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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. The AMA is a joke. They can't even prevent their own members from accidentally killing people while "practicing" medicine due to sloppy procedures. Why would anyone listen to them about guns.
  2. As long as there are hungry lawyers......................................... Praying that this poor child somehow manages to overcome being raised by idiots.
  3. Pubby, You correctly interpreted the layout I am trying to achieve. However I would like each of the boxes to be a separate page and thus eliminate the zoom requirement. Just a little more info: All of the pages on the far left will be graphics and pages to the right will be an explanation of the graphic. This document will be used on PC's, iPads and Android tablets. Thanks for your help.
  4. I need to create a document that will only be used on a computer and need the pages to run top to bottom and left to right. It needs to be in a PDF format. I'm not even sure if this is possible. Example below: Page 1. Page 1A. Page 1B. Page 1C Page 2. Page 2A Page 3. Page 4. Page 4A. Page 4B. Page 5 etc... Any ideas anyone??
  5. I know.... I still like to "geek-out" when I have a little extra time. Just sitting in the recliner with my laptop, drinking coffee and about to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special.
  6. I suspect that both of your printers support "AirPrint" which makes it "automatic". Older printers are not AirPrint enabled.
  7. For the printing issue: 1. Read the thread that satellite linked to above. 2. If you still cannot get it to work, consider purchasing a xPrintServer. I have not used one, but I have heard good things about them. It's currently priced at $80, but it is supposedly very simple to set up.
  8. Given the number of people killed by drunk drivers every year, why is it that no one is seeking to ban alcohol or automobiles? Mankind survived many years without cars, I say we outlaw them in order to have a safer society. This would also reduce the number of gunshot deaths since we could only kill someone within walking distance. Who is with me?
  9. Lowrider - before you but a laptop, have the salesperson at Best Buy demo the iPad for you. I know lots of people that are quite happy using one in place of a laptop or desktop for about 95% of their computing needs. It will not do everything that a laptop or desktop will, but it still does alot. IMO, a desktop and a iPad are the perfect combination for home use (and some business use for that matter). If you buy a laptop, I do not think you can go wrong with a Dell or Lenovo.
  10. I met and talked with JohnnyJ several times over the years. He is one of the nicest men I have ever met. He and the family are in our thoughts and prayers.
  11. Another vote for Google calender.
  12. Ouch...... and only $5,000 in the bank to pay everyone for next payday.
  13. I'm not sure that anything has changed. I had a doc write a script for me back in January for some antibiotic ear drops. I like to fell over when the pharmacist told me they were $140. He said it was something new, but there were plenty of other drugs available in the $20-$30 range that the doc could have chosen. I opted for a 99 cent bottle of peroxide and that did the trick. (Probably not real smart on my part, but the infection went away and I can still hear). I'm thinking the doc would either get a kickback from the $140 or I mistakenly gave him the impression that I am related to Donald T
  14. Congress should just rewrite the law to tax those who lie about their military service. I'm sure the SC would be okay with that.
  15. I suggest calling AT&T is you are now having more buffering than you used to. There may be a problem on their end that they can remedy. Generally speaking, cable internet service (Comcast, etc..) will deliver better service for video than DSL will. However, that is not a sure thing if there are to many folks in your neighborhood using the same service. AT&T's Uverse service may be another possibility if it is available in your area.
  16. There are 2 versions of Malwarebytes: 1. Free - manually scan and remove malware after infected. 2. Paid - same as above plus scheduled scans and most importantly real time protection. The real time protection actively watches for anything bad trying to take up residence on your computer.
  17. I have noticed that one will catch something that the other missed. Therefore, I think the best thing is to use both.
  18. Another good source for used computers: http://www.dfsdirectsales.com These are off-lease computers from Dell Financial Services.
  19. Coach Collins was a great teacher and I had the privilege of being in one of his classes. But beyond being a great teacher, he was a great man with a big heart. I think everyone in his classes new that he genuinely cared about them. Prayers for his family.
  20. The Kindle readers use the E-Ink which is much better for reading and battery life. The Fire is a LCD screen which is great for movies and other color content. IMO, Amazon is looking to capture some of the iPad and Android tablet market with the fire. While the current offering is only a 7" screen, I expect to see a 10" within 6 months from Amazon.
  21. I found the press release that mentions the good news about Dallas. http://www.standardaero.com/media_center/pr.aspx?prid=352 The positions are classified as "road warrior" type work. There will not be alot of work in Dallas, at least initially anyway. Hopefully over time, Dallas based work will increase. By the way, I have two tips for anyone who holds an A&P certificate (or if you know someone who does, mention this to them): 1. The paper (cardboard) type certificate is being replaced by a new plastic certificate which has built in security features. The paper certificates w
  22. Read more here: http://www.celebrate...news/&cnews=532 The processional route is here: http://www.celebrate...news/&cnews=533
  23. Both of my kids attend Lithia. This was his first year at Lithia. His prior service was at Chapel Hill as a teacher.
  24. They are still around, but they only offer dial-up for the same price that Comcast is offering hi-speed with this deal. As for the subsidies mentioned above, I'm not sure that there really is one in this case. (At least I do not recall reading anything about subsidies). My guess is that it probably does not cost Comcast $10/month to provide service to any of us. This means they are making a killing on the bits that we consume.
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