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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. Take another look at the picture, it's not Delta. Also Delta is not getting "new management" not do they operate Boeing 717 aircraft. The only airline that fits is Airtran. This is not a situation that is unique to AT as things like this occur at every airline and other industries as well. People that behave like this (especially managers) are absolute fools. Why put your career at risk over someone being offended by perceived offensive language.
  2. I wondered what happened to Klinger.
  3. Complete agreement Pubby. Most of devices are currently phones and I for one would not pay extra for a GPS enabled camera. I have enough problems with camera battery life without GPS.
  4. I understand your position. I simply want people to be aware of what is possible with today's technology. Once armed with the information, each person can make their own decisions about an appropriate action.
  5. I did plan to teach a "how to rob a house" class, but for educational purposes...... I'll use pcom as an example, but lots of other sites could be used as well. 1. Search previous posts for pictures that were made at someone"s home and download them. (Pictures from the snow storm this past winter as an example). 2. Download software from the net (for free) that is able to pinpoint the photo's location based on geotagging info. 3. Wait for any of the people that I have the home location of (collected from step one above) to post that they are on vacation, at a concert, headed out t
  6. Another concern not mentioned in the video is that some thieves are using geotagging info to determine when you are not home (vacation etc..) and using that info to rob your house.
  7. Yes. Towards the end of the video, they showed how for that particular phone. Check out the manual for your particular phone or camera.
  8. Pictures made with smart phones (and some cameras) have a feature called geotagging. This feature embeds data within within the file that can be used to pinpoint the location where the photograph was taken. While this is nifty, it can also be dangerous if the pic is posted online. Watch the story below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2vARzvWxwY
  9. They can't. But since they are not paying anyway, the best thing to do is attempt an attitude adjustment via jail or some other punishment.
  10. For those that are doing the best they can and communicating with the lender, this would be the wrong thing to do. For the true deadbeats that could care less about the commitments they made, a few nights locked up might help change their attitude.
  11. This is something I will be doing soon as well. Check out this article by Clark Howard here: http://www.clarkhowa...hing-guide/nFbX I'm also looking at http://www.48hrbooks.com/
  12. One thing to keep in mind with operating an aircraft is that they can fill up anywhere. Nothing says they have to buy fuel in Atlanta unless the next flight out of Atlanta will be near the maximum range of that particular aircraft. Aircraft never carry more fuel than needed unless there is a financial reason to do so. If it makes sense to fill her up in another town, might as well do it and save some money. Aircraft with a 2500-3000 mile range routinely make 250 mile flights. Of, course there is the additional expense of carrying fuel on board that is not needed for that particular segment. S
  13. Just do not forget to abuse a woman as well. It will be interesting to see if the cities or counties that decline to allow sales see an exodus of liquor stores to the other side of the jurisdictional line.
  14. Sorry to bring some seriousness to the topic, but last night I read an interesting article in Popular Science about this subject. More here: http://www.popsci.co...pocalypse-virus
  15. That's what I get from this article: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/03/13/obama-pens-op-ed-calling-better-gun-sale-background-checks/ Absolutely- otherwise a person might miss the intended target. I would like to see a gun handling class for those that are going to use (not just buy) firearms. Something similar to the hunter safety program that we have in Georgia which I find especially valuable to our youth and others that have never handled a gun.
  16. Sorry for the confusion LR. The name change is a requirement (which I agree with) when moving from a commerce membership to a regular membership. I dropped to commerce membership when I accepted a temporary full time position with a large company a few months back.
  17. This is a great community resource and hopefully we will see sites like this for all communities soon. Hats off to Pubby and the rest of the team.
  18. IMO, Gateway is not what it used to be and I do not recommend them anymore. Having said that, the quality of any brand tends to rise and fall over the years.
  19. This is the strongest earthquake ever recorded in Japan. This looks really bad for them.
  20. Ya'll got nuttin to worry about. Everyone does it. (At least that's what I keep telling myself). Well at least, so far that is, I never never replied to my own post in disagreement, but I'm sure that day is coming.
  21. I'm with you 100%. While this was not always true, MSFT has done a great job in making and keeping IE secure as long as everyone installs the latest updates. Also, installing the latest version is also important. I often find folks using IE6.
  22. GLGD - sorry that no one has been able to help and I'm not going to be able to help either. I have never used Works as I have always used Office instead. My best suggestion is to use Google to see if someone else has had the problem and found a solution.
  23. Anotherreason to keep IE around is that there are still some sites that require IE. I see this alot with banks and corporate employee sites as well as corporate software that runs in a browser.
  24. I equate registry cleaners with dusting in the crawlspace of a house. If you decide to do it when nothing is wrong down there, there's the possibility that you may break something (plumbing, electrical, etc) that was not broke before. Registry cleaners can do the same thing. If there is a specific problem with the registry (or in the crawlspace), then that problem should be dealt with rather that turning a robot loose to try to fix everything in sight even if it is not causing problems. Some people are alarmed when they do a scan with one for the registry cleaners and discover that there are 1
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