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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. What is cowboy stew? Similar to brunswick stew?
  2. Call ConnorsMom and order some of her heating sacks. I'm sure they're much cheaper than an early heating bill.
  3. I just did a quick search by SAT scores. This is an AJC article about the top 25 schools by SAT scores in Georgia. Of the 25, there are 5 from Cobb and none from Paulding. http://www.ajc.com/news/top-25-georgia-high-123297.html You are right about individual motivation. A child will only get out of it what they put into it.
  4. Small hijack: I saw an ad for NutriSystem that now has pre-packaged diabetic meals. I'm looking into these for my grandmother so her meals will be balanced. Please let me know if you have any experience with them or another type of pre-packaged diabetic meals.
  5. I think you're right about asking permission in most cases. This one is a little different because the school had teachers calling parents of all the students. I think it was OK to post about the death but not about the circumstances or about the lack of other postings.
  6. How scary. I hope you all find peace soon.
  7. One of my absolute favorite Vegas shops is Victoria's Secret in Caesars Palace. They usually have all the new items a couple months before the other stores. Pamper her with some new body sprays and body dust. While you're at the Caesars mall don't forget to watch the moving statues. Call around and see which celebrity chefs are in town. The last time I went I got to meet Bobby Flay at his restaurant.
  8. Boiled peanuts are great. Love them. For my family, boiled peanuts result in mass amounts of "natural gas." We try to only have them while on vacation. I prefer it when my children don't explode around people we know.
  9. That's the best advice. A good tour guide will give you all the info. you need. It will save your sanity when it comes to planning and travel.
  10. Rain = pony tail Lots of rain = cap with pony tail pulled through the back
  11. Nursing homes would love some. Many dementia and alzhiemers patients revert back to their younger years and truly enjoy having a doll or stuffed animal to hold and take care of.
  12. My kids have gotten together with some friends and are diong a group costume. There are two boys and about 10 girls so far. One boy will dress in a black suit and have a skull cap to make him bald. He will carry a microphone. The other boy will dress in a brown suit and carry a phone. The girls will wear old recycled formal dresses and each will carry a briefcase with a duct taped number on the front. Instead of saying, "Trick or Treat" they will say, "Deal or No Deal!"
  13. At home I drink Kona. If I am out, Starbucks to the rescue. Venti, non-fat, no whip, peppermint mocha, extra hot
  14. Thank you for posting this. I will keep my eyes open.
  15. That's honey butter right? If so, roll on baby!
  16. Some people just enjoy sleeping outside. I'm loving the cooler temps and I'll probably sleep on my back porch tonight. A valid point was made about Jaycee Dugar. While I wouldn't jump to any conclusions I would see no harm in asking a question either. However, don't be surprised if you're told to mind your own business. It's the defensive response that would send up red flags for me.
  17. The Capital Mystery Series by Ron Roy The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes series by Anne Mazer The Franny K. Stien series (I can't remember who the author is) The Wierd School series by Jim Paillot
  18. I don't know about purity but... the vet told me to give distilled water to my maltese so her eye drainage wouldn't be brown and stain her hair. Guess what. It worked!!! I'll admit I'm wierd when it comes to bottled water. I buy it for the bottle not for the brand or origination. I want a squirt bottle when I play tennis, a bottle to fit my cup holder when I'm driving, and a rectangular shaped bottle to fit in the refrigerator.
  19. Was it recent? Local? You may be able to check newspaper archives online or at the library.
  20. CB is right. The fair used to be my favorite weeks of the year. I loved the rides, games, friends, everything. I'm not sure if it's really changed or that I am noticing things now that I'm older. I don't enjoy going anymore. The rides are old, and the workers are (not all) creepy. All the smells on the midway make me want to gag. It's a mixture of sausage, sweat, smoke, sugar, cow manure, and puke from the people that just got off the ride. The only pleasant smelling area is Granny's Apple Dumpling trailer. Make sure you stick your head inside the window when you place your order.
  21. Rise and Shine is open for breakfast and lunch.
  22. I can't imagind DOT would even put this on their "To Do" list right now.
  23. I don't think animal control will remove the animal unless it is in a public right of way. You should probably either bury or burn it.
  24. So sorry to hear this. It shouldn't be too hard to close the accounts and stop payment on the checks. Disasters only make people easier targets because criminals know emergency personnel are busy with other locations. In the whole scheme of things, I hope your parents can see this is just a drop in the bucket. Some people are just rotten to the core.
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