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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Well crap. This morning Karen Minton said Paulding may just get some sleet and a light dusting. Humph. I want some REAL snow! Before school this morning I told my kids they better start doing their snow dance because the snow might not make it here. They broke out into some kind of wierd giration and started singing Stanky Leg? At least I've had my morning giggle.
  2. I voted -- because I always give my input. But unfortunately, I don't think it matters. They'll choose what they want. It seems like they provide the opportunity to vote just because they want us to think they're listening. Didn't they do this a couple of years ago and then adopted the calendar with the least number of parental votes? I may be wrong but I think I remember that happening. It happened this year in Cobb too. The parents were having a hissy fit after the decision was made because they thought they're voting meant they were being allowed to choose the calendar. They
  3. I would learn to forgive easier and I would learn how to teach my oldest how to be self-motivated and to take responsibility. My other two figured it out. But somehow my oldest and I are speaking different languages. I would love to be a better mom to her.
  4. Goren and Eames were great. I don't like the show as much since they replaced Gorem with the Fly guy. I can't think of the name but I will never see him as anything other than a mutant fly. I watched The Fly as a kid and this same guy slowly mutated into a fly (after some type of cellular transport) and it was the most gross thing my young eyes ever witnessed. Bring back Goren!!!
  5. It was great! I went to the grocery store BY MYSELF! I didn't have to hear the sing song , "Mommy can I, Mommy I want, Mommy I need, Mommy you said, Mommy you promised." I get everything I need and I spend so much less when I go alone. Even though I was glad they went back this morning I'm still hoping they get a couple of snow days. After 16 days I needed a morning to myself.
  6. My hubby said it's as cold as a witch's tit.
  7. We're headed to Rodney's for New Years lunch.
  8. I only went to 1 funeral in 2009. In 2008 I went to 14. All in all, 2009 was pretty good healthwise for my family. I have high hopes for 2010.
  9. I'm so glad you're cooking turnip greens instead of collards. I think turnip greens are sooooo much better. They don't have the bitter taste of collards and they cook down to be so much more tender. I'm down to my last few bags of frozen greens. We stopped planting them when my dad and grandmother had to begin taking coumadin. I'm the only one left who really enjoys the greens so it isn't worth planting them anymore. When we did plant them I would add a few mustard green seeds to the turnip seeds. They'd be mixed when picked, washed, and cooked. I liked having a few mustard gree
  10. Good beautiful morning. I'm standing at my kitchen window watching the wood peckers enjoy my bird feeder. They are so beautiful.
  11. Wow. Loaded question. The time depends on your preferences and if the greens are fresh, canned, or frozen. I will be cooking some I precooked and froze last year. The only thing I don't do to them before I freeze them is season them. So all I need to do is heat 'em up, add seasoning (salt, black pepper, bacon grease, couple cloves of garlic, and 2 cowhorn peppers sliced down the middle), and simmer for an hour or so. If they're fresh, you'll need to simmer them a good bit longer depending on your preferences. I like mine pretty tender so I tend to just put them in the crock pot in the
  12. Since it's "family style" I expect they will put full bowls of food on the table and everybody passes them around. You get your portion and then the excellent wait staff replaces the empty bowls with new ones. I'm sure somebody will be on here soon to let you know if I'm wrong.
  13. Woohoo! I don't have to cook! I'll see you there.
  14. For tonight, I'm cooking potato soup and I plan on tossing in a handful of diced ham.
  15. I haven't been, but I know many that have and loved it. From what I hear the atmosphere is similar to that of cosmic bowling. Sacry is a word I haven't heard from anybody that's been. Hope you have fun. Let us know how it is.
  16. Thoughts: I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Sorry, no plans for the mall today. The in-laws tend to be enough punishment. Where do you put your mistletoe?
  17. Before I head to the in-laws' I plan to tape some to the back of my jeans.
  18. Humm. I think I need to get some babanas and see if it works.
  19. Kids can be so strange sometimes. I used to keep a kid who would only eat and drink things that were white. It was definately a challenge nuturing a child on cereal, grits, yogurt, milk, and chicken. Your baby will eventually come around but don't force him, just try to lead by example.
  20. I've come across some stuffed animals, blankets, and some lotions that would be great gifts for nursing home patients. My grandmother was in one this time last year and I can't bring myself to go back yet. It's just that those fragile patients sitting there with no visitors just broke my heart. Anyway, if you might be headed that way and wanted to swing by Bentwater I have several things you could take that might brighten someone's day. PM me if you are interested.
  21. Yaay!! I hope hou have fun with us. Yes, it is a good morning. My kids are peaceful. I don't have any shopping to do. I'm going to spend the morning preparing my house for visitors and baking sweet potato pies. Merry Christmas.
  22. We've seen several while my kids, my mother, and I were Christmas shopping. My outspoken children like to mess with people by talking about them loudly. If you heard "Hey look Grandma! He's practicing for prison!" It was probably one of my spawn. More than likely it was the 11 year old who has a great sense of humor but no tolerance for stupidity. One more is, "Mom, why would he think I want to see his drawrs? I can see his face and it's pretty much the same." Yeah, that's my precious daughter.
  23. I love them. Easy to care for and beautiful. I have one from my great grandmother. This year I rooted a sprig for each of my aunts. We'll see how long it takes those ladies to kill them. Any way, I hope you enjoy it. Mine blooms from Thanksgiving to almost Easter.
  24. They used to have a cherry almond I really liked but I don't think they carry it anymore. My kids still have their favorites. One likes the vanilla something or another, one likes the holiday peppermint, and the other is into spraying the clean linen all over her room.
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