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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Know you are proud and should be. Best to him and his future. Thank him for his service.
  2. Okay, enough of the cold, bring the heat back, ready for summer.
  3. You just wait, we're slowly coming back from being suspended for a few weeks, all rested up and ready to go.......
  4. How do I get one, My daughter is a huge BAMA fan !!
  5. I always look at the parking spot before I pull in just to make sure it's clear, I also look down before I step out, I hate a gum shoe....
  6. I have a broke ThinkPad R60, I've restored the hard drive, comes on but after about five minutes the screen goes out but it's still running. You want it??
  7. Where's the button that get's rid of the ad's.....
  8. It's screwed up, one time all the crap is on the left, then on the right and at present unreadable. IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT....
  9. Okay, now I've got a different image forming in my brain.......
  10. Were you standing at the corner of your house with gun in hand when backup arrived?? That could have been interesting....
  11. American Kidney Foundation is one that we have used.
  12. That is AWESOME !!! Hope you don't mind, I had to copy that one and send it out...,
  13. Such a nice and kind person.... I guess the name fits.
  14. It really smells bad there sometimes, like a sewer.....
  15. Good for you and your family, that's just awesome !!!! Do you know when the makeover will be aired??
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