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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. Sending PM. Thanks to the rest of you for the thoughtful words.
  2. Will be thinking and praying for him. Keep us updated.
  3. I have always respected Royal as he seemed to be a kind man and he had to be special to work with Boortz. The show will not be the same without him. A very sad day for the family, fans and WSB.
  4. LR is the best and we can always count on her for great advice.
  5. If all goes according to plan, I will begin a temporary job next week that is expected to last for the remainder of the year. While I'm a little sad about leaving the computer repair business, I'm excited about the opportunity to return full time to the aviation industry, which I have been involved with for 20 years. For the time being, I will not be accepting any computer repair work. After a month or two, and once I have had a chance to adjust to the new job, I may begin offering extremely limited computer service. For anyone that has purchased any hardware from me that is still under w
  6. Prediction for Jay Leno's joke tonight: "Sounds like the teachers have been working overtime at that school".
  7. Now that's not a very creative caption. After all of the fantastic topic titles you have posted I have higher expectations than that!
  8. My cat took the opportunity to show his creativity. He is so proud of his work.
  9. Unless you are taking a class about Office 2007, 2010 should work fine. I have ran into this a few times with folks that attend college. The people running our schools are such idiots, they do not even realize that it is almost impossible to even buy a copy of 2007.
  10. Isn't it great how bad situations bring out the best in people. Hats off to these four guys.
  11. I remember it well and IMO the last two minutes of the show was one of the funniest, unexpected, and most clever scenes in television history. For those familiar with both of his shows, you'll get a kick out of watching the final scene below which begins at 7:00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwYw2i2icNg
  12. Wow - I wonder when he had this revelation and when he will change the name which HE chose just 6 years back. I do not recall the name "Benedict" anywhere in the Bible. He should change it immediately in order to avoid hypocrisy.
  13. One other tip in regards to removing ice from a concrete sidewalk or driveway: Do NOT use salt. I damaged our driveway several years back. http://www.askthebui..._Concrete.shtml
  14. One other important thing to consider is that Verizon currently offers an unlimited data plan while ATT does not. It is believed that this option will be available on the iPhone as well, which could be a big draw to current ATT iPhone users. Of course, it may force ATT to offer the option as well.
  15. It almost seems that some companies think of a advertising and marketing strategy first and then come up with some piece of junk to sell. You are correct "build it and they will come". I recently read somewhere that when you include those that have given up and those that are working part time because they cannot find full time, the percentage is closer to 20%.
  16. I think the primary reason that Ford is doing so well is because of CEO Alan Mulally. He is the former CEO of Boeing AIrcraft and has been at the helm of Ford for the past four years. He began his career with Boeing as an engineer and rose through the ranks making a huge impact on the aircraft that are in service today. I had often said that if car companies designed airplanes, air transportation would come to a screeching halt. I think we are seeing the reverse of that now -an airplane guy in charge of cars and I can't help but attribute that to the current success of Ford.
  17. Another consideration: If this is a Georgia based company with the bulk of employees residing here, it may be that the all of the available connections are being used due to everyone working from home today.
  18. My heart goes out to all of those that must work in weather like this. For the rest of us, let's try not to be one of the idiots. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qTd2WLlE8k
  19. Not enough details for me to comment. However, it makes me nervous whenever the government wants to get involved with issues that pertain to privacy. Online retailers and other services that need to prove identity should come up with their on solutions.
  20. 11 Alive says we will have a "1" on their wizometer for Monday. http://www.11alive.c...aspx?menuid=249 I'm not sure why, but I feel compelled to remind everyone not to eat the yellow snow.
  21. Some of us still remember the ice storm of of the early 70's. It was not snow, just several inches of solid ice that left many of us without electricity for a week. Snow does not bother me, but I Ice is different.
  22. Not I, but I think that is a great thing to pursue!
  23. The link to the (ahem) National Enquirer story: http://www.nationalenquirer.com/elizabeth_edwards_deathbed_revenge_john_rielle/celebrity/69856
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