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Everything posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. There is a field of solar panels on Hwy 101 near Aragon. It's not nearly as nice as when it was a cornfield, but it is less conspicuous than I would have expected.
  2. Yes it is. My sister's father-in-law moved to that area - closer to Cocoa Beach, though - and he seems to like it there pretty well.
  3. Wow. A response to something that was not even implied much less outright stated. How original.
  4. I skipped the Gunslinger/Dark Tower series because I couldn't get a good start on the first book. I picked up the 3rd at a used book sale and found it to be pretty good, actually, if a little different from his usual stories, so I guess I will go back and pick up the first two and then go on from there. I have read most of his books; Insomnia is another one I really enjoyed.
  5. Why is it incorrect for someone with surepip's experience and knowledge about the industry to share such an observation about the price of something so basic and necessary as nutritious food yet ok for others of you to play the victim when your health insurance costs more than you can afford? Some people can't afford health insurance, medical care, or food. Or access to a forum on which to complain about it. Capitalism is wonderful until consumers do not have money with which to purchase goods and services.
  6. There is a forum here for unpaid members to post items for sale, unless that has changed. It is located in or next to the Got the Goods forum, I think.
  7. Still be nice to have a little info for people who might be interested but are new to auctions in general...
  8. I believe it's the Clerk of Superior court that handles deeds?
  9. The biggest beneficiaries of food stamps are retailers and wholesalers of food. Even when someone sells them for cash, the actual benefits go to retail stores, manufacturers and distributors. It has already been shown that drug testing is not cost effective & adds another layer of bureaucracy to an already overwhelmed government agency (DFACS). The fact that the legislature was successfully lobbied by the GA Assn of Convenience stores to bring the SNAP benefits to convenience stores willing to put a couple pieces of fruit in a basket at the register should be proof enough that they ar
  10. Also partly to blame is the requirement of a degree for some entry level jobs that clearly do not require one...
  11. Not excusing anyone, because there really is no excuse, but they have said they believe child seats in the back and facing the rear of the car have contributed to the problem. When we were little, we just jumped out of the car after mom & dad exited because we rode in the front between driver and passenger, on someone's lap, or bouncing around somewhere in the back seat area of the car. As infants, someone just held us on their lap. We weren't strapped into a seat we couldn't exit and of which the driver could see only the back. Someone said by comparison that nobody leaves their p
  12. But I think that is where the building he described is taking place. Need to get fire coverage to the ENTIRE county before such a huge investment for a limited area like the airport. I have paid property tax for more than 25 years, as well as the additional fire tax and have never been within a fire district. Got fire hydrants all around my home but no fire department close enough to do anything except maybe keep a fire from spreading to the woods and other homes nearby. Not to mention the cost of insurance...
  13. This is apparently among the more serious problems we face that gets no reaction from those affected because bickering/venting about it online doesn't change anything. Of course, it doesn't change anything else, either, but that's beside the point. We continue to destroy the planet in the name of money (mostly for those who already have plenty) and then declare our superiority over every other living thing on earth.
  14. Not against the post itself, but I am baffled that anyone cares about this (celebrity divorce drama). Period.
  15. Isn't incest actually having sex with a family member?
  16. I am sorry to hear of Mrs Harris's passing. My condolences to her family.
  17. The guy is an immature ass. Seriously. He knew the dog was there, he can be seen looking out the door he closed in his lame attempt to trap the dog on the porch with the fireworks. Childish and unfunny prank. Maybe he will make the news again when the dog turns on him and tries to eat his face off...
  18. Yeah, I thought at one point some derogatory comments were made about the guy's character, even. Right here on this website. Now his political opinions are supposed to matter? Neither candidate is fit to be president, but everyone's fear of third party candidates ensures we will not escape such crappy electoral choices anytime soon.
  19. Georgia has the most self-interested, ineffective legislature! I would love to see some of the career politicians ousted in the hopes of getting someone in there who would do something for someone besides themselves...
  20. Talk is cheap. Speeches don't solve a damn thing.
  21. Must be something in the water out there. This is what, the 3rd or 4th incident in that general area this year?
  22. For the most part, politicians in D.C. are not liberals or conservatives but rather they are a bunch of out-of-touch elitists. The biggest difference between them is the label they choose to wear. Anyone who votes for Donald Trump because of his wild, unattainable promises or because they think he doesn't lean whichever the way the political/populist wind blows is deluded. Anyone who thinks he OR Hillary Clinton will do any more to benefit the middle class than their predecessors is equally whack-a-doodle. I would like to know more about this globalist regime of which you speak...unles
  23. I hope the passage of time heals your pain and that you find comfort in memories of time spent with your brother. I am sorry for your loss.
  24. Well yeah! How dare anyone intrude on your freedom noise with their peace and quiet?
  25. Yeah it is too bad they can't include common sense with every bottle rocket sold. They were falling into my yard from the subdivision behind me - fortunately I spent much of the weekend raking up the dead leaves I hadn't had time to clean up so far...
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