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Everything posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Somewhere a while ago I had posted where Doug Griffith and his dad brought us some shrubs, trees and roses they had divided/dug from their yard years ago. That is what they put them in, dog food bags with the lining so they would not leak and to keep the root ball intact. Much better than plastic garbage bags. I always keep a couple around for such purposes. My friends mom made some tote bags out of the outer portion of the more durable feed bags (dog, cat, chicken) with machine stitching and all. They were pretty cute, actually.
  2. Somehow I got the idea that the fountain change was somehow related to the movie they were filming at that time? I am probably wrong and just assuming so because of the timing. I didn't like the new fountain, but then Halloween it was lit with constantly changing colors and I thought it was much nicer, then next time I saw it at dark it was just a white light, and shortly after not running at all. Neither is the fountain by the First Baptist Church. This is my argument against the SPLOST - seems to me it is just money to waste on pretty stuff that either doesn't work properly or is of littl
  3. Sorry to hear this. We stayed at their home after school when her children and my sister and I were in elementary school at Hiram back in the good ol' days. Condolences to Vince, Connie & Alan and their families.
  4. M.C. Joiner was a wonderful person with class and character and will be missed. Rest in peace Mr. Joiner.
  5. They probably did it to see if they could or something stupid like that. Doubt there is any significant street value in Christmas lights, unless they are some high dollar, highly coveted new gadgetry. And putting all the same decorations up at their own place would be a big ol' admission of guilt, or at least probably create suspicion and earn them some unwanted attention from the local police if the right person noticed.
  6. I have been very surprised at how well nicotine patches work. I felt I was as addicted to the habit as the nicotine, and to be honest, after all day with no cigarettes last Sunday, I just stuck one of the patches I bought but had not bothered to use on my arm hoping it would be enough to stop any cravings til I ventured out the next morning to go to work. It was almost 5 pm the next afternoon before I realized I had not even thought about a cigarette since the day before. This past weekend was not as easy and I had to break out some willpower along with the patches (ok mostly I slept a
  7. Sounds to me as if he is trying to get cash in place of the card, which would not necessarily require more than the card is worth.
  8. I think the mother of a girl I know told that story to her kids...
  9. Obama's mistake was not making the penalty costly enough to prompt younger, and/or healthy people who believe they are and always will be invincible to participate as stipulated in the law. Their premiums are necessary to offset the extra costs of covering pre-existing conditions, which can require costly ongoing (if not life-long) medical care. When they can just sacrifice part or all of their tax refund, where is their motivation to provide for their own care? Then there were the people who did buy insurance, only to let it lapse after receiving medical care they needed but had previ
  10. His outrageous behavior resulted in a lot of free publicity for his business, no question about that.
  11. How is implying someone has feminine traits 'misogynistic'? A misogynist is a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. Not only that, he simply chose to share a determination made by someone else, not his own conclusion. I don't think Trump is feminine, I think he's a disgusting pig. He's going to make America great again and create all these wonderful jobs, why not start by bringing back the ones he sent overseas, and have his daughter do the same? Those tax dollars they don't pay over here would go a long damn way toward making America great ag
  12. This ^^ My sister's grandchild is 3 and still in a rear-facing seat. She is small for her age but it is also her mother's preference that the seat face the rear of the vehicle for safety reasons. And some company, Graco maybe? is now advertising a rear-facing seat that gives several inches more leg room so kids can remain in them longer. I guess that is encouraged these days. She did pitch fits, but eventually realized she may as well go along to get along. Its funny the things that have changed just in the three years between my niece's childrens' births - and the things that
  13. I would like to thank you for the work you have put into researching and documenting this tragedy. You have done a great job and included some interesting facts that otherwise might not have been known to many of us who were here and remember the events of that day.
  14. As I understand it, Uber provides liability and uninsured motorist coverage that can be primary, but is limited to the time you are actively providing passenger service or logged on to the app. Depending on policy language, the vehicle owner's policy might not provide coverage for a vehicle used at any time for rideshare services, even when not actively engaged in providing the service. That would leave a huge gap in coverage when not driving for the service if solely relying on the company's policy. Also doesn't provide any comp or collision at any time, which is required if there is
  15. Those are not necessarily new exclusions and limitations; many auto policies already exclude such activity, but since NOBODY reads their policy, and these services are becoming so prevalent in the 'new' economy, they are specifically pointing out that it is not covered. In the 30 years I have worked in this business I have not yet seen a personal auto policy that covers vehicles used for deliveries or carrying passengers for hire. Ever. If you are using your auto for either of these activities, you should contact your agent or company right away and obtain proper coverage. If it is exc
  16. Yeah I don't think anyone is expected to put their cell phones away at work anymore, just put it down if you have a customer and just HAVE to tear yourself away, and jerk it right back up the second they are no longer a hindrance to you. I am confident we are not only no longer the most intelligent species on the planet, we are headed to the bottom of the list if we don't stop with the computers & 'smart' phones. This sexting to the exclusion of all else is just ridiculous, and clearly there was at least one underage girl willing to engage with this...guy. So how many more teens are
  17. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the demise of freedom of all kinds began way back in 2001, and plenty of people were all for it right up until Barack Obama was elected.
  18. Sometimes that is the only way to get their attention. If they already began taking action to correct the problem and compensate those who have the washers, no, I don't think a lawsuit was necessary absent any injuries or damage to property other than the washer.
  19. Yeah, been driving for 36 years myself and I go to the light at Scoggins & 61, unless I am headed somewhere that allows me to take Scoggins to Buchanan Hwy. I am sure if it wasn't an issue of some kind for the church they wouldn't have spent the money required to fence it off...
  20. Saw the name, didn't see what it was for. For that matter, what district? Weird.
  21. 1) He was married when he got involved with her - if they will cheat with you, they will cheat on you. 2) She basically ditched her women parts, somehow I doubt he saw that coming down the road when they first got together. 3) Don't know if she is a bitch but she sure looks like one. 4) Enough kids to start their own school. Can see that being her ideal; him, not so much.
  22. Charles was a nice guy and I sure was sorry to hear of his death. My thoughts are with the family.
  23. The store across from Coots Lake on 278 had gas last night. 2.29/gallon. I thought it was pretty interesting this happened as the price for a barrel of oil dropped to and has stayed at $43 and some change. $43.30 yesterday, as reported in the newspaper. May as well take that as a sign that $2 +/- gas is here to stay, no matter the price of oil. And the lack of reporting from the initial discovery of the leak is puzzling as well.
  24. Why would anyone expect them to pull a whole product line for this reason? Spiders are isolated events, for the most part.
  25. Giving a full tank of gas is less of a sucker than handing over a few bucks? Who knew?
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