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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. I have a lot of yard work to do if you're bored.
  2. I had a nightmare last night and one of my friends was in it. I dreamed we were having a joint yard yale. Horrible.
  3. Good law. I am definitely, definitely an excellent driver, but I can drive drunk better than I can drive and text.
  4. yeah, that was disturbing. and he looked so happy.
  5. Show of hands: Who poured on the Love's Baby Soft?
  6. mmmm....I need a man. And a smoke. I mean a man in a jumpsuit.
  7. ditto. had BOA for years with no problems.
  8. are you sure it's not your septic field lines?
  9. I heard on the news that they make ice cream with ground up kittens.
  10. Funniest thing I've read today........ http://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/zip/1865792926.html
  11. I can't wait for WWIII. Mexicans vs. Muslims!
  12. what does a "retraction" mean anyway? It's already out there. Does he think that means everybody is gonna go "oh geez, she was wrong and didn't mean any of that. He IS an awesome guy. And he also doesn't call people names like a 4 year old"!
  13. If he was able to read comments on an anonymous board and tell who it was because it was so specific then it sounds like there could be a bit of truth there.
  14. I am perfectly fine with being vindictive towards someone who calls me names or dicks me around or threatens me.
  15. A friend just had to do this with Wells Fargo. They did everything they were told to do and then started getting foreclosure notices. when they finally got their modification they had already given up. Now they owe about 20,000 more on their house than when they started. They just mailed the keys to WF.
  16. we went a couple of years ago and liked it. Except you can't take alcohol on the beach so we had to sneak it. Also, about the time we got down to the beach there was a drunk, white trash fight and a guy punched out the window of his girlfriend's car. The park police and Carrollton police all showed up. The last time we saw the guy he was sweeping up all the broken glass while the police watched. Funny as hell. I'd go back.
  17. Has anyone heard anything incriminating about the OP? I will not state what I heard because I have not seen proof and do not want to get in any trouble but it could be really, really bad. But I don't want to spread rumors. Because it's really bad. And wrong. There could be nudity.
  18. I can see a lot of my friends cell and home numbers. My daughter's cell phone # popped up and I was about to call and tell her to take it off when I realized she put 867-5309. Jenny, Jenny who can I turn to.......
  19. can I at least wear a jogging bra and some good shoes?
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