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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Having a bad day?? You seem to know a lot about Markdavd travels, and what's that to you, why do you care if he travels one or no time per year, he may be just interested, cheeeeez, lighten up Francis. And YES we should be profiling.
  2. Be safe, stay warm and have a Happy Thanksgiving !!!!
  3. Do you have a drive-thru widow, would like one dinner to go please....
  4. If it's the ones they are talking about.....three white guys age 19-21.
  5. Just consider where the response to your QUESTION came from...enough said.
  6. They need to strip search Janet Napolitano....God that would be ugly but she would probably like it....
  7. I was going to give you a "+" but you don't have one of them buttons....
  8. Good for you !! Taking care of the puppy, after the feeding, water and cuddles the little thing probably wants to stay right there with you........
  9. Wonder if we have to bring our own towel to sit on or are they furnisned....
  10. The only rule I know of is when I show up I only pay 25% of what your asking price is........
  11. If you look like your avatar you will be a prime target for those HS Grad-u-ates that work for TSA........
  12. Have to wait and see......
  13. He sure can win football games though..........WAR EAGLE !!!!
  14. Sec. 46-61. General prohibition. It shall be unlawful for any person to create any unreasonably loud, disturbing and unnecessary noise within the unincorporated area of the county. Noise of such character, intensity or duration as to be detrimental to the life or health of any individual, or in disturbance of the public peace and welfare, is prohibited. (Res. No. 07-19, § 1(Exh. A), 4-26- So, you go over and explain that under the law, if don't turn down that damn music it will be detrimental to your health cause I will kill your azz.....
  15. I have often wondered why Pilots, especially, were screened, he/she doesn't need a bomb, if the pilot wants to drive the sucker into a building or the ground they can do it.
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