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Everything posted by PauldingMom

  1. Spent 7 years in the far northern suburbs of Chicago about halfway between Milwaukee and Chicago. I was a kid at the time and we had some great fun in that snow. Ice skating, hockey, sledding and snowmobiles. The lakes would freeze so deep in our neighborhood that the teenagers would take their cars out on the lake. Shoveling was a pain, especially when we had to get up on the roof and shovel off the snow, but you always knew when you were done every kid would meet up on "Suicide Hill" and go sledding. It was a great year when dad bought an old army jeep and put a snow plow on the front of it.
  2. Why the big secret?? It's a hideous display. The heart is in the right place but every ounce of class flew right out the window.
  3. He had just moved to the area and we meet at a high school party. He called me up the next day and I told him I couldn't go out because I had the measles. He thought I was trying to get rid of him, so I told him to come over to the house. I did have the measles! Our first real date was a couple weeks later after I recovered. He took me out to an expensive restaurant. We were both still in high school at the time and I know he must have been saving that $$ for something else. Been together almost 30 years now.
  4. We learned the hard way to always wash your tree before bringing it in. Mix a little bit of Dawn in a bucket of H2O and pour it over the tree before you unwrap it. Then unwrap it and hose it off.
  5. Sending some to family far away and friends whom have helped us out during a difficult year.
  6. I like Kroger on Ridge Road, because of the .10 off gas we save. The gasoline works well in our picky car. But customer service has become a little lacking lately and it's very often uber busy. I am seriously thinking of switching to Ingles, it's just that it is so BIG and takes twice the time to get what I need on a weekly basis. But I do love there selection and customer service.
  7. New head gasket for DD and now a new radiator! Seems like our cars enjoy spending the night at Johnboys. Thanks for helping us out!
  8. It seems that every job place has this kind of problem. Be thankful that you have a job and ignore this manager that is causing you trouble.
  9. Yum! Fried bologna. Do ya cut little slits on the edge so it doesn't bubble up in the middle like my Mom did?
  10. The detectors at the store do not sound off for metal objects.
  11. My daddy gave me pearls on my 21st birthday. I will always cherish them.
  12. Sounds Like Fun!!! We need a little Christmas!
  13. FOUND ITLink anyone, I can't find the info. Any of the stores doing Open House or Sales??
  14. OMG! That's nuts, why would someone do this? It makes no senses. Perhaps some other child slipped them into his pockets at school. Or perhaps your son found them on the bus or something? I'm not trying to blame him, but I don't see why anyone would do this?
  15. Dang my DD car is at Johnboy's too.
  16. This is a great store. To bad they can't move into the old Publix in Hiram.
  17. I will gladly take your unwanted/unused gift cards. Just offering to help>
  18. Every year there has to be someone who outdoes the previous years antics. Same ole same ole. Elton John, Kiss, Amy Winehouse and now Lady GaGa. They all have some great music and some stinkers but it's the on stage antics that bring in the crowd. I like poker Face and Paparazzi, but wouldn't pay money to buy the songs or go to the show. They are on the radio more than enough times.
  19. You won't get as many views with this new title. Wonder if anyone is going to post a video? That would get lots of views I imagine.
  20. My mind is in the gutter..............again. But the topic title made me giggle. :lol:
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