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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. One more thing. You should try to feed her or at least supply the food. Mothers don't typically like it when their kids have to take care of them. As a daughter in law she will see it as you showing her how you are able to take care of her son and it will give her a sense of comfort.
  2. Try to give her fruit, especially melons. The fructose will actually increase her appetite. If she can't take large bites try making a cold cantaloupe soup or if she likes things with a little more spice you could make some gazspacho (sp). When my grandmother was in the nursing home I would take her some gazspacho and hide other bites of food in it. If she is a southern lady try some cornbread with buttermilk or peas. Don't worry about nutrition right now. The important part is just to get her to eat something. Once she starts eating you can always lace the food with supplem
  3. 2 years old. Gas or charcoal grill?
  4. That's fun. The little ones get so excited to see parents, especially when it's a surprise. Hint: you might want to take something to eat with you. The food might not be adult friendly. For parents with older kids. At what age do they not want to see you at school? How would a middle schooler react if a parent just showed up for lunch? Do you think they would welcome you or would they totally flip out? I'm sure high schoolers would think of it as a life ending event.
  5. Probably. Coke, soda or pop?
  6. '67 Vette Manual or automatic?
  7. LOVE my DVR. Do you use coupons?
  8. Because there's work you need to do at home. Bus or car line? Friday Which dentist do you use?
  9. turtles, a frog, and a dog Do you play the lottery?
  10. My mom. What did you have for breakfast?
  11. I think the most important thing they can do is get involved with the community. They can participate in community and school fundraisers. Here are some ideas: 1. It really isn't that expensive to have a couple hundred large cups printed with a logo. Then the business can donate the cups to schools to use at the concession stands. 2. High School basket ball games could have a season long half court contest. The team could charge a dollar a shot for the participants and whomever has the most half court baskets at the end of the season could win a plasma TV. The school keeps
  12. His wife is just as guilty. She helped kidnap the girl, helped hold her prisoner, sat by during the molestation, etc. He claimed these girls were God's tools that led him to redemption. I hate it when people use religion to justify evil. They think it's the easy path to guilty by reason of insanity. That way they can claim they aren't responsible for themselves.
  13. BBQ chicken, green beans, and something else.
  14. No. I can't get over the whole voice not matching the character thing. I'd rather read the book and listen to the voices I create in my head. That didn't sound right, did it?
  15. You wouldn't lose my respect, you'd probably gain more. We all need a little infusion of hope every now and then.
  16. Good Lord, I feel sorry for bus drivers. They have the responsibility of driving all these students while trying to make them behave. They should be issued halos. I hope all ends well. Kids have no idea how dangerous it is to fight on the bus. They put everyone's life in danger. I expect there will be a couple students finding another way to school for a while.
  17. Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme. html and try to download Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1. Please note that Beer 6. 1 is a very bad program that will download the Tooting and Snoring Loudly Beta. If after I have done all the above, Husband 1.0 still does not perform sufficiently,
  18. Ha! At least they know they're popular.
  19. Go to the county health department. I had to go to Cobb. I was in and out within 20 minutes.
  20. I would have the football players be the servers. The girl's do so much for the team as far as banners, pep rallys, spirit gear sales, etc. I'm sure they would appreciate the small return. I bet most of the players would be happy to volunteer.
  21. Go to ChickFil-A and get a bunch of chicken biscuits. Individual boxes of cereal yogurt juice/milk fruit borrow some toasters and have a toast station with different jellies borrow several waffle makers and have a make your own waffle station
  22. Hey Subby, are you having any luck getting a push mower for my hubby? Now that you're finished with your Johnson, I thought you might have some time.
  23. On my way to my grandmother's house one Christmas I saw a family sitting beside a grave. I cried the rest of the way there. It was then that I decided I wanted to be cremated. I never want any of my children or family to feel obligated to spend any time, especially holidays, sitting in a cemetary. My dad died last year. Per his wishe,s he was cremated and his ashes were spread in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. He said if we ever needed to feel close to him all we had to do is pack up and take a vacation. My aunt's aren't super happy that there isn't a place for them to place flow
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