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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. You're not alone. I don't want to hear anybody's loud crap. If you have to be loud go in your soundproof basement or by God I WILL bring out the heavy artillery. I will Anne Murray the hell out of anybody who dares to challenge me! Bwahahaha!
  2. Yeah, great story. And I woulda believed it, too but then I thought "they don't serve Quarter Pounders at 8am!"
  3. That's true. We have a guy in drug safety with a degree in theatre stuff.
  4. Can I still sit out in the sun on my deck for free?
  5. Huh, Fresca stings a little when it comes out of your nose.
  6. what if you just say screw it and leave the damn box on the ground and get a box from the ups guy? how much is a mailbox? I never put outgoing mail in my box. If I just don't have a mailbox what happens? do I get fined or what?
  7. Your father is indeed a wise man!
  8. Well, unless there's a good fight.
  9. What do they do with people who have no life insurance and their family has no money to bury them or they don't have any family willing to take responsibility?
  10. Creepy. It's like they are staring into your very soul.....
  11. I would rather slice my eyelids off and eat them than sit through a pageant.
  12. I think I prefer the good ole days where you just go slice up the bitch's tires and drain his bank account.
  13. No, but I've bought stuff at the "As seen on TV" store in the mall.
  14. I would get copies of everything from your insurance company, too. I would be more concerned about what these morons are putting in my medical record. You can always dispute stuff with the credit bureau. And you can do it online.
  15. I got some new-to-me furniture off craigslist today. I'm excited! And there's MY fun!
  16. Where the hell are Jesse and Al? They'll take care of it!
  17. It seems like someone was looking for a good neighborhood a while back and somebody said to check out the kids at the bus stop to tell what kind of people live in the neighborhood.
  18. I'm giggling a wee bit on the inside. Of course I'm a tad tipsy!
  19. I'll bet you still get a warm gooey feeling in your stomach when you recall the "snap" and the scream of pain from that customer.
  20. Here's my funk: DON'T COME IN MY OFFICE WHINING!! I DON'T CARE!!! Oh yeah, that's better.
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