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Everything posted by ktan458

  1. I may be looking at this the wrong way, but I just don't understand why Home Depot is refusing the allow their BF ad to be released. Wouldn't you want people to have a heads-up, so that they may choose to get to your store (and thus spend their money)? As for lining up, I don't think I've ever noticed people at the HD. But, I know that we generally get to Target/Kohls an hour early and are still pretty far back in line.
  2. Wow! I'm glad there are so many going out to vote, but I can't believe the wait times. There was no wait at the new Courthouse. I walked in and out within about 10 minutes.
  3. On DirecTV it's on 790-something, but it's pay-per-view ($24.00). The husband is watching it online in another room; I think it's on the actual UGA web site.
  4. Is he friends with Larry Platt, or was he just inspired by him? That was the first thing I thought when I saw this story this morning.
  5. Yes, well, there's that.
  6. Not only the premiums, unfortunately. The deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums also almost-doubled (up to $1000 and $6000) for me. All told, with furlough days, increase in insurance premiums/costs, and loss of dental, I took about a $6000 pay-cut (assuming that we go all the way to our deductible, but only halfway to our max OOP). Add to that the 4 prescriptions that have to be name-brand in this house, and I'm not sure how much more my back can take.
  7. Have I told you...lately...that I love you? You are spot-on in your analysis. While I don't love the idea of the cuts we've had to take as a county (and the many more the board will likely threaten, assuming this doesn't go through), I'm tired of being hit multiple times without actually seeing the virtue of my hard-earned income being squandered taken away.
  8. I did too, as well as one of the guys from middle school. It's just sad all the way around.
  9. Actually, the woman grew up here in Dallas. Bizarre.
  10. I tend to agree with you. However, in this day and age, there is no one over the age of 10 that doesn't have a solid understanding of the fact that making threats will lead to significant trouble. To that end, anyone who gets online and makes threats to carry out a school shooting has some serious issues and needs to be taken seriously--whether they really intended to carry it out that exact way or not. For those criticizing school officials and law enforcement, remember that post-Columbine the biggest issue was that there was plenty of warning, but no one took heed (except, ironical
  11. Except that the government is supposed to be not-for-profit. When they are making a profit at the expense of taxpayers, and yet not turning that money around to the taxpayers, that's a problem and both parties are guilty.
  12. Thanks, Pubby I realized that I've apparently not had membership benefits for the last 6 months subscription, as I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually have PM storage again
  13. I've sent 3 PMs over the last week and haven't heard from anyone, and really need an answer, so I'm sorry in advance for calling out on here. I am a paid member, but I can't post items for sale in the Got the Goods forum. Can one of you mods look at this and fix it for me? Thanks
  14. I forgot that was on tonight. Shoot.
  15. You are certainly not the only one with that perception. I'm not sure what kind of research process went in to this situation, but I hope the county has an iron-clad liability waiver in place so that the actions of this company don't end up creating an even bigger money drain.
  16. The way they're going, I don't know that they'll last the entire year. As an aside, the director may want to brush up on some fantastic info at WrightsLaw. I'm just saying.
  17. My husband was in a bad wreck at that same intersection in May; seeing those pictures make me feel ill. I hope everyone is okay.
  18. Do you think is what the county means when they talk about 'collaboration'?
  19. For kindergarten, I think 10.5 hours (or even a little longer) is perfectly acceptable, since they are no longer napping. Plus, they are so active (mentally and physically) during the day that they are generally exhausted when they get home.
  20. You just say that because you're not on this side of the county with NO Amaretto cupcakes and cheesecake brownies Trust me; I am having some serious cravings!
  21. If you don't mind, send me a PM when you get a chance and I'll figure out how to get them from you
  22. I tried to send you a PM, but it wouldn't let me. Is there any way I could get those ads from you? I'd be happy to meet you whereever is convenient
  23. While they referred to this as a minor child on the scanner, the child is a high school student. It's still heartbreaking, but I thought that needed to be clarified.
  24. Zofran is (finally!) available as a generic now
  25. It's a completely fictional series about an asteroid hitting the moon, pushing it closer to Earth. Despite the fiction element of the story, it has certainly stayed with me.
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