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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Congrats Blue !!! Pray everyone is healthy !!!
  2. That should take about 3 seconds.........
  3. Now that he didn't lie about...he is SORRY, about as sorry as you can get.
  4. Wish them a lot of luck, kinda risky with the present enviroment. Since 278 built out with all the other food joints places along 92 don't do very well....Cotton Gin (And others), Dogwoods, Cat fish Den, a couple times. Location, location, location.
  5. He'll be just fine. I gave the ARMY 21 years and loved every minute, it's one big family. Congrats to your brother for taking the big step to serve our country......
  6. 50.00, that's crazy, I like money too much.........
  7. Good day to take a day off from Pcom while all the changes are going on......
  8. I agree with this, Your time is worth something, plus what you save in gas.
  9. Oh yeah, one of them "Shovel Ready" Obama boys !!
  10. The curve in front of the school can get a little dicey if you don't slow down.
  11. Was it by the Nebo church cemetery?
  12. Did you Recycle Pubby? Who's taking his place......
  13. Really?? Then how did obamacare get through ?
  14. Don't know how you kept yourself from bending over laughing.....That's a good one !!
  15. Dang !! Now I'm confused, I thought Mr. Politics was the campaign Manager.....
  16. Facts, Facts, Facts,.........they just make things so complicated......
  17. Don't think the Students for Osama....Obama are too happy with his performance, maybe Mr. P and Mr. A have gone underground......
  18. "feel i am surrounded by a group of narrow minded people that only follow the bandwagon and see people only with an R or a D". Your words. No D or a R.....I got it.......
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