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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. An online article in the Paulding Neighbor has Blake Swafford informing the AA that an airshow is tentatively scheduled. The Salute America 2015 show tentatively is set for May 9 and 10 of 2015. Anyone plan on going?????
  2. Apparently, Blake Swofford announced at some board meeting, that they would wait until after Jan 1 to begin the search for his replacement, so I guess it's true, but why?
  3. I read a small blurb in a news posting that Jaimie Gilbert announced his resignation Nov 10th. Does anyone know why, or where he is going? It seems that he was the only person getting anything done in that whole group.
  4. I'll buy your ticket,,, if it is one way!!!
  5. Any poll that rolls off page one should be closed!!!!
  6. Are you flying, driving,,, or just floating above your loafers??????
  7. Actually, heterozygous is the key to the question. The mother has both the dominate and recessive genes, while the father can only have the recessive genes. Therefore all of the offspring will have one recessive gene, while only half will have the dominate gene which naturally will produce the trait. Probability is,,,, 50/50 or 50% depending on your mathematical preference. We had the same question, except they used eye color, brown versus blue, and I don't see any need to make it racial even if a majority of the class is African/American.
  8. The lack of discipline in the school system is the largest single thing that has ruined public education. They have put the inmates in charge of the asylum!!!!
  9. Who's the most popular guy at the nudist camp???????? The guy who can carry two hot cups of coffee and a dozen donuts!!!! insert rimshot here... and pass the Wet Wipes for sure!!!!
  10. How about this,,, you're at one those 'All you can eat' places with a potato bar, but no clean plates. The juggler could bring back 3 or 4 potatoes for the folks at the table.
  11. Good point, it would take both of them to call 911 and explain what was wrong!!!! Mimes do creep me out, but a juggler could be useful for something!
  12. It's strange that Jews take off all of the Jewish holidays, all of the Christian holidays and all of the Government holidays,,, How do they get so wealthy, when they take so many days off???? I think the rest of us are doing something wrong!!! My point was, that we are complaining about Maryland, and do the same thing here!!!
  13. I see you've found the jar of Apple Pie I left for you!!!!!! Like the man said, "It'll get you tore-up from the floor-up!"
  14. If memory serves me correctly, Paulding has 'Winter Break' now in lieu of 'Christmas Holidays', can anyone shed some light on this???
  15. I wonder how tough they are, could they be torn up in a hail storm??? If so, will home owners cover that, or would you need a rider on your policy???
  16. I suppose we could march on the Gold Dome,,,, Carrying great big signs that say "ANYONE BUT LANI !" Think we would get locked up???? Maybe even get our property rezoned!!!!
  17. Right, said he was going to be out of pocket then, as if the trip was planned, and where they were staying didn't have internet. I thought at the time they were going to take care of his aged mother-in-law, like the year before. I'm only speculating, but they may have made an emergency trip this time, or maybe he was so tied up with the election that the trip just slipped up on him. Does Pubby have a cell phone number for him????
  18. Is this a deal where the Governor will just make an appointment, or is there an avenue to make our wishes known? If Glen Richardson gets to lobby, the next judge will be Lani Skipper!!!
  19. I don't know, the DNR now considers any creek or stream the property of the state, and you are not allowed to do anything to it without their permission. Besides, the creek I have flows constantly, but not enough to spin an alternator,,, unless its raining, at which point it would wash the alternator away!
  20. That's what I was thinking, if what you want to do is beat the power company out of $2500 a year, by all means spend 150k and do it. If what you want is to be completely independent and/or offline, you will need a natural gas well on your property.
  21. Any idea what the cost of photvoltaic is compared to 10 years or so ago? Back then they didn't make economic sense, and I haven't heard anyone saying that the technology is getting cheaper, ala computers. I still think that if solar was that good, caveman would never have built a fire to cook his food or heat his cave.
  22. This is quite profound,,, I'll need to make plans to spend more time with my grandchild. I'm glad to see you are coming to terms with this conundrum called death. Personally I think the dearly departed go from a state of wonderment, into a state of amazement and awe. No sadness, no mourning and no regrets. Always remember, the glass is half full if you want it to be.
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