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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. What I'm saying is vehicles don't usually slide on dry roads. Yes, the roads are dry. If there is still standing water on the roads from a creek, the road is more than likely closed. My concern isn't sliding, it is the actual infrastructure. The road beds remain saturated. I would worry about a sinkhole forming from the weight of a vehicle. It's the sheer weight of the school buses that scare me. Furthermore, I would not be surprised if the schools reopen without bus service. Until the roads can be fully inspected, it makes sense that it's too much of a liability for the schools to
  2. I agree with you but there is a huge difference between the weight of a passenger car and the weight of a loaded school bus.
  3. I would hope that if there is damage to any of our schools that the BOE chooses to use local Paulding contractors for clean up. $500,000 seems like more than a little damage. I don't think our school maintenance crews would be able to handle that very quickly.
  4. My first thought is no. But... What if a Paulding school is scheduled to play at a school whose system is open? Would the Paulding team have to forfiet if they don't show up?
  5. Yeah, most of us heard that too. The thing is, we haven't been able to get confirmation from the county. Until teachers are notified, we are remaining skeptical.
  6. You won't have to go past June 5. They'll just reduce the winter or spring break.
  7. I would like to thank PCBOE for having the good sense to close schools. There would have been riots if Paulding children were stranded like the Cobb children.
  8. I got an idea. You could dress in white suits, put on flowered leis, and make a tray of fruity looking drinks with little umbrellas. Then go outside and tell your kid to point to the sky and holler, "Du Plane Boss, Du Plane!" Make sure to wave at all the cars driving by. I bet you would get some of the funniest reactions.
  9. I am so excited to see this. My grandmother has always said you can tell it's going to rain when the leaves turn their backs to the sky. I've never heard anyone else say it.
  10. Chopper. Seriously. Unless things have changed since I last heard, all the highway bridges over the Chattahoochee are closed.
  11. OK It is TOP secret about the second opening. How did you find out? Now that the word is out I guess you should know that they really aren't making a new entrance. Sasquach got snarky and started doing it for them. Because of subliminal messages that the aliens hid in the wheels of his scooter, TBAR was able to pin point the location of Sasquach. TBAR had him cornered in the tunnels and the beast started beating the earth to get out. The special PCOM Men In Brown were dispatched to do immediate rain dances in order to make everyone believe the noise was thunder. TBAR finally got close e
  12. It is TOP secret about the second opening. How did you find out? Now that the word is out I guess you should know that they really aren't making a new entrance. Sasquach got snarky and started doing it for them. TBAR had him cornered in the tunnels and he started beating the earth to get out. The special PCOM Men In Brown were dispatched to do immediate rain dances in order to make everyone believe the noise was thunder. TBAR finally got close enough to sting him with a tranqualizer dart. Too bad he was so scared of the snakes. If he had of put on his big SuperGirl panties, stepped ove
  13. No way he's chance getting his suit dirty!
  14. Well poo! I thought it was at 6:00. I've been watching and wondering when the show was going to start.
  15. I'm right there with ya sista! Bring on the white stuff. -- Just wait until I fill my pantry with chocolate, soup, and toilet paper. I haven't seen Hershey's on a BOGO sale yet. I'll stock up and steal it from my kids at Halloween.
  16. I just called the corps of engineers to ask at what point they will tell campers at Victoria to leave. People who were at McKinney were moved from McKinney to Victoria right before the road to McKinney washed out. She said they will offer higher camp spots if the campers request them but they have no plans to ask them to leave even though the lake is at 852 and rising. She said they are relying on campers to use their good judgement. I just chuckled. Good judgement? Oh well, I hope they all get out while they can.
  17. A lot of road beds are compromised as well as bridges. Now that we've all seen the pictures of wash outs and sinkholes I'm certain (well almost) that our BOE will wait for thorough inspections before they chance putting the weight of a school bus full of kids on these roads and bridges. It may take a while before they are able to figure out new routes. They can't even start to consider the routes until they know which roads are safe. I am attempting to put faith in the school system. Afterall, they had the forethought to close schools while Cobb stayed open. Cobb BOE won't live t
  18. Billy Jo, you're right. Being pissy will not help my business or the possibly ex-employees. We'll just have to wait and see what the EPA says about whether or not we can reopen. Even though I voiced my frustration I apologized in the same post.
  19. Sure they should pay you. After all, it was the evil business owners who conspired to make it rain and flood out their businesses. Don't forget about those horrible owners who didn't have flood insurance because they aren't in a flood plane and are about to lose their businesses as well as everything else. I mean who cares that the businesses are closed and may not be able to reopen. No one really believes their pay should actually reflect the amount and quality of their work. Sorry for the sarcasm but you hit a raw nerve as my family stands to lose three businesses from this flood.
  20. I left Bentwater at 8:15 and made it to Kennestone hospital by 8:50. No problems at all. I took Cedarcreat to 41 and came straight in.
  21. I'm not trying to make light of our situation at all. I was just thinking it's too bad our reservoir isn't ready to hold water so we could at least turn part of this huge negative into a positive.
  22. Where is your daughter? Maybe there is someone on here you trust that can go get her for you. I wouldn't take the chance of her getting stuck at daycare and you can't get to her because of closed roads. If she's close to me I'll go get her in a heartbeat for you.
  23. LGM please call her and tell her to pull over and get a hotel somewhere. It's not worth it. She can come home tomorrow or the day after.
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