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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. It's not the Honey Boo Boo's that bother me as much as the Karl Childers we have around here!!!!!!
  2. A relative of mine was approached to work as an accountant for a T.V. pilot, and the business address was Hiram. Has anyone out there heard of this deal?
  3. Will that negate the need to widen 92, or supplement it?
  4. The last time they went through that exercise, they installed the monster power poles between 120 and E. Paulding Dr. If you notice, they staggered the poles on either side of the road so that they will have to be moved to widen the road to 4-lane. There is suppose to be a project to widen 92 from Crossroads to 41, for the Bentwater community to have better access to I-75. Does anyone know if that is still on???? I guess the widening of Macland rd from Lost Mtn Rd to 120 is dead now too, but does anyone know what the traffic is like now that they cut Macland through to Windy Hill??? Seem
  5. Next time he needs court money, sell his stuff to defray the costs. You have to make him feel some or all of the pain. Then try to manipulate the situations to where he gets tired of the way things are going, and changes his ways. Most times they have to hit rock bottom before they see the light and change their attitude about things,,, help him get there. Keep the tough love in play, and make him pay one way or the other. GOOD LUCK!
  6. Their software is quite sophisticated. It was designed by folks they call "Hackers", so consider anything you or anyone else has ever put on the internet fair game. You didn't have to say anything to anyone, but anything someone mentioned about you has generated a potential link to you. When you fired that thing up, the links started testing your account to see if you are the same person. That didn't bother me as much as the inane drivel that some people feel required to post,even to other people you may not know. Then there are the requests for 'Water Pumps', 'Fencing', and a 'Milk Cow'
  7. Since you have traveled overseas quite a bit, have you ever had original french fries from Belgium, cooked in horse tallow??? Does it actually cook the potato differently than lard, or corn oil?
  8. As I recall, it has something to do with 3 days of marinade in a vinegar/raisin/wine sauce. I don't have the patience for it. Anything longer than a pot roast, and I start deciding which restaurant to go to. I tip my hat to your patience and talent.
  9. Sour Bratten!!!! If ever I find myself in Huntsville Al, I go to one of the German restaurants for the Sour Bratten,,, soooo gooood!
  10. 10 A.M. would be best. We were told after heart surgery to weigh first thing in the morning. Get up, urinate and then weigh. It's the consistency of the thing that shows a trend you can rely on.
  11. Turn on an outside spigot until the water runs clear, then turn on the cold water only in each inside sink, until that water runs clear. Then as a precaution, throw out half the ice in your ice maker, wait 3 hours, then throw it all out. As a last process, flush your commodes several times to get the dirty water through the shut-off valves. Now your water lines should be dirt/rust free, and you can feel free to use the hot water. I've had to go through this process on a number of occasions.
  12. I think what you have are 3 hens and 1 rooster. Check out "Chick Sexing" on Wikipedia, and the links, very interesting.
  13. How about we honor all of those scoundrels, past, present and future by calling it the Board of Commissioners Parkway,,, or BOC for short,,,, then those of us who chose can refer to it as the "BIG-OL-CRAP'!!!
  14. Right, that's why you are almost forced to go back to a dealership. There are a few techno/nerds that have laptop software that will suck up the computer (all of them) settings, make the changes you want, and re-flash the computers. These folks work mostly with the tuner trade, and are quite scarce on this coast.
  15. How dependable has Direct been during storms? I have DISH, and when ever there are thunder storms, or even HEAVY rains, the whole thing bites the dust. Then if it doesn't perform maintenance on itself once a day, you have to re-insert the smart card to reload the program guide. I'm getting tired of Dish, but don't know about the dependability of Direct, and what the real cost is after the introductory period!!! Drives me nuts, wish I could get COMCAST, but can't. What's your take?
  16. You know,,, you could always spend the bonus on a divorce!!!!
  17. Actually, that's backward, you will be going faster than your speedo is reading. But the good news is, if you have a newer auto with an electronic speedometer, that's all controlled in the computer. They bring up the speedo profile, key in the new tire size, and the computer figures out how fast you are going based on each tire revolution per minute. Problem is, you'll probably have to go to a dealership to gain that access in the computer. I looked and looked for someone to do this on my sons car to no avail. I would think that most tire stores would offer that service, as so many people
  18. Maybe Texas notified Georgia of of the Texas registration, and some do gooder in Georgia dropped them both as an invalid address. That's why you need to make an address change to your daughter. That should supersede anything Florida has to say because 1) they don't know about the third car, and 2) if Georgia checks the old address, they find nothing left. You might have some fancy foot work to do about the insurance on it, but you can set up a secondary residence at your daughter's home, like you live there during the "HOT" months, like my in-laws did. If all else fails, just title the car o
  19. Yes you can. Do a 'Change of Address' to your daughter's address, and leave it here. What that will do is allow your daughter to renew the tag for you at the office, and all you do is pay the normal ad-valor em and tag fee. (We just tried to renew my SIL truck tag for him with just the VIN. They would not allow that because we have a different address, and we didn't have a 'Permission Slip" from my SIL!!! How ludicrous is that??? On the bright side, it wasn't licensed at all last year, payed a small fine and now it good through MAY 2014!!) Bottom line, they don't keep up with tag applica
  20. OH,, I get it,,,, When YOU say it it's copacetic, but when I say it I'm a racist a$$hat........... WELL ADIOS A$$HATS........
  21. Oh, good heavens no,,,, I have way too many anger issues to be allowed in a court of law,,,,, I'd be in jail most of the time for contempt!!!! Go with me one more time,,, If the nurse were the only one there covered in 'Warts', and every one said "No, not the one with warts!", That nurse would have no patients to give care to. If the hospital does not force the issue to have him/her granted patients and thereafter terminates their employment,,,,,, Does the nurse a case against the hospital???
  22. Yes, according to my original premise,(which I don't think you understand, because it's a bit bizarre), and NO, according to popular opinion... By the way, what is 'ESL'?
  23. Screw You!!!! I'm not pickin up that many "Spit" cups and bottles after the post game ceremonies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Two words,,, BEAUTY PAGEANT...... "Hear comes Honey Boo Boo" episode-9
  25. Gee, I was looking forward to Honey Boo Boo lighting the grill this year,,,, Maybe we'll just stay home and save gas this summer....
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