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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Hell, I could drink my beer, smoke my cigs, drive and still be able to hold my phone between my face and my shoulder! Dawg!
  2. Yeah, DON'T do it. Now I want to go to the McD's on Merchants and make really mean faces at all the kids. Or kick puppies.
  3. They definitely need something unpleasant to happen to them. And her hair looks like absolute crap.
  4. Golly, what crack investigative team discovered this and how long did it take?
  5. I would like to see some proof of all this culinary expertise.
  6. Hahaha! That's Ok, the real plan is to live in the oldest kid's basement. Cause she's the responsible one. The one that cleans stuff and she'll...feed me...and stuff....yeah.
  7. Tis a sad world we live in when sarcasm has to be explained to those with a lesser wit.
  8. My kids have already picked out my nursing home. The nice one on Whitlock if I'm good and I act right, if not.............There's another one up the street that ain't so pretty!
  9. "Hughes said she's already taking care of her ailing mother and sister, as well as a daughter with special needs. She also runs a daycare center at her home, keeping about 14 children during the day." This was her "care plan for dependent children"?!
  10. How to Plant Kudzu 1. Drop it on the ground.2. Run.
  11. When I put something heavy enough in the passenger seat the passenger airbag light comes on but not when the seat is empty. Something about the seatbelt not being fastened or something?
  12. What a great day. I think I'm gonna put on my bikini, grab a few beers and go lie in the sun!
  13. They want you to do their bidding......Bwahahahaha!
  14. Seriously?! P.S. I have never ruined my personal keyboard. Work keyboard? ummmm.....so many crumbs, so many cups of coffee!
  15. Does anybody know how to clean chardonnay out of a keyboard?
  16. I don't wanna put on my big girl panties! I want my 1/4 inch dusting of snow and my day off of work!
  17. Ah, SnowJam 93'.....I remember her well. If they would come up with a catchy phrase it would surely snow!
  18. save your receipts, print out this thread, show it to your slackass landlord and deduct it from your rent.
  19. Wow how exciting! That's a lot of posts! crazy. By the way, I don't really have gas. Seriously, I'm a lady. I don't do that. Ok.....well, I did then but not now.
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