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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Who has them? How exactly do they work? How does water keep from getting in the attic? Do they save you money on your utility costs? Etc, etc, etc..........
  2. I bought the 2 inch mattress topper at Wal-Mart for about $80. If I had known how super fabulous it was going to be I would have gotten the 4 inch.
  3. Dove soap, lots of water, no sun, NO SMOKING.
  4. So if I'm tootling down the road in my minivan that seats 7 and have an accident and we all have to be cut out of said vehicle then am I to be charged $1750.00 or is each person charged $250.00? Is the 6 year old in the van charged $250.00? Do I get to choose who gets cut out of the vehicle if the charge is my responsibility? Hahaha! Good luck enforcing this. Morons.
  5. If I were planning on committing suicide this would be the perfect time! My kids could use all the insurance money for other things! Disclaimer: I am just kidding. I am in no way, shape or form making light of nor am I endorsing suicide. Suicide is illegal. If you are contemplating suicide or you feel that you may contemplate suicide in the future, please call a suicide hotline immediately. Thank you.
  6. When I see these people walking amongst the normal folk I just say a little prayer that they will discover the true way.
  7. She was on the side of the road with her buggy a couple of nights ago. It was dark. She was pretty much invisible.
  8. Hahaha! Memories, light the corners of my mind...... Oh God, what a crap shoot. I used to joke that my oldest daughter didn't eat solid food until she was 12. Pretty close. I would let her eat chicken noodle soup or hot dogs for breakfast just to get her to eat. She's now 24, 4th grade teacher, all the brain cells are there. etc. kid number 2 was ok for a while but quit eating meat and all that crap around the age 16 or so. I give up. fix your own dinner! As long as I had tater tots and Mac and cheese all was right with the world! P.S. Both were honor students and nobody ever called DFACS!
  9. I was about to go with the guys with dreads and pants down their butts because they would probably know how to change a tire and the dockers guys wouldn't want to get dirty but then I remembered that the last time I had a flat tire was coming home from FL in 100 degree weather and the guy that pulled over and changed it for me was an early 30's black guy in a pullover and dockers driving a PT cruiser. Oh God, I just judged! hahahaha!
  10. Man, if my parents knew then what I know now I'd probably be a brain surgeon by now. Ok, probably not a brain surgeon because that's gross but maybe something really responsible. Yeah........
  11. I'm always in various states of nakednessity. If anybody happens to be home I do try to warn first.
  12. Surepip, have you ever called any media outlets about this?
  13. Did chores and then listened to Pa play the fiddle while Ma washed up the supper dishes.
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