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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. I think I'll go to Provino's for the tomato mozarella salad. It's pretty good at Provino's but the best I had was at a little cafe in Daytona. It was served inside a roasted portabello mushroom cap.
  2. I think the heated seats in my car are one of the greatest things since TiVo. I attempted to recreate them in my office by putting a heating pad in my chair. It's unattractive but it works.
  3. The last couple of Doctors I've visited were good but the office staff were terrible. Do you watch House? Of course everybody wants their Doctors and specialists to be knowledgeable and kind. If you only get to have one, I'd choose knowledgeable. I hate that your daughter had a bad experience. Pregnancy is no time for stress.
  4. I've got two takers. Anybody else?
  5. My grandmother always says a cold is in your head and flu is in your chest. If you're not coughing, wheezing, or having trouble getting a deep breath it's probly not flu. Then again, you should know, my grandmother never claimed to be a doctor.
  6. I've never tried freezing them. At what stage do you freeze them or does it matter? Can I freeze them after I've added the milk? Does freezing them kill the yeast? Thank you so much for the idea. The variations I've tried are lemon, banana nut, cranberry, and chocolate. Of course, my kids think chocolate is the best.
  7. I was going to hand them out at a gathering last week but my youngest broke her arm. I have 8 starters to share. I've kept up with them and they need to be baked tomorrow. I'll be in and out all day so PM me if you're interested and I'll try to meet with you today or tomorrow morning. I'm in Bentwater.
  8. Looking forward to a great day. Kids are at schol and my coffee is in my hand. I'm going to play a little tennis and go to two school conferences. Hopefully, good news is just a couple of hours away!
  9. I cooked a rotisserie chicken, butternut squash, lima beans and candied apples.
  10. Aren't there a couple of states who do not recognize Daylight Saving Time?
  11. You're just too good to us. I'm glad there were no serious injuries. I'm sure many people who were worried about their loved ones are now breathing a sigh of relief.
  12. Brandon is looking. I'm sure he'll fill us in when he has info. to share.
  13. I REALLY don't want to open a can of worms but I'm worried if the schools have the heat on yet. I know they are on a schedule and I don't think the heat automatically comes on unless the calendar based timer is over ridden (at least that's what the principal told me last year). Hopefully, the admins. got there early enough to turn on the heat and warm up the buildings. With the heat off all weekend Monday mornings are always the coldest. Oh and GOOD MORNING!!!!! I love this weather. I love layers, fuzzy sweaters, cozy fires, hot drinks, cuddling, and most of all..........I LOVE my
  14. Not me. I've been washing clothes and the dryer keeps the house plenty warm.
  15. It used to be the Sunday before Easter and Halloween. Now that they've changed the schedules I haven't caught up yet. I think we change it this year on November 1. Right?
  16. Build it and they will come.
  17. I have starters for friendship bread if you want them. You're lucky because today is day six. You add some ingredients today and bake on day ten. PM me later this morning and you can come get it or we could meet.
  18. Just curious... I wonder if insurance would cover repair of some flood damage now that more damage is due from a theft.
  19. Ross always has a good selection of dresses. I bought three sweater dresses just last week.
  20. It's not just the after effects of the extractions you need to be prepared for but also the after effects of the anesthesia. If your child has never been completely anesthetized before, you have no way to know how he/she will react. Some people experience nothing abnormal after they wake up, some are nausious, some are emotional to the point of uncontrollable crying. Personally, I am always dizzy for about two weeks after being put under. I make it a point to run all my errands before surgery and I arrange for someone to drive me where I need to go for at least 2 weeks. After the surg
  21. Last year your daughter told me about spraying with Windex. Guess what. IT WORKED! No more fruit flies!
  22. I could see him wandering around WalMart wearing a virtual reality headset and playing Wii tennis in the aisles.
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