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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. It seems to me, that there is a place where you can have the ashes turned into a gem stone. If it is not cost prohibitive, you could have each of them made into something that would become an heirloom, either individually, or as a family,,, such as a family ring. Much less maudlin than boxes or urns to worry about!
  2. I can see in the near future when cremation will be required unless there is a religious requirement. At some point people will need realize there is not be enough land available to bury the dead, and still grow food for the living. When I go, my wife will probably have me stuffed and prop me up in the corner somewhere to be bitched at for the rest of her life! Such a deal.
  3. I don't know Mr Bucci, but will take your word for it. Sandra Miller seems very honest and diligent, but I know little of her legal background. I wouldn't let Lani Skipper be a dog catcher!!!!!
  4. Ya'll are getting a lake,,, what else do you want??? A massive mall? How about an amusement park? Hey, I've got it,,,, an airport!!!!!
  5. My PF lasted about 5 months, as I recall. At times I thought it would never heal. But sticking to the exercises, and taking Ibprofen caused it to finally just go away. I found that the way I walked was more important than how much I walked. If you have ever watched a marching band, they don't push off with their toes, they keep them curled up and roll across the length of their foot. This is hard to get used to, but it keeps the plantar stretched out and eliminates most of the pain in your heel. The other thing I got in the habit of doing, was to pull back on the toes of that foot for 30
  6. That's it exactly!!!!! Now what is it that blew up????
  7. We heard it too,,, really rattled the windows. It came from the Macland rd and Hwy 92 area, but no smoke and no sirens. The only other time I heard something that loud, was when our neighbor lit a bon fire with 5 gallons of kerosene and 2 gallons of gas. He almost didn't have anything left to burn!!!!! Nope, a whole lot louder and at least 2 more boooms!!!!
  8. Add to this the Soviets refused to accept him as a possible double agent, because of his mental instability, which caused him to defect back to the US. Just out of curiosity,,, when did the Warren commission publish its findings?
  9. I don't think he would have got out of shooting the police officer, with maybe three credible witnesses to that crime, and only his finger prints on the rifle that fired the shots that hit JFK. His only chance of avoiding the electric chair, was to cop a plea! End of conspiracy.
  10. Hmmmmm,,, if cats went on strike,,,, exactly what wouldn't they be doing,,,, Eating, crapping, hacking up hair balls, clawing the woodwork,,, what???
  11. What is the proper procedure for disposing of campaign signs, or as Pubby puts it 'Litter on a stick'. Do they go back to the candidate, go to the landfill, get recycled,,,What??? If I remember, after the last election, a lot of signs were left for road crews to deal with, which doesn't seem right.
  12. And what the frick is Thanksgiving without Apple Pie,,,,, SALUTE!!!!
  13. Two things!?!?! After I looked at bullet point A, and bullet point 3 ,,, I looked at the jar of Apple Pie I'm working on and thought "Damn, I mixed up a good batch this time!!!".
  14. I don't know!!! I once had meatless nachos with Jalapeno cheese and chopped parsley. But it turned out the parsley wasn't really parsley,,, and I got the munchies and cured them at the same damn time!!!!
  15. Fines have been levied for the post race fight.... The crew chiefs for Gordon(24) and Kayne(5) each fined $50,000 and 6 race suspension for not controlling their crewmen. 1 crewman for Kayne, and 2 crewmen for Gordon fined $25,000 and suspended for 6 races for fighting. 1 crewman for Gordon fined $10,000 and suspended for 3 races for fighting (must have been related to a NASCAR official, or just a pathetic fighter). No fines or penalties for Keselowski, Gordon or Harvick!!!! Go figure. Rick Hendrick paid all of the fines,,, $185,000!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Very true, but LBJ hired him, and hired Ruby to shut Oswald up!!!!
  17. Exercise, especially walking, was the best thing for me. It always seem to hurt the most right after resting/sleeping. Keeping that muscle stretched out eases the pain more than pain killers.
  18. Big bunch of Drama Queens trying to make excuses why they lost! I can't figure out why Harvick was trying to pick a fight, but Gordon will probably get fined for calling Keslowski a "Dip-sh!t" during the interview,,, NASCAR really frowns on that. I would really like to know why Gordon screwed up and took the outside lane against his own team mate, and why left side tires seem to be so easy to puncture when trading paint?????
  19. Probably Pubby didn't, the call was spoofed by someone that knows about P.COM.
  20. No, tonight will still happen, but I guarantee you will miss the Falcons kick-off tomorrow, which is not such a bad thing.
  21. Has anyone else noticed that something like 6 out of 7 cases of Ebola in this country are medical professionals????? I think their 'Scientific' protocols suck,,, and if that's the case, what else are they wrong about?????
  22. Maybe they're waiting to see which language they need to print them in!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Really???? Why don't any of them know their name?? They are as dumb as a bag of hammers!!!!!! LOL.
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