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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. naughtynursekc is a boy? So confused...
  2. It is a proven fact that jackasses cause stress for those people around them. THEREFORE, the following equation must be true: Jackasses = stress = high blood pressure = Unhealthy = Drain on the System Tax the jackasses.
  3. So.....any updates on the unfortunate woman involved in this multi-vehicle collision?
  4. Firing up the grill, too. A ribeye, tofu and mushrooms.
  5. Gross. NO! And I thought this was going to be about your first first.
  6. In Paulding county, this translates to "you Redneck Son of a bi*#h, leave me a Voicemail if yer coming to my Party".
  7. Don't forget to sling your hair around alot.
  8. If this were a horror movie you would be in slutty lingerie, too!
  9. Well, let's say you get a 6 months severance package. Are you still eligible for unemployment after it runs out? or you get 1 years severance.....
  10. Some people are just naturally miserable and want the rest of the world to be miserable, too.
  11. Does anybody know if there is a limit on the time that you can get severance and still get unemployment when the severance runs out?
  12. Can the potatoes be in the form of french fries and can we eat them after the exercise?
  13. When my kids call it's Stewie! http://www.entertonement.com/clips/rgbksqwbgt--Mom-Mom-Mom-Mum-Mummy-Stewie-Griffin
  14. She was looking pretty hooterific today!
  15. AND make sure the Better Business Bureau symbol on the estimate you receive is the REAL symbol and not a fake like the one on the estimate that I got. Go on BBB and check the company out.
  16. I find that a big cup of coffee in the morning really perks me up and makes the world seem to be a brighter and happier place!
  17. I got my kid an Ipod Touch a few days ago. I haven't seen her since.
  18. Well then, there's a great idea! OR you could just post the video and entertain the masses! Please, please, PLEASE!!!
  19. I love having a job where I can go into my office, shut the door and have my coffee and breakfast while I read the paper and check out Pcom for a while before I even think about doing any work.
  20. Ever is a great name! Where are all the pregnant chicks?
  21. Well, since I've already put it out there can I run and just not say his name?
  22. I was going to run, but I had sex with someone who wasn't my boyfriend when I was 20.
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