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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. Well,,,, you and S&DN missed my premise altogether, but that's okay as it was rather flimsy, but there was a management directive posted for African Americans not to care for the baby in question, but I'm not legal beagle enough to know if that is discrimination. That's all. Edited to add: There are a couple of things I won't abide by in a caregiver,,, English speaking skills so poor you need an interpreter to understand them, and the people running around in the office hacking and coughing!!!!! All you SICK people stay away from me!!!!!
  2. You're right!! I grew up in the burbs of Detroit in the 50's, went to HS in Flint in the early 60s. Not pretty places, but very busy then. Car plants left, and Flint is a horror story,, shame!!
  3. Hmmmm,, how about 'Right to Work'??? A nurse has a right to earn a living, and if the hospital is forced to 'Allot' patients based on ethnicity or race, some nurses could theretically be left without patients, and therefore unneeded and laid off. I think that could be the basis for a law suit.
  4. I had the same problem with our old Kenmore. That was a real bugger to find!!!! I bought mine from Sears online,(I think), and had it 'rushed' in 3 days. My experience with some of the repair places, is that they never seem to have the part I need in stock, and I end up waiting for it to be shipped. If I have to wait anyway, I'll have it shipped to my door. If you can't find the part locally, come back to the thread, and I'll try to find an email with an appliance parts site.
  5. I was at the MDJ last week, and it looked like it was gone, and I recall someone saying Sears closed it and just uses the big warehouse in Tucker(???). Shame, I kept a lot of good Sears equipment running from the Marietta warehouse.
  6. Sorry for the confusion, but I use Autism more like an umbrella term for all of the mental afflictions. I realize that true Autism is not genetic, and Downs syndrome is, the effects and actions of the people that are afflicted differ mostly in degree of handicap and physical stature. I'm not a PC person, but I prefer to use a polite generic term, that's all.
  7. I'm gonna flash half the peace sign at the minivan drivers that won't get out of my way!!!!!!!
  8. Not always, depending on their acuity, they can become unhappy, unpleasant and/or combative, especially when they become frustrated with not being able to perform in what is considered a 'Normal' manner. Contrary to popular belief, most autistic people realize they can not compete on the same level as others their age and size. When that happens they can lash out at others, a situation, but mostly themselves because they may feel like a failure in society. Autism is baffling at the best of times.
  9. I believe you meant to say 'American State of Vermont' and 'American Capitol Washington', (or ACW as they call it across the pond). Still, how do you get access to 10 million tweets??? Did they take an equal number from each and every state?? It boggles my mind.
  10. Who said anything about 'obesity', or a 'struggle'??? Why weren't the three officers even taken off the road?? No desk duty, no suspension with/without pay pending the investigation!?!? There is an inconsistency there that speaks to some sort of problem with the police department and/or the medical examiner. Just my opinion.
  11. Who got hold of 10 million tweets, and was it legal? No wonder we're unhappy, someone is reading our mail!!! The left coast is too stoned to realize that yet. :rofl:
  12. Maybe he got a ticket that morning for a 'Gore Violation'!! Not saying that happened, but it's not unheard of for someone in government to have an axe to grind with other officials. I just have doubts when they simply say 'Asphyxiation' , but they don't say how.
  13. That's my problem. The phone line is so bad, it will not support 2 MBPS, and the phone company doesn't want to fix it. My DD tried to get one of those lines, phone company said the circuits were all full in her subdivision, and they would have to wait for someone to give one up,, sounds like a Phone Company fish story to me.
  14. Interesting, all six comments attached to that article were negative! But the concept does have merit, if they would have the pharmacy prepackage the medications by time of day, and mark them clearly in large print. The elderly Medicare patient would have much less trouble keeping up with pills, and whether they have missed a dose. My elderly sister had such a service in an assisted living facility in Fayetteville. Although she didn't have to deal with what to take and when, the nurses at the facility had no trouble with her meds, and couldn't screw it up as long as they stayed on schedule
  15. How do they get the DSL signal to your house, Cellular!?!?
  16. CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! Note avatar,,, Cutest pup, and best dog we've ever had!!!!!!!
  17. I've heard bad things about COMCAST and their 'Total Package' offer, but all I'm interested in is the Cable T.V. and 6-10MBPS DSL, which I've heard GOOD things about.. The foul weather service from DISH is really getting to me, and the Phone Line from AT&T is so poor it barely maintains 1 MBPS. I'm really running out of options if I can't get cable. Before the Dishes, cable companies were a dime a dozen. The only thing I've heard of lately are COMCAST and UVERSE. Are there others available?
  18. I am dieing to get rid of the land line, but it is my only option for DSL with three and sometimes four computers running. I can't get COMCAST or the like due to our distance from the main highway. I was hoping that someone would come out with cellular broadband to cure this problem, but no luck yet. If COMCAST were available, I could dump the Phone Company, Dish Network and EARTHLINK. I might take another run at buying and hanging the cable for COMCAST, just to get the service. Anyone out there ever pull that off????
  19. I'm with you. Dump these fools as a provider, and pay them the $75, but make them ask for it several times. Each time you get a dun, call them up and give them a cursory argument as to whether the appointment really existed. After the second bill, pay it, so you don't mess up your credit, but who knows, they might write off the charge, but even if they don't you can still get a little satisfaction from aggravating them! Better luck with your new provider. Call them immediately, and make them put it back on the card!!!! Then dispute it with the CC company,,, Remember, YOU NEVER HAD AN A
  20. Skyline, far and away the best folks. Fast and Fair.
  21. This happens from time to time in 'Aseptic' packaging. The basic theory is that the product and package internals are both sterile at the time the package is sealed, therefore the product can not spoil. In practice this is not always true. If you consider the millions of packages produced each day, it's a wonder it doesn't happen more often, especially during cold/flu season. The other problem is when they use passive sterilization, they use preservatives to thwart the common bacterias, but now and then new bacterias crop up that the preservatives can't handle. Then the chemists go to work
  22. What's wrong with calling it the"'New England storm of '13"??? It's much more descriptive than "NEMO". "NEMO" in two years will mean nothing to anyone other than the folks in New England, if even them. The only reasons they name huricanes, is they cover so much area, we have multiples each year, and the alphabetic sequence can be a point of reference.
  23. If I were not recently diagnosed as a diabetic, I could eat my weight in Wild Cherry JELL-O with sliced Bananas in it............ So many things I would love to eat now, only because I shouldn't........ I knew it wasn't Roger, (didn't know who it really was, other than someone from Aerosmith), But its been there since I've been here, and it doesn't seem like you without Roger, I mean Brad! PUT IT BACK!, PUT IT BACK!, PUT IT BACK!
  24. So is JELL-O,,, I take it you don't/won't eat JELL-O!?!?! JELL-O,,, YUM!!!! By the way,,, what did you do with Roger Daltry,,, I miss him already.
  25. I'm with you, last night DW, DD and SIL went to "Texas Roadhouse", where we all shared an excellent order of 'Tater Skins' as an appetizer. DW and I split the 'Road Kill' minus the cheese, and our two sides were 'House Salad' and 'Caesar Salad'. DW had an 'Arnold Palmer' and I had the 22oz 'PBR' in a frosted mug. I was so enthralled with my meal that I didn't even notice what DD and SIL had to eat, but it was slathered in copious amounts or 'Ranch Dressing'. We had a coupon for free a appetizer, so we got out of there for $34 and change. Needless to say, since they only sang 'Happy Birt
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