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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. It is great to hear about these positive experiences when so many seem to be negative. Hats off to Paulding ER.
  2. This is one of those strange instances where we see liquor store owners and religious groups wanting the same thing. Freaky! http://www.ajc.com/n...=rss_news_81960
  3. I found this: http://www.onlinesoc...ce-at-best-buy/ I expect the price to drop once additional 4g models are introduced.
  4. You are correct - it is 4g. I expect this to be a good phone as HTC has had alot of hits.
  5. I think the odds are against seeing a new iphone for verizon in the summer when the next att phone comes out. One thing that would be a consideration for me if I were a verizon customer would be the faster 4g network that they are quickly rolling out. If data speed is important to you, get a phone that is 4g capable. (verizon calls 4g LTE).
  6. His talk show was the first one that I ever listened to religiously. He had a big heart and will be missed.
  7. I have been working the new job for three weeks and am really enjoying it. Since this new position is keeping me busy, I have decided not to continue my commerce membership which expires tomorrow. If anything changes, I'll quickly return to PCOM as a CM. Thanks to Pubby and the rest of the gang that make the magic happen that keeps this forum working. Also, thanks to all of you that have supported me. I will continue to cover any warranties that are still in effect for items that I have sold. Blessings to all, Mike
  8. Southwest is merging with Airtran. America West was rolled into US AIrways. The SW-AT merger will be interesting as it will be a new operating experience for SW with the hub and spoke system.
  9. I think the display resolution may be set to a resolution that the monitor cannot display. Try starting in safe mode (google for instructions) and change the resolution setting and refresh rate to match the capabilities of your monitor (google again).
  10. Any cell phone that will turn on and receive a signal can make a 911 call. An active cell phone plan is not required which means you can give her a phone that someone is no longer using to use in an emergency. One thing to keep in mind is that a cell does not provide an address to a 911 operator like a wired home phone does. If the caller is not able to speak, it will be difficult to locate her.
  11. Use google and do a little research. Some manufacturer have extended the warranty to 2 years when there were widespread problems. If that does not help call their customer service folks and cry. If that does not work, call the office of the President or CEO and cry some more. I'm saying "cry" because that usually has better results than screaming.
  12. That's my problem with the system as well. 23 years is absolutely ridiculous and shows just how broke our system really is. If an appeal is automatic, lets have the appeals judges sit on on the trial. Better yet, lets fire the lower court judges since the automatic appeal indicates that they are incompetent and their judgment cannot be trusted. Let's start with the big dogs and shorten the process. To drag a case out for this long is cruel to the family and many of them die of old age waiting for the penalty to be carried out. If 23 years is the best we can do, we need to eliminate the death p
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlGV2j9HJus
  14. It looks like this cat's owner may have overcooked the bird because this guy looks mad. Feel free to add your own caption.
  15. Not sure why we have such a problem spotting meth labs - it seems pretty obvious to me.
  16. I have used an accountant before as well as software programs. Nothing wrong with the software except that an accountant may be able to find some extra deductions that may help you save money even beyond his or her fee. In the end, I think it depends on your particular situation in regards to which method you choose. (I used one of the national chains one time - NEVER again. They were more expensive than an accountant and the person that I delt with was nothing more than a typist).
  17. Buy a new one. If you try to upgrade it, about the only thing you will use is the case. Buying individual components will also cost more than buying a new one would. If you just need it to run a little faster, reinstalling Windows and adding more memory is something to consider.
  18. Can't help you now, but as a preventative consider Vitamin D. Lots of info here: http://www.grc.com/h...h/Vitamin-D.htm
  19. She is one amazing lady. It seems like she's on Leno every few months and I never miss her.
  20. I'm not not sure what to say about this except that it's for real. According to Consumer Reports they are offering a great rate for deposits (relative to the market). Should you choose to do so, you can visit the bank's site here: http://www.redneckbank.com
  21. Microsoft has a one click "Fix-it" solution that will reset IE to the default settings which will probably take care of the problem. WARNING: This is sort of a nuclear option as it will do the following: The link to do this is: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/923737 If you do not want to do this or it does not work, give Steven a call.
  22. Link to a thoughtful AJC article with comments from Boortz and some of his other colleagues: http://www.ajc.com/n...=rss_news_81960
  23. That's great..... Maybe not great. but good news given the other possible injuries that could have happened.
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