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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. thought you had to go to Stewart Ave. for that
  2. I don't have a Masters in Public Admin, however, how can you raise taxes when people are hurting financially. I don't agree at all with increase, I guess they were not happy with the foreclosure rate in Paulding, so lets increase it.........Vote them "BYE" when their time comes up.
  3. I said found a NEW tax....Property taxes have been around for a long, long time, and do I agree with the tax increase NO !! But you do know the difference between unhealthy food and property?? I thought so.
  4. Funny, looking down the "Topics" list...Tax unhealthy Foods and the next topic was ..Mashed potato Casseroles.....
  5. CONGRATS on giving up the smokes !! I'm working on 10 months and don't miss it one bit.
  6. Yep, just like a democrap....Yeah, found a new way to tax..
  7. I voted this morning...No waiting, I would rather have waited in a long line.
  8. Bill Clinton called me once....I didn't vote for him, then Obama called me, didn't vote for him, I'm waiting for Drew to call.......
  9. Love Ft. Payne, wanted to retire there, but, wife being from Alabama didn't, but we're close.
  10. Yep, I read somewhere, can't remember, that motorcycle sales were at rock bottom, dealerships were closing. Things don't look good, sorry to say.
  11. I just logged in at 12:40 pm and my Norton said it blocked it, has happened four or five times this morning.
  12. "Man gets it from Beaver" my immediate thought.....wonder if it was any good??
  13. Always a sad time, sorry to hear anyone in your position, wish you the best. Years ago had Robert Donovan in Marietta, Very, very good !!
  14. Thanks!! Before I retired I traveled frequently to California and New York (upstate), I like the No cell Phone law personally but had to remind myself where I was before answering the phone, those folks are serious when they say "No Cell Phone".
  15. On my particular phone you have to slide out the keyboard to dial a number. I don't do this because I can't see the damn numbers unless I put on my glasses....said I was old.. I was just curious about how difficult it would be for you to tell the difference between texting and dialing.
  16. What about looking down at your speedometer, just tell the officer you didn't know you were speeding because you didn't want to take your eyes off the road for an istant to check your speed. I'm sure the LE would buy that..... Same as checking your GPS for an instant.
  17. I don't text (i'm old), How can the LE tell the differenct between texting and dialing a number....just wondering.
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