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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. That intersection has it's share of accidents, don't know why, it has light controls just like other intersections.
  2. Don't know, but PM me all your bank info and I'll try on my PC and let you know.......Riiight..
  3. Not much....Did you hit your target??
  4. Do your research on those PSA test, my PSA is an 8, Does not mean you have cancer, I've known people that had over a 9 and didn't have cancer. The PSA test are okay but it has not been perfected, depending on age a man could die with the disease rather than from it. I refused the biopsy. Again, there is a lot of info on the web about PSA testing etc, educate yourself but don't let drive you crazy...........Good luck.
  5. Blue jeans and tennis shoes works just fine in ours, it's not a fashion show.
  6. Me too...oh wait, this ain't the political forum....
  7. Awfuul close to some homes. They do make a mess.
  8. Great story, even added proof.......the part about the Mexican food....... Think I will give them a try..the septic company...
  9. I believe I heard a news bite that it will be this afternoon.....not real sure.
  10. Sorry, her background has little to do with the fact she caused five lives to be taken, who knows, one of those lives could have gone on to be the CEO of a company, Chairman......I don't think it's tough at all, she and her Mother made a choice, a wrong one, but they made it so now they have to live with it.
  11. Yeah, like the warning on the cigarette pack stopped people from smoking.....
  12. Go to Merle's BBQ, pick up a quart, take it home, place in crock pot, set on low for about an hour and it's ready to serve.
  13. That ain't good, kinda takes away your motivation.
  14. Yep, Mine has been on AUTO, heat will come on in the mornings but not during the day. set it and forget it.
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