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Everything posted by ktan458

  1. I should clarify that I've also given recovery assignments. However, since they never come back in, I guess that's why it slipped my mind
  2. Each teacher (at the middle school level) will likely have about 35 students per homeroom. We get one hour from the early release, and each conference should last 20 minutes. If we only used that one hour of early release to do the conferences, we'd still only accomplish 15 conferences. So, yes, if we only did conferences during that time, we'd need much more than just the week. As it is, most of us last year were doing our homeroom conferences, plus about 5-7 team conferences where all of us needed to be in attendance.
  3. That is such a crappy thing to do. I tell my kids that I'd like for them to continue reading, just as I do on breaks. However, I also tell them that I don't take papers home to grade on break, and I don't expect them to take home projects/work either. I know that parents don't see the value in them, but having taught in both situations--no breaks except Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring vs. our current calendar, I can tell you there is such a HUGE difference in student behavior and student achievement. I have no problems with them retaining information over the break, and instead they come b
  4. 90%? Really? I'd probably look a little closer at that I generally stay out of the schedule discussions, only thinking that I'm glad it's not you people that make that decision, as I love our current schedule. However, there is no schedule that 90% of the country follows.
  5. You realize this little exchange is akin to saying "Beetlejuice" three times, right? Ohh, and to the OP: add Beetlejuice to your list. Best Michael Keaton role ever
  6. That seriously made me laugh out loud.
  7. Not only does it have a name, but his 'code name' is meow-meow. Seriously? Because when I think scary and intimidating, I don't think of the comic book sound that a cat makes
  8. We love Dr. Gaines. She was incredible when my daughter was an infant and had fluid on her brain. She was cautious and had it checked/rechecked, but wasn't alarmist, which made me feel MUCH better. Dr. Cantrell is also wonderful, and he was my own pediatrician when I was a kid Some other good ones at that practice are Dr. Van Putten and Denise the NP.
  9. Ugh, I didn't think about those. That's so much fun now that both kids can read. We might as well blind-fold them when we go out to eat in Panama City. As for who buys them? Parents of middle-schoolers apparently. The Dirty Dick's t-shirts are this generation's "Big Johnson" shirt. I'm not sure why parents think that a) it's okay to buy their 12 year old, or it's even better for them to wear it to school, but here we are.
  10. It really depends on the situation. If we're in a place that doesn't necessarily cater to children, I wouldn't so much expect someone to change what they're doing just because my kids happen to be there. If I am offended, I move. If they're doing something that places someone in danger (such as the morons who chose to skimboard in a pack of kids at PCBeach, that's completely different and I will tell them to move). However, if we're in a place that is meant for kids, ChuckECheese, for example, and someone is acting like a fool, I would likely say something to them (and I have).
  11. Are you not even going to mention that originally this post contained something much different, and you only added this when you changed this topic back to the proposed Mosque, leaving out the fact that you were completely wrong about Muslims stopping traffic every Friday in NYC? I mean, if you want to have this argument, have it. But, to go back and edit your posts so completely (making the other person look like they are responding to nothing) just seems to take away from it.
  12. I have no interest in engaging you in an argument over the proposed Mosque. Your first post was completely and totally inaccurate, and your argument was that just because they were Muslims, they could stop city traffic every Friday, though you would have been, what did someone (I think you) say, 'shot down like David Koresh'?
  13. You edited this last post--will you edit your first one as well?
  14. It's not every week. The pictures come from NY's annual American Muslim Day Parade, which started back in 1985. Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/changingface.asp
  15. Just FYI--if the u/s comes back negative for gallstones, you may want to ask your doctor about doing a HIDA scan. I had the same pain/weight loss/nausea last year and they just knew I had gallstones, except none were there. However, the HIDA checks for how well your gallbladder is working and it's input/output. The results are in a percentage, meaning how much of the injected fluid comes through, and mine was at a 0% meaning it had just completely stopped working. A few days later I had it out, and I felt immediately better. I just mention it because, thankfully, I had a great doctor who
  16. Spring of their junior year? I guess I could go about looking this up myself--sorry
  17. For some reason, I was thinking the GHSGT was taken in the fall, but I could be totally wrong. I haven't sat down and really looked at the numbers for any school other than my own, so I'm curious now.
  18. I would think they do, since CRCT retakes count. Is there a standardized timeframe for that for the GHSGT?
  19. You should be able to find this by going to the state's web site. They issue a report card each year, which has that information. To answer your question, no it is absolutely not possible for the county to somehow overwrite previous AYP scores in a nefarious way. However, there are times where they recalcuate for one reason or another, which can affect the score, but that's generally done within the first few months after the scores come out. An example would be if a school realized that 20 of their kids were incorrectly categorized as SWD, even though they were not.
  20. I just watched Stand by Me for the first time last weekend, and then Animal House a few weeks ago. Not literary classics by any stretch, but I found a lot of pop culture references I'd heard and never knew where they came from.
  21. I saw those the other day and I was wondering exactly what they were saying. It is somewhat unclear the way it is worded.
  22. If you search that quote, it comes to several newspaper articles from this morning. The GA code is something like 21-2-224, I believe (I double-checked it )
  23. Didn't put a source the first time "You're still eligible if you did not cast a ballot, you would still be eligible to choose a party and vote in this election August 10th." said Elections Supervisor Ginger Nickerson
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