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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. You might want to take samples of the ground water, lake water and your tap water to a pool company to see which will be the most cost effective to convert into pool water. Our first year we filled the pool from a bored well, and had a heck of a time getting the copper out of it.
  2. No thanks, Curtis,,, I had 3 at the party,,, but is there any watermelon left???
  3. I've noticed erratic delivery times in the last couple of years, and have also noticed that the mail person now brings any package that doesn't fit in the box, up to the front door and rings the bell! With so many people making online purchases these days, it must make for some long days for the USPS, and causes your delivery time to get backed up. Just a thought.
  4. The ones with the white face are the males, and have no stinger. Their purpose in life seems to be hovering around the nest and emit pheromones to attract the females. The females have the all black face, raise the brood, forage for nectar, and will sting the liven crap out of you. You can grab and play with the white faced model and amaze your friends and relatives with your bravery, but leave the solid black ones alone!!! Oh, and try not to confuse the male Carpenter Bee with the White Faced Hornet,,,, that, could be very painful.
  5. I wonder if anyone (like Curtis), has done a YouTube video of the check-in, security and procedures to go to a gate at Hartsfield-Jackson. It would be interesting to see how things have changed since I last flew out of there 15 years ago, and would be helpful to newbies!
  6. Actually, the drug companies are no longer making these drugs because of the anti-death penalty protesting of their other products. Production then moved to Italy, until they found out about its intended use and banned its export. That leaves the prison systems to seek out other drugs to do the job. Truth be known about the execution, the attendant probably missed the vein! What I don't understand is how the attending doctor didn't realize he wasn't going under. That happens very quickly when you are going to be operated on, why not here?
  7. Primer maybe????? What fast food place is red? Mrs Winter's?????
  8. Kennestone Wellstar has a restaurant on the first floor called the Church Street Bistro (I think). They seat you and then you can go to the food bar, or they will take your order and prepare it to order. Attached to that is a Starbucks in case you need to fix a pothole in your driveway. Good food and service. The hospital also has a women's clothing store in it as well.
  9. Dana, even though he is not on a water pill, try to learn the difference between low blood sugar and dehydration. The dieting and exorcise can effect both problems, which need to be treated differently. Simple solution is to drink more than enough plain water. 10 years ago I couldn't pass a sweet roll or piece of cake without taking a "Sample". Somewhere along the line of being diagnosed with Diabetes, and my heart trouble, I lave developed a liking for salads, and excessively sweet things make me nauseated. Don't really know when or how that happened, but it has worked out for the best.
  10. Seriously, you could probably write a doctoral thesis on this. Since I was born in the late 40's, I would say the beginning of the end was Viet Nam, and Watergate was the last nail in the coffin.
  11. I can't click on the 'Dots' at all, nothing happens!!! As a matter of fact, some of the thread titles are too short to activate the back ground link. They need to be at least 12 characters long to work. I have to go to the far right and click on the 'Last Post', then back up the list of posts. I'm running Google Chrome, if you think that matters.
  12. There is probably an EPA regulation about serving Baked Beans in small confined places.
  13. I have been running Kaspersky on our XP for the last three years, and have not picked up a single update from Microsoft for at least 5 years, and have had absolutely no problems. Now that everyone is ditching their XP, hackers will stop trying to attack it, if they haven't already, so why worry about it????????
  14. Maybe it's a setting on your editor. I use Google Chrome, and 'Spell Check' is/was on, and works great for me.
  15. Have you tried EBAY? I've found a lot of parts for our older cars there. Usually you have to sort through a lot items, but it's a lot quicker than going to a yard and searching. That and the EPA requires them to drain all fluids and mop up spills, and any number of other hoops they have to jump through.
  16. Actually, I've spoken with a person in the business, IN ATLANTA, and I asked him about the treatment plant. He said that isn't the deal breaker, but the distance from down town Atlanta. Every day they need to move almost all of the personnel back and forth. Places like Lakewood are close enough for transport, and Senoia can house the talent in the Senoia area. They plan to do the same thing with Fayettville when a new production starts there. But running back and forth to Dallas for a sound stage isn't feasible to production companies, even though it is a nice facility. That is the long a
  17. If it is more than an hour away from downtown Atlanta, they'll be as screwed as the one we have.
  18. I don't know who has the best price, but until it goes down to $1.30/gal, they can keep it. Feb 14th I got 240 gallons at 3.69/gal. With tax, that comes to $940 for 1 month!!! This month when they backed up to the tank I asked them what the price was, and when they said $2.50/gal, I told them to take it with them. The tank was still 65% full, and might just make it to next fall, I hope. But like the OP I'm shopping around for the best deal out there.
  19. Before reading that one, you should read "Night Sins". Just like you need to read Hoag's books "Ashes to Ashes" before reading "Dust to Dust". The best thing to do is start with her books from about 1992, and read forward. I lost track of the last one I read when they quit appearing on the book shelves some time back. Read'um in sequence, there is not a bad book among them. Just finished King's new book "Doctor Sleep", not his better work even since he got sober. Very thin plot, but does catch you up with Danny Torrance from "The Shining", borrow this one, do not buy it!
  20. Beall's must have an awful lot of unsold crap if they have that many outlet stores,,, by the way, Ben's moved to the old Kaufman Tire store by the Waffle House,,, looks a little strange.
  21. I think the motives are wrong. If he wanted to hit the towers, he would have done that just after takeoff, and then, what it prove to have a Muslim pilot fly a Muslim airliner into a Muslim monument/building?? This would not endear him to anyone but Ibrihim, and done more damage than good with the locals. Next, why would Thailand give a flip about this fanatical pilot, unless they felt he intended to destroy something in Thailand, and why would he do that!?!?!? The plane dropped down to 1000 feet, which tells me they wanted to avoid being a bare radar image, which they did until they got o
  22. Can't believe no one recommended Elizabeth Osborne Williams!!!! Actually, she is very good with such matters,,, just keep her away from politics.
  23. Roy Yunkers does the odd numbered cases and Ryan Brightman does the even numbers I think.
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