Coots Lake where it's busier and I'm familiar with the people who go there regularly. That whole section of the trail west of the intersection by the lake down to Van Wert has always creeped me out a little bit.
  2. My assessment is down $7,000, but according to this^^ my county tax will just about double. No idea what the city tax will be; seems to me it's maybe something like 25% of the amount the county charges.
  3. main forum page then on the right you should see a bar that says slide for PCOM TV. Basically you're sliding the edge of the main forum screen to the left and expanding one on the right. If that makes sense. Oh, maybe what I posted won't work for you, then. I know you have to go to the main forum page, which I do by clicking the PCOM logo at the top right of the page.
  4. Yes, if you'll look I edited my post after you clarified your question. Was the way the original post was worded that prompted my first reply. That said, I also feel very strongly that it isn't my place to tell someone else how to raise or care for their children. I understand the dangers involved, but your child is your child, and there are people whose job it is to enforce the law. I am not one of those people.
  5. Unless the kid was bouncing around all over the car or something and caused the collision, his wearing a seat belt or not has no bearing on the odds of a wreck occurring whereas a drunk driver is more likely to cause an accident as a direct result of his/her impairment. Ok, now I see that you've clarified your question. I still don't think you can say it's not an accident (unless there was some intent on the part of the at fault party, that is) just because a child isn't buckled. You might not call the resulting injury to the child 'accidental', but the wreck itself would still te
  6. That is correct. In fact, I believe in the beginning, the Obama administration was leaning toward bankruptcy and GM (and Chrysler, for that matter) wanted no part of it; they wanted the money instead. I'm pretty sure they knew in advance the consequences of taking the money as well, so it's not as though they were forced by the government to take the money and give up ownership of the company. Selective memory, ain't it convenient, though?
  7. I hadn't seen her in many, many years but as I recall she was a sweet, humble and hard-working lady. I'm sorry to hear of her passing.
  8. No, "everyone" didn't want the Patriot Act. Some of us have spoken out against it from the very beginning, thank you very much. Who, exactly, is 'y'all'? Again, there is a significant portion of the population without competent or effective representation in D.C. because 'our agenda' does not fall within the parameters of either of the parties currently holding our government hostage. Why bother telling everyone how intelligent and thoughtful you are if you're just going to turn around and make dumb posts like this one here? It doesn't appear 'you see' at all.
  9. FYI- Many insurance companies offer ^^this as an additional coverage available for homeowners insurance for a nominal premium...usually less than $25-$30 per year. I'm not aware of any that include credit-monitoring in the coverage, but the cost is nowhere near $360 or even $120 per year, either. Please keep in mind that this is not coverage to reimburse for the financial loss itself, but the recovery and restoration of credit that's necessary after the identity theft has occurred, which, as I understand it, is a headache-and-a-half in and of itself.
  10. What did they do when those 'key' employees took vacations or otherwise were absent from work? I think the fault lies with any of these 'dept heads' who failed to cross-train employees, if that is indeed the case.
  11. Is that not the very worst spot (right in that curve) for ice, besides? I took 278 to work this morning because there's always a sheet of ice that covers the road completely at that spot when the temp drops below freezing. Always. Been that way since I moved up there; nothing they do seems to make a bit of difference, either.
  12. Yes he was. And now he's an equally great young man.
  13. A simple change in the habits and attitudes of drivers would make a huge difference. It shouldn't be necessary to invest so much money to design and build vehicles that include costly equipment and systems to prevent accidents. If people would stop trying to multi-task, hang up the phone and pay attention to the road (which is as cost-efficient as it gets), and refrain from driving when sleep-deprived, overly emotional or intoxicated, we would see a significant drop in the number of accidents in which someone is seriously injured or killed.
  14. Vickie's younger sister Connie was killed in a single vehicle accident about 9 years ago...also in January. This is an especially difficult time for her family.
  15. Late afternoon is a terrible time of day to go for a walk in the woods this time of year. Gets dark before you realize it.
  16. I think you're right, I seem to recall a similar problem at that address in the not-so-distant past.
  17. ha I don't think this behavior (embellishment/overreaction) is limited to dog cases, or even 911 calls.....
  18. Actually, the neighbors have obtained/acquired another dog that has tried to attack my dog inside my truck (with the window down) when I turned into my driveway, and that also tried to attack a person on a motorcycle who did the same. It appears to be some kind of a large lab/something mix, and it's jumped on my dog twice (my dog is a beagle/bassett hound mix and less than half his size), once injuring him badly enough that I had to take him to the vet. The same dog cuts across my yard on his way home when he's roaming free throughout the neighborhood, and has never behaved aggressivel
  19. I assume this happened at her residence? (I realize you probably don't know, hence the assumption)-I would be ticked off sure enough if I couldn't get out of my vehicle at my own home because someone else's dog was hanging around.
  20. Often it's just the nature of the construction of a mobile home, especially older ones that are made of materials that contain volatile chemicals, that they tend to burn fast and hot. Don't know what caused the fire, but I do know they generally don't burn at the same rate as a site-built home. They also tend to sustain a great deal of damage, if they're not totally destroyed for the same reason.
  21. Thanks for taking the time to post the article letting everyone know what happened. I know that's not always possible, so it's appreciated whenever the information is available.
  22. Wasn't one at our house growing up, either, but we still behaved as we were expected. We knew what would happen if we didn't (see Freebird's a$$whooping comment above). After seeing how my dad has dealt with problems involving my younger sister (from a subsequent marriage), I'd say my mother was the more adept of the two when it came to discipline, anyway. We had our problems from time to time, but overall her methods tended to yield the desired result...
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