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Everything posted by rchaos

  1. I'm having such a hard time not posting what I want to say, so I'll just chime in with "go natural" and be done with it.
  2. Every year I have to sit very still next to my wife, on the couch with tissue box in hand, as she watches "Nester". From start to finish she crys a whole tissue box full.
  3. Wow. It's hard to believe that times are tough reading some of the posts on this thread. We've always set a limit of $200.00 max for each of the children and can honestly say we've kept to that for seven years. This year we have spent well below this and think the boys will have a wonderful Christmas. If you feel you've spent too much, um you still have the receipts right? Take some back then. Just a thought.
  4. Great. Another run on milk-sandwiches.
  5. Ours goes up the first weekend of Advent and is taken down after the Epiphany (Jan. 6).
  6. Mine is; however, neither one of us post often.
  7. Crap on a cracker! It's gonna be a long time before I eat them again.
  8. Born in Washington DC. Grew up in Marietta, GA. Moved to Paulding County in 1992.
  9. Okay. I must be really confused here. So the problem is the silt fence from a neighboring foreclosed subdivision, not a neighbor who landscaped his private yard incorrectly or are there two problems here. Oh and I am well aware who the EPD and the EPA are and what they can do for you. I have over 20 year experience in erosion and sediment control issues and teach the State required Erosion and Sediment Control Certification classes. The original post said nothing about a neighboring subdivision affecting their yard. This is to be handled by the County, if it is outside the city limits of D
  10. You have a Federal Government agency (EPA) involved with silt fence issues on an existing home on private property? How did you manage that?
  11. With the ground so saturated with the recent wet weather patterns we've had I'm afraid there will be more trees falling.
  12. Wow, a bit pricey for a Meal Replacement Shake. There are some really good ones at various health food stores around town. Make sure you get Meal Replacement Shakes and not Protein Shakes. A huge difference.
  13. Um, not quite sure if Hooters is the right place to take a 3-year old girl on her birthday. On the singing the "Happy Birthday" song, most places do their own version on account that this particular song is actually copyrighted and singing it in a public forum is subject to paying royalties.
  14. The dam is still there. The face of it may have sluffed off; however, the dam is still structurally sound.
  15. Food and fellowship with our Paulding neighbors!
  16. There's enough skeletons in my closet to make a grave yard.
  17. Glad to hear that! We spent over 4 months trying to get the renters (squatters) out of our house after they stopped paying rent. When they finally left we ended up losing the house to foreclosure. Needless to say our credit is totally trashed now.
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