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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. I think MOMOF3 or ORRBY should check it out. I know,,, CURTIS,,, he can video tape it.... Why don't you call and make Curtis a reservation?????
  2. Did anyone else see the online news blurb about making reservations at the Dallas Waffle House for a romantic meal complete with Table Cloth and Candles? It's their second year for this it seems, but I had never heard of it before. Anyone for Waffle House???????? My DW would kill me............... I mean she would dig a hole, shoot me in both eyes and bury me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. That was the reason for my question "Femoral or Radial". In the future, if you need catheterization, insist on the Radial procedure which goes in through the wrist! Much, much less invasive, and the only thing you can't do is lift more than 2 pounds for 5 days with that hand. The other thing, is consider the Cardiac Rehab at Wellstar Paulding or Kennesaw. I didn't think much of it at first, but they monitor your heart and record that activity the whole time you are there. They found a problem with my heart 2 weeks ago that I didn't realize was happening! Starting an exercise program on
  4. My sister had one in the house they built. My brother-in-law, always the jokester, referred to it as the "Monkey wrench". Careful with the "Wipes", they don't break down like tissue does, and could cause trouble with a septic tank, or start a blockage with a sewer line! Eventually cost me $1800 to learn that lesson.
  5. For real!!! They're putting Stents in lots of things these days, but the testicle Stent/Bypass is my wifes idea,,, something about putting more lead in my pencil.
  6. If I might ask, are you going with another service provider or straight antennae? Our rate went up another $5 this year, and the reception is sketchy when it is stormy. My main problem is that I can not get Comcast or Uverse where we live, (1/2 mile from main highway). I don't want Direct, because its the same problem as Dish, so I just wondered what you will/are doing. THANKS.
  7. Paxilpapa


    It wasn't the sound, it was the not moving. I'm very fidgety and can't sit or lay still for more than 5 minutes. I concentrated so hard on remaining still, that i got the urge to cough, and then sneeze. My body hates to stay still!!!! By the way, you don't have any shrapnel in your body do you? Stents? artificial Joints? All of that has to be accounted for before the MRI.
  8. Heart, Kidneys, Carotid or Testicles?????????? Was it Femoral or radial?
  9. Not only that, but it's 95% water, and that will put a fire SLAP out!!!!!!
  10. What really makes me laugh, is the notion of moving the Falcons to L.A.... A city notorious for not supporting pro football. They have two baseball teams, two basketball teams, but can't keep a football team there. What make Mr. Blank think he can make it work??? Laughable!!!
  11. PM sent. Google 'Modular Office Furniture'. You can pick and choose anything you like, and order it online,,, is PAPI handy with a screw driver????
  12. What you are getting are ROBO calls. A computer somewhere is making them based on phone lists they "appropriate" from most anywhere. ROBO calls are illegal except in certain circumstances, (notifications from weather services, doctors appointments, airport departures times for your flight, etc.). But the sales pitches for the security service, or credit card services are definitely illegal and there is nothing you can do to stop it since they have a device that masks the actual number they are calling from . I've gotten calls from phone numbers that were all zeros, which you know is invalid
  13. I used Baquacil for two years with great results, then the third year, it was so bad ( It was like a gallon a week at $54 a gallon!), I converted to chlorine. It was like they changed the formula so that it took more chemical to get the job done. We got tired of Brown's method of selling us far too many chemicals, and switched to Aquarama on Powder Springs road in Marietta. Very good people to work with. I'm thinking of having them fix the leak in the replacement inground, and opening it up this year. All in all though, pools are a lot of work if you don't use them often, (4 times a
  14. This is the only one that makes a wit of sense, but the rest of his character says he's too much of a 'Scum Bag'. But maybe, as part of some sort of 12 step program. I just wonder.
  15. Do any you know what 'Blood Doping' actually is? The actual act is not as bad as you might think, and is probably a natural progression from things such as Carbo Loading and super saturation with things such as Gatorade. They took it one step further with the transfer of red blood cells that were already saturated with nutrients. Then they found out they could enhance the doping to mask other performance enhancing things such as steroids, and that's when everything got way out of hand. Bottom line is, all of the teams do some sort of artificial recovery enhancement to get their riders bac
  16. Why??? They got what they wanted during those years, and even now they are no longer paying him, they are getting FREE publicity! If you think this this is BAD publicity, think again, this is the pity vote for his old sponsors. Secondly, any ad man will tell you 'There is no such thing as BAD publicity'. It's pretty much a push. The whole thing makes me wonder what he's up to!?!? Why now? Why Oprah? Maybe because if he had gone on the air with the 60 Minutes folks, he would have been torn limb from limb! So why now, what's the purpose? He obviously doesn't have the character to be
  17. It's simple Stra', you don't look like a drug runner! If you did, they're not allowed to pull you over because that's 'Profiling', and profiling is "ILL-Legal'!!! Next time where dark glasses, a hoody, and act real nervous,,, and you'll be home free.
  18. BANG!!! A succinct answer to the 'Education Question'. College doesn't teach you the secrets of life, it teaches you where to look for them. A degree, in anything, shows the employer that you have what it takes to go out and find the solution to a given problem.
  19. I always wondered if it wouldn't work just as well to let your toothbrush soak in Listerine!?!?! One time our kids had recurring Strep so bad, my wife boiled all of our toothbrushes just like the doctor said, or so she thought. 15 minutes later they all looked like pretzels!!!! We laughed until our sides ached. :yahoo:
  20. PM sent, best of luck with your Mother, just went through that with my MIL.
  21. How can you not like Root Beer????? A big ol' frosted Root Beer with a dollup of vanilla ice cream in it!?!?!?!?! NECTAR OF THE GODS!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Good Grief! We must be twins separated at birth! Might I also add any type of meat fat.... When ever I bite down on egg whites or meat fat, and it squirts out between my teeth,,,, before I can even say 'YUCK', I projectile vomit!!!!!
  23. Hiram PD pulled me over because the bulbs that illuminate the tag were burned out!!! Then questioned why we were going to Wally World at 10:30 at night!! I'm glad we hadn't started drinking yet,,, it could've gotten ugly!!
  24. ALABAMA - The finest semi-pro team in college football today, will have no trouble with that Mackerel Snapper school from up north!!!!!!!!
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