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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. I believe we had three little snow storms this winter and damn it was cold, which is unusual for us.
  2. Might as well put Obama's mug on the dollar, it ain't worth a S*^T and neither is he.
  3. That could be the first step toward the other........
  4. It could go on and on.......If you wear opened toe shoes we won't cover a foot injury, if you do this we won't cover that.........yada,yada,yada. I guess we will have to be totally controlled by Guberment for this to work.
  5. Getting a little too close to home, time to oil up the guns and give the doggies some refresher training.....
  6. "dumbestgirlintheworld" ........Sorry, thought you did...
  7. So you ain't really dumb......Way to go !!
  8. She went way too easy, what a coward, no pain, no jerking and shaking...just go to sleep and don't wake up...no justice. But she is gone, that's a plus and we save a little money.
  9. I will be turning in my three tags. This "FEE" is just stupid, the tag is already paid for........just don't get it !
  10. Sad, but you probably heard it right. They have babies to increase that monthly Gov. check.
  11. Ah Geeeez, Pcom must have gone down so they can't respond, or is it that he can't think of anything, or does he have to consult with an attorney.....
  12. My wife couldn't stand Wehunt, saw him a couple times found another Dr.
  13. WE need a Loser pays law to kill the frivolous law suits.
  14. Them "smoking" facilities are getting real scarce now.
  15. Hope you get to feeling better !!
  16. That would have made a nice YouTube To share.......
  17. Who told you to get upset, you did that on your own. Oooops !! wrong finger
  18. I can't remember, was that an oil or natural gas explosion in Cali.??
  19. I didn't manufacture it.....sorry!! He had enough to say about that slime "AMERICAN" in Florida about the Koran crap!!
  20. "Christian worshippers attacked in Indonesia" "In recent months, they have thrown shoes and water bottles at the church members, interrupted sermons with chants of "Infidels!" and "Leave Now!" and dumped piles of feces on the land." Wonder what big "O" thinks about this, where is his voice....... http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-world-asia/20100912/AS.Indonesia.Christians.Attacked/
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