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Everything posted by ktan458

  1. Why do you believe this? Exactly what about education is not working? After you watch Stossel, I highly recommend you (and anyone who may be stuck on the idea of 'nostalgic' public education) to read Gerald Bracey's books--such as The War on Public Education. Much of what we 'believe' about public education is based on rhetoric and emotion, and not so much on facts.
  2. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you. I don't think a single teacher has said that they know what's best for every one of your kids. However, we're good at what we do, and we care about your children and what's best for them. If I didn't think that having frequent breaks was best for my students, I never would have voted for it. But, I see how they come back--fresh and ready to go, and I see what a difference the breaks make in terms of spreading illnesses (such as the annual Feb. flu outbreak). As for the rest of your post, I'm sure with your superior to Geor
  3. Are you aware that teachers pay taxes? Or do my tax dollars go somewhere other than education--making my opinion and vote about schools somehow moot? I'm sorry that you don't 'appreciate' the reference to lower-income children retaining less when they return after an 11 week summer break. However, that is well-documented by research, which is why many school systems attempt to bridge the gap for these kids with things like reading camp, summer school, and reading/math programs. Secondly, there are many things that I would consider 'convenient', such as being paid for the hours I actua
  4. Here's an interesting article on the 'King's Dominion Law' in Virginia. A similar situation occured there, and the lobby for the amusement parks (King's Dominion--kind of like Six Flags) was able to get politicians to do what Georgia legislators are thinking about--create laws regarding the start times for school. http://www.roanoke.com/editorials/wb/173633 Just to rehash the intelligent input being given here, the agrarian calendar that we are used to is not shown to be beneficial to students (esp. those of lower income). There is no need to have 11 weeks off during the summer, when that
  5. Enhance family togetherness? Since when is that the government's job? And, if that's their kick, I have some other suggestions that would accomplish that /sarcasm This has been a bill/suggestion/issue every year over the last few years, and it's always been defeated, as well it should be. Education should stay as decentralized as possible, with local school systems making decisions that work best for their district. And, for all the parents on here that hate the new calendar, there are plenty more out there that love it. So, it's not a fair statement to say that the district didn't 'l
  6. I had the Novasure in 2004, only to have the hysterectomy in 2005. On one hand, I felt better knowing that we'd tried everything we could to stave off the inevitable. On the other, damage to my uterus during the procedure contributed to an underlying infection/adenomyosis that was discovered during the hysto. That was likely just a fluke thing (much like the fact that I was in the 4% that continued to have bleeding). All of that said, though, I'd definitely recommend the procedure if it was the alternative to a hysterectomy. While it may not work, the recovery was a breeze (up and shoppin
  7. Has anyone seen anything about the 'green suit'? They showed the guy on ET about a week ago, and said that the green suit guy was holding the place for someone to be put in digitally (maybe Michael Jackson). However, on the actual video Friday, you could see parts of the green suit guy, and no one had been put in his place. I can't imagine a production this large would have made a slip like that, but I can't find anything on it. And, I liked this one quite a bit, though the original WATW was one of the first cassettes I owned
  8. By the time that the middle schools were headed home, plenty was sticking. Old Cartersville was covered in snow, and people were sliding all over on the curves. In fact, it was only a few minutes after buses pulled out that the Nixle from the Sheriff's office came out saying that roads were hazardous, and that people should stay off of them. At that point, plenty of buses still had about an hour left on their routes. I believe that the wrong decision was made, and I wonder how many of the people responsible for making the decision allowed their child to stay at school the entire day
  9. I think she was talking about the student themself, as a student checking-out/checking-in is now counted as an 'absence' (not the same thing as a missed day, though--love that NCLB and AYP)
  10. If you're weird, then I'm right there with you And yes, as long as the kids get to school tomorrow, it is counted as a 'day' and wouldn't have to be made up. Of course, the days we missed with the ice previously didn't technically have to be made up, so who knows what they'll decide at that point
  11. Honestly, I can see them cancelling it, and I wouldn't blame them. When my daughter was in 1st grade, they were scheduled to do an entire grade field trip to the museum in Cartersville. On the day of the trip, it was supposed to be very stormy, and they were calling for severe storms in the afternoon. They rescheduled the trip (and I was relieved). I'd certainly prefer them to err on the 'safe than sorry' side
  12. Sorry--I lost this thread. Not sure on the water, but I know on the days that I don't get as much water in, I don't feel nearly as good. Two weeks today, and I've lost a total of 10lbs. This is still after not taking it for a few days while I started a new medication. Also, you can go to WebMd and type in each of the individual ingredients to check for safety and efficacy. Finally, the cost is $66 total. That's 60pills, which is either a 20, 30, or 60 day supply, depending on how many you take a day. I only take 2/morning, and none the rest of the day. Let me know if y
  13. I started taking it 2 weeks ago, and I've lost 7lbs so far. I stopped taking it a few days ago to go on antibiotics (again!) for sinus/throat/ear infection, but I plan to start again after I've been on this for a few days. The biggest thing is to drink plenty of water. When I was doing that, I was seeing about .5lb/day weight loss. And, if you order now, $5 from each order goes to Bert's Big Adventure
  14. Ha! Already watching it now on the Xbox Netflix. Scary stuff for sure.
  15. ktan458

    Web Site

    Gotcha. You asked for the salary site first, and honestly, I figured maybe you were going after someone for child support
  16. ktan458

    Web Site

    What on earth are you looking for? And, just fyi, the web site can be inaccurate. The salary they have listed for me isn't right for the last 4 years. I'd imagine that might be possible for others as well.
  17. I completely agree, and that's what infuriated me when Costigan pulled their crap. We were lucky in that we had decided not to sell the house, but we didn't want it shown any longer. Since they refused to put us on no-show, we suggested that they raise the price of our house from $170K to $500K, knowing full well that no one would come around at that price. In fact, a realtor on this site was integral in helping us finally get some results from our situation
  18. Really look at your contract, though. The fee to cancel with Costigan was $500.
  19. We went through this with Costigan Realty (worst realtor ever), who did absolutely nothing once they got our house on the market. There is a fee you can pay to get out of the contract, and it should be on your paperwork. However, if they've gone under, that would preclude paying that I would imagine.
  20. Do you mean Neil Young? The one with the crazy eyes? That was Dave Matthews with Neil Young (and yes, that was from Twitter too)
  21. This is why I *heart* Twitter. Apparently it's Matt Morris, who used to be on the Mickey Mouse Club with Timberlake. I'm not sure what else he's done. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/12/matt-morriscolorados-just_n_420584.html
  22. For the first few minutes of that song, I was wondering why Sheryl Crow and Keith Urban had agreed to sing with Axl Rose
  23. That made me literally LOL. I can not believe I got sucked in to this show. I watched it last week when I was so sick, and of course I had to see how it ended
  24. Let me preface this by saying that I've had pneumonia, and could barely get off the sofa for the last week. That said, I watched the marathon a few days ago. I could literally feel my IQ dropping.
  25. Not only that, but the adults are playing with fire. Bipolar disorder is a neurobiological illness, and going cold turkey off medication can be disastrous. Allowing this child to be hidden, and unmedicated, would be akin to withholding insulin from a diabetic. I hope and pray that someone can get this child the help she needs.
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