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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Sounds like a good story. Tell!
  2. I think it's a silly little law, but I don't lie awake at night worrying about it. If I think I might want a tasty beverage or 6 while I'm working in the yard on Sunday, why then I go to Buddy's and pick up a 12-pack before Sunday rolls around. If the law starts telling me I can't drink on Sundays, then I have a problem.
  3. Me. Sitting at your table with Rockster's cold beer complimenting you on what a fabulous cook you are!
  4. I googled: being contacted by debt collector for old debt lots of stuff. http://www.bcsalliance.com/y_debt_sol.html http://www.fair-debt-collection.com/disputing_collections/stopping-debt-collectors.html
  5. You can find great deals on Craigslist! http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/for/1693738420.html
  6. Back in the olden days in 1985 (when we lived here the first time) the intersection at Walmart was a two lane road and a four way stop. The only thing there was a gas station and the cemetary was there. and the skating rink. Old Harris road had those old wooden bridges that you drove across just praying to make it to the other side alive.
  7. I have a serious question; If I eat a Whopper Combo Meal with onion rings and a Coke, how long do I have to get rid of it before the calories "count"?
  8. Well, I'm a Scorpio who enjoys shopping and I'm not interested in politics. Strangely enough, I also found out that I am married!
  9. hahaha! I voted you down! shoot for -100!!!
  10. y'all, this isn't helping me get any work done!
  11. So funny. My parents were just too slightly 50s sockhop for this. Then I caught the 80's sex, drugs and rock n' roll and my kids are "smoking, drinking and drugs are bad and you're a douche if you do it" hahahaha!
  12. Well, don't leave me hanging. what did your great aunt do?
  13. I had work done once at a local shop then found out it was a recall. I sent my receipt to the recall gods and they reimbursed me.
  14. Just tell him to not bring her home any earlier than 6 because you have plans. that works if you don't want him to pick her up at all, too. "Big important plans for the weekend, please don't forget to pick her up".
  15. Hahaha! That's not funny. I still have to take the trash out.
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