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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. I see shamrocks. Great, I'm probably drunk already and didn't know it.
  2. Please. How many people do you think actually work on Fridays? If the Lord God Almighty comes back on a Friday nobody will know about it until Monday morning.
  3. I could probably eat a whole tub of Cool Whip.
  4. awwww bless his heart. I like how the girl sitting next to him jumped away like an alien busted out of his chest!
  5. Maybe in order to get that rate you have to rent for several months?
  6. We were going to Grayton Beach on July 17th but are cancelling and getting our deposit back. The owner just ask us to write a letter stating that the reason we were cancelling was due to the oil spill. I guess it just depends on who you rent from.
  7. Things I learned from my high school boyfriend's country grandmother: Fresh eggs sink in a pot of water. Bad eggs float. Throw them out. The fresher the egg, the harder they are to peel after boiling. Let em sit for a few days before boiling. If the sour cream is pink, don't eat it. Don't give the cute little Easter chicks your boyfriend bought you to his uncle and expect that they will be treated as pets. disclaimer: I am (was) a city girl. These rules have all proven true. I follow them.
  8. When my ex MIL died, the funeral home was just packed with people talking about what a wonderful, precious person she was. I kept wondering who in the hell they were talking about. Then I'd feel bad that I was thinking bad thoughts about the woman at her funeral. Then I'd think, no, she was a miserable, drunk bitch and treated her own family like crap. Then I'd think ohhhhh hey now....Then I just decided to smile and nod at everybody until it was time to go home. I don't believe the Good Lord thinks any less of us for our honest feelings and maybe wherever the ex MIL is now she realizes that s
  9. Hahaha! Willy wavers........
  10. Arrggghh! I feel like I'm on an episode of "House"!
  11. Is it a plastic bowl? what color is the "mold"? maybe the plastic is just discolored.
  12. However, if you're in the market for a gulf-front home the market will be great in a few months!
  13. My daughter tutored middle and high school math several years ago. $30/hr.
  14. should have just called police for the bartender. that's just sad.
  15. I've been reading her blog. unreal that her parents let her do this. I got nervous when my 18 year old would drive back and forth an hour and a half to school. makes my stomach hurt thinking about her out there alone. http://soloround.blogspot.com/
  16. I bought my kids Tom Toms. I love them. Unfortunately, my oldest one just calls me and goes "hey, how do I get to The Fox from Marietta"? I'm her Shan Shan.
  17. Oh jeez, me too! Oh God, I hope I'm not already dead!
  18. What kind of fancy x-ray tech? My sister's a radiation therapist. She works about 3 days a week and makes pretty good money. it's hard on your feet all day kind of work but she likes it. Is it 3.5 years of school full-time?
  19. If you're still bored come over to the subdivision across from PCHS. When graduation is over it's going to be fun watching all the morons who parked in the neighborhood try to get out. I will be the one in the lawn chair drinking beer and giggling.
  20. when are all the graduations? You could try that.
  21. I would think that she meant the following: "Yippee! 15 more minutes and it's summer! Oh boy, I get a break like my students do! My students are excited that it's summer, too but nobody is questioning their excitement or motive. I wonder why that is? Gee, I hope nobody feels like I am a bad teacher because I, too am excited about a well deserved break. I hope nobody thinks that just because I can't wait for summer means that I hate my job and all the kids here. And the parents who think I'm Satan. And the principal, also. No, no I'm sure they don't think that. Yay! I love summer!"
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