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Everything posted by PauldingMom

  1. There are many breeds out there that were breed to fight. Unfortunately, most of them are not considered cool status symbols. This is where the problem started. People started owning them because they are tough dogs. There are way to many idiot people not caring for these dogs they way they need to be cared for. It's people that have caused this problems, not the dogs. No dog should be made illegal, only people.
  2. Jennifer's Rescue had one in front of Pet Smart a couple weeks back. Adorable little thing with no tail.
  3. So much about this outrages me. First, my family would be planning my funeral if I had followed these guidelines. I am currently being treated for B.C. and, Thank God, found it myself before it spread. Under these guidelines, I would not have detected this aggressive form of cancer, and would not be receiving treatment. SBE (self breast exam) not only helps in detecting B.C. but it also teaches a person what there normal breast tissue is like so that they can detect changes. Part of this study involved data collected as far back as 2002!!! and is based on the old film mammograms. We shoul
  4. Miss Sophie!!! If you don't know where your inbox is, I'm not going to tell you!
  5. Romper Room. I always wanted to be a Good Bee and have teacher see me in her Magic Mirror
  6. Drove past late last night and peaked in the glass. It looked like someone had disturbed the hive there was so much activity!! Hope to stop by today.
  7. Head over to the Goodwill. I have found so many items there with the store tag still attached. Picked up a suede blazer the other day NWT for about 8 bucks. Wore it to Marietta and got complements on it. If only they knew!!They have plenty of shelves and probably some end tables. You can also post here in the wanted forum.
  8. Finger nail art work. If your looking to hire someone cheap to paint fancy nails, PM me. Sleep over, make your own pizza using can biscuit dough, crafting beads to make necklaces. Make mini scrap books with picture you take and then print on your puter.
  9. I wanted to go but ended up taking a 3 hour nap on Sat. Guess I needed it. Glad everything went well!! I'll stop by one day this week. Please post days and hours.
  10. Conceived in Alaska (TMI?) born in Memphis, moved to California, then back to TN, then to Hawaii, then N.C., then Il., then PA., then Michigan and now here.
  11. We don't have jobs, but we have one hell of an airport! on yeah and a county building that boogles the mind!
  12. You have every right to vent. Vent away!!! Reminds me of a time I was parking. Pulled into a spot and the parked car directly in front of me had a man sitting in it. He got out of his car, and said to me, "You need to slow down and be more careful, you almost hit my car." I looked him straight in the eye and said, "As in Pregnancy and Parking, ALMOST doesn't count." and walked away. My teenage daughter just about split her side open. Hope that made you smile:)
  13. Is there anyplace we can go to find out which roads are flooded? I need to get to doctors today and usually take either Nebo to 92 or Morningside over to Austell.
  14. Oh goodness, my family now uses this phase for EVERYTHING. "Your floor is all wet and stuff, I'd get a towel and clean it up, but oh yea, I'm a dog and don't have thumbs." ect....ect.....ect..... We are trying to decide whose voice is that in the commercial. Sounds so much like Kelly Pickler.
  15. I guess it would depend on the Pre-K center. Is it uber clean? Will the staff make real sure his wittle head stays as clean as possible and that the other children are not touching it? Sounds to me that if all that is good, he should be fine.
  16. I handed out bumper stickers from the Web Site "Feel Your Boobies.org." But only to the mommies who came around with their children. Got some really strange looks, but I don't really give a rats. A$$
  17. I feel like I am jumping on a band wagon that is already full, but I would like to meet Lady Raider too. She always has a nice word to share and is an amazing coupon clipper to boot.
  18. That is some foul fowl. My next question is, What are they feeding the chickens?
  19. Have Mercy!!! Loving the warm weather, got the windows rolled (showing my age there) down and the radio on when all of the sudden this smell from Hell comes in. Smells 10 times worse than the spray field. I thought perhaps they put some kinda fertilizer down on the field, but even a cow couldn't stand to eat anything that smelt that badly. Anyone have any idea. It is so bad I am going to go around it for the next few days or until it rains and washes it all away.
  20. It's unfortunate that breast are so taboo in the United States. just one of the reasons that some women don't examinations or do self exams. Ridiculous! No I wouldn't allow my child to wear this to school simply because it could cause a disruption in the class room and take away from learning, not because I am anti B.C. awareness.
  21. So Awesome for Hiram Hornets!!! Way to go team!!!
  22. You left out the thrill of getting a yearly mammogram and Pap Smear. Now there's some fun time to focus on the joys of being a woman.
  23. Thought it was a Breast Cancer site. Real Boobies
  24. Rumor is that it will have a radiology department. Governor assigned. This is great news as Cobb has 2, Douglas has none, and Paulding has none.
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