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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Now, are you sure your accent is southern enough to handle screaming out the back door; "Jimmy Lee! you git back in this yard!"? Just something to think about.
  2. Man, don't accept any party invitations from them!
  3. This advertisment is racist. I only saw one black chick!
  4. I got in trouble in 2nd grade for blowing spit bubbles. Of course bodily fluids are a biohazard.
  5. They may sound like worthless degrees but you can use them for more than just what the paper says. There are some people at my company making pretty good money with those wacky degrees.
  6. Yep, never leave until the lights come up!
  7. God is Great God is Good Let us thank him for our food By his Hands we are fed Thank you Lord for daily bread. Amen. Stop me.
  8. Yeah, God love her. She's either a mere secretary or in cohoots with the devil. So what are the requirements to be a County Commissioner?
  9. Great idea! I'm going to be joining the unemployed ranks by the end of the year, probably. Not to mention all the teachers....
  10. That'll cut down on a lot of grocery shopping that's fur sure!
  11. My kids call me by my first name when I annoy them. They call their father the sperm donor.
  12. Yummy, what's your address?
  13. fried green tomatoes. yeah......mmmmm
  14. Oh dear God. What condescending asswipe wrote this article? not seeing any names claiming responsibility for this sheeze. Well then, if that's all it takes to get a job at FOXNEWS I shall be turning in my resume posthaste! I can write nasty, hatefilled drivel, also! Even though I have all of my teeth!
  15. Yeah, I thought this was about something totally different!
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