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Everything posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Or burned. They treated my ex's brother when he was burned in a gas explosion in a camper he was using on a hunting trip - he was inside when it exploded and had on one of those camo hats made of molded nylon or plastic or some similar material, which melted and then dripped all over the burned areas of his face and shoulders If he has scars they are minimal; I have never noticed any. He said it hurt like hell when they debrided (?-scrubbed with scouring pads) them but he was glad they sent him down there when it was all over & done.
  2. The body at Allatoona was found in the lake near the I-75 overpass.
  3. Geez, it's not that complicated. Use their current screen name. If that is their real name, fine. If not, don't use real names. It is a NEW rule (see title). New rules generally supersede old ones. Owners of businesses should follow their own rules, but do not necessarily always do so, nor do they have to.
  4. MRSA acquired at Kennestone hospital ICU more than 10 years ago eventually killed my mother last year after slowly destroying her health ...even though the hospital would not take responsibility, the doctor who did the surgery at the time was good enough to waive his fee. Small consolation but better than being told tough $#!+, I suppose.
  5. Hard to tell whether you are all being deliberately obtuse or simply can't comprehend the subject of discussion, but how frustrating for the person who started this thread... but since you re-directed the topic to line up with your response, let's see where they rank this time next year:
  6. So suddenly conspiracy theories are not just for the tin foil hat folks & it isn't out of the question to consider that the gov't might have been complicit in the 9/11 attacks? Or that Sandy Hook, the theater shooting in Colorado, the attack at the Boston marathon the shooting in San Bernardino and this latest one in Orlando (among others) were false flag operations designed to further an agenda, political or otherwise, as some have suggested...? If he hasn't done anything else, Obama has certainly kept people hopping from one side of an issue to another, depending on what narrative
  7. Hello? The guy was American. By birth. You are blaming a group of people who have been displaced from their homes by WAR such as that you advocate and you want to make them the scapegoat for an act committed by some whacked-out American born citizen who lived here in a war-free country with parents, a wife and a job? I understand the concern and of course they must be screened, but I also realize they are in this situation through no fault of their own and should not collectively be penalized for acts committed by others. We are humans first. Not every brown skinned, non-Eng
  8. Most of the stuff I see on the 'net I already read in the newspaper, sometimes as much as a week before. I prefer the newspaper to other forms of media because it is much easier for me personally to disregard whatever is not factual or relevant when reading. Reading does not involve talking, which is a bonus to me. The AJC is not a right- leaning paper, no. But it is not overly liberal as it apparently tended to be in the past, either.
  9. LOL It was for Blake Swafford. Now it's a job that must be filled since he doesn't want it anymore.
  10. I take it you do not frequent any of the convenience stores around here. Best as I can tell, most are just like the rest of the world - more interested in their cell phones than anything else...
  11. I wish I could like this post a few more times. Especially the part about there being another choice altogether, one that isn't a fraud or a liar or philanderer or bigot or most importantly, a REPUBLICAN OR A DEMOCRAT. Sheesh.
  12. Yeah Mitch McConnell apparently is relying on the same "institutions" of government to keep Trump in line. My question is this: if they can keep Trump in line, how was Obama able to 'fundamentally change America' singlehandedly? And why would it not similarly restrain Hillary Clinton? Or for that matter, Bernie Sanders? According to this logic, the village idiot would be a suitable candidate because even if he won, he could do no real harm. Either the system imposes limits on presidential power or it does not. You cannot have it both ways.
  13. What will they do when they get ready to sell or a spouse passes away and they need to settle the estate and find the deceased dad is still on the deed also? These things have a way of coming to someone's attention, eventually, in one way or another. Unless you and your kids are on the deed together while you are living, it's not the same situation.
  14. How do they know this was the reason for the woman's actions if she never said a word? It does seem as if there are details missing from the story and if nobody else was present when it first occurred, there is no way to know whether they might have said or done something to provoke the woman. Fox Atlanta is one of the worst out there for sensationalizing and editorializing the stories they report, and judging from Aungelique Proctor's Twitter post "What (sp) it anti-American attack?" that holds true for this story as well.
  15. I am sorry to hear this, it has not been very long ago that I saw Mr. Carter. He was a nice man, and very humble. His wife is also a sweetheart. Condolences to the family.
  16. So suddenly a 'conservative' feels American children are deserving of taxpayer support because it might otherwise go to the child of someone from Honduras? Really, this is the height of hypocrisy.
  17. Most anything from that long ago will last because they weren't made to be disposable. It's almost embarrassing to think that we put up with that crap, considering how 'technologically advanced' we are supposed to be. Can't/won't build decent appliances/mowers/automobiles etc. yet they cost many times more now than when they would last half your life. Or maybe this is what you get when you want machines to do all your work for you...whatever it is, it's certainly frustrating.
  18. I don't understand why it matters who has anybody's address - anyone who thinks their addresss or anything else can be kept secret these days is either naïve or not paying attention. But we haven't been attacked by terrorists, so there's that.
  19. I think if there were Democrat candidates in the local or statewide races, you would see that Paulding, and for that matter, Georgia, are not quite as red as they are assumed to be. When the local and state races are all on the Republican ballot, of course you are going to have a large number of GOP voters, even if that may not be their actual preference outside the limitations Georgia's straight ticket requirement imposes. Then you have the sheer number of people here whose political views are formed solely based upon what they hear from their friends and the propaganda from the candid
  20. Malwarebytes is good software
  21. That ^^ link says property is off the market...
  22. Our state legislature is overrun with entrenched career politicians whose brains don't run near as fast as their mouths.
  23. Yuck. No way I would eat something cooked over burning garbage.
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