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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Do you realize that you just took the bait? Thank you. Funniest thing I've heard all day.
  2. With gymnastics there is a competition season but the gymnasts work out year around. My daughter is a competitive gymnast who is at the gym 20-25 hours a week and even more during the summer. Her competition season is from January to April. It sounds like the OP's child is in a performing group that probably also works all year and doesn't have a particular season. If his child is a compulsary gymnast the competition season ended in December, optionals end in April, performance is whenever the opportunity arises. I completely understand why the gym is raising rates but hopefully, en
  3. cilantro bell peppers slap stick comedies (except for the Three Stooges) WalMart
  4. As long as it doesn't stink don't worry about the stain. A used, dirty, ragged sports bag is a sign the athlete has been playing a LOOOOOONG time. It's intimidating to the opponents. The first time I walked on a tennis court to play a singles match my opponent had a tattered bag that must have been 20 years old. I was completely psyched out. I just knew she had been playing forever and was about to hand me my butt on a platter. I lost the match before it even began. My daughter is a gymnast and her team ordered new bags this year. She didn't want a new one so I offered to wash
  5. Here's how I would handle it: First, find out if the class is full. That is the KEY question. If the class isn't full you can approach the owner with a reasonable solution. Tell him you simply cannot afford the increase right now and ask him if he will work with you. Remind him that he still has the same expenses whether or not your child is there. He still has to pay the same salaries and the same utilities. Tell him you can either pull your children out and he will lose $_______ per month or you can leave your children in at the current rates. If the time comes that the class is f
  6. You could use those one inch thick styrofoam sheets to cut out shapes of peeps so people could display at holidays. You could make free standing ghosts, ducks, etc. Any color heart shaped pillow with painted sayings. I love you, Be mine, etc. Initials. Most craft stores have relatively inexpensive wooden cut-outs of letters. You could decoupage (sp) them with different types of candy bar wrappers.
  7. Red Christmas balls can be painted to look like peppermints. Then you could use stiff plastic wrap to cover and give the two twisty ends. An all-day long lollipop clocks. You can get the clockmaking kits at craft stores and you could choose to paint the face yourself. Candy bar pillow cases. You could take white pillow cases and dye them brown then use fabric paint to make them look like a hershey bar. This also could be done with beach towels. Cake decorating totes. I keep all my decorating tools in an ugly plastic tool box. You could take the tool boxes and cover them with
  8. I drove by one in Kennesaw the other day. It is by the mall, in the same shopping center that has David's Bridal, Plato's Closet, and Starbucks. It's around the back where the physical therapy office is. http://www.tipsortaps.com/
  9. A journal or tape recorder. My husband thought I was silly but I did not want to forget a single moment. I kept a journal and I wrote down the names of the nurses, every time they came in to check on me, what they said, what I was thinking and feeling, what I wanted (ice, food), pain levels. Everything. At the time it was ridiculous. Now, its something I absolutely treasure. I wouldn't trade those journaled thoughts for anything. One day, it will help my daughters know exactly what goes through your mind when your about to give birth. They'll get to read all about the fear, excit
  10. Here's what always works happens in my house when the Super Daughter gets near laundry appliances. For some reason it seems like my absolute most comfortable thing to wear attracts all possible stains. Go find your favorite shirt, you know, the one that you just can not live without. Open the dyer toss in your favorite shirt, a pack of gum, and an uncapped Sharpie. Heck, for good measure you could even add your favorite tube of lipstick. Turn that puppy on extra hot and let it churn. When it finishes, VOILA, a clean dryer and one more totally ruined favorite shirt. Okay,
  11. bourbon marinated salmon, brown rice topped with stewed tomatoes, steamed broccoli.
  12. Fruits are very good for you but the fructose will actually increase your hunger. Protien will curb your hunger. Try sliced deli meat or string cheese. I keep a couple 1/2 cup containers of granola mixed with Cheerios in my car to help me avoid the fast food urge when I get the munchies.
  13. Make sure you powder his nose real good before you paint it red. Otherwise, it will be red for quite a while. Do you have any old sweater type gloves you could decorate with buttons, jingle bells, or doodads?
  14. I'm cooking a rotisserie chicken and -- I don't know yet.
  15. If he happens to be sentenced to jail do you know if the house will become vacant or are there other people there? It appears that someone has started a car repair business in his barn. Is this his business, someone who lives with him, or a random other person? I'm just curious to know if there's a chance of some peace whether or not he's jailed.
  16. It's hard to coordinate it just right. Some people tend to over cook and the family ends up with days worth of leftovers and no where to put them. Depending on the family size it might be best just to give a gift card to Papa John's. That way, they can order what they want and get it when they want it. Another idea is to take a frozen casserole like lasagna or something similar. Hubby can pop it in the oven and they can choose which night they want it.
  17. When we were getting ready to repaint our house I had a terrible time deciding on the color so I drove around and took pictures of houses with color schemes I liked. Hopefully, what you saw was something equally as innocent.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp5Rdb9ncfMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp5Rdb9ncfM
  19. I can't tell you how much I LOVE Jazzercise. You are just too far away from me. I've thought about joining the Acworth location but they are too expensive given the low number of available classes and all the other options around. I'd like to know more about your new location and your schedule when you move. One more thing. What about your floor? Jazzercise has a lot of jumping and skipping that can be killer on the knees. Will you have some type of spring board floor or will you just have padded carpet on a concrete slab? Thanks in advance for the information.
  20. TNIlamb. -- Thanks for the clarification. I was under the impression he did not attend McClure this current school year. I am very sad for the family and for the students. Maybe I'm being selfish but I wish they had waited until the end of the day to make the announcement. The 8th graders are taking their writing test today and I'm sure the last think they'll be focusing on is writing an effective essay. Please don't bash me. Now would be a good time for one of Dr. Hutnik's calling posts. It's an easy and effective way to clear up any confusion. Also, the parents would be prepare
  21. This is a good way to start the morning. I'm glad I didn't see it last night. I can't imagine the relief her parents must feel.
  22. No it's not immoral. You are talking about two totally different beasts. You might as well be asking if it's immoral to take a week of vacation if you don't go anywhere.
  23. Google calendar would be my only suggestion. I use it and love it. There's even an app to view it on my iphone. You have to have a Google account (free) but I don't believe you have to have g-mail. When I set up my family calendar I gave the password to my husband and my kids. There is only one Google account and each of us have the password to access it. It works great for us because my husband can view and add to the calendar at work. The kids can put all their activities, tests, project due dates, and future plans (parties) on it. I love the fact that I was able to give each
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