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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. Ken Vinson was a real estate attorney with the FIRM, and I haven't heard anyone complain about him. Only strange thing is Judges Beavers and Osborne each have one law clerk, Judge Vinson has two!
  2. I couldn't spell that correctly, if I had to,,, and I only had 1 Mayberry, so it.s no big deal. Overall, I give you kudos for for the new board and a job well done!!!
  3. I don't see 'Warning Status' anywhere, not even in my profile, and I'm a little bit miffed that I still can't put PUBBY on ignore!
  4. Laurie has them all out putting up "Vote for PROGRESS, Vote for PUBBY" signs.
  5. That's all well and good there, Braggadocios,,, but what does the other "-30" and "10" mean??? It seems to be the same for everyone, so why have it?!?!?!
  6. The reason no one has claimed it publicly, is that the flight crew is pulling their version of D.B. Cooper. They turned around, shut off the transponder, and landed somewhere in Viet Nam where few people would think to look. Just my opinion though.
  7. Basic "Beercan" chicken with a lot of Rib-Rub on the chicken. Go out on a limb and put some chopped garlic and Tabasco in the beer. I heard someone say that you can use Root Beer! Can't imagine what that tastes like!
  8. That makes more sense, a shrewd political move I guess. If anyone else had qualified, he would have stayed in and beat them with experience. But since no one else qualified, he drops out and keeps the judgeship in the family. Well played James, well played!!!!
  9. I looked at this and wondered, Superior Court Judge - Elizabeth Williams (NP), James Osborne (NP) James Osborne (past member of the "Firm"), wanted to retire. Elizabeth is his daughter, and currently works for the "Firm". Why James is now qualified to run is a mystery, but this is really weird! I wonder if they are creating a new judgeship????
  10. I liked the Cotton Gin when it first opened, but it faded rather quickly.
  11. I have it on reasonable authority that David Austin wishes to replace Todd Pownall with Duane Chapman!!!!!
  12. He said a number of days ago that he was going away for a short time, (and maybe longer). I assumed it was a family issue again.
  13. If you can give any age from 21 to 121,, I shouldn't think they would get any useful data,,, but you're probably right that the Government doesn't scarf up any of that data, save inventory control numbers for controlled substances.
  14. Not to jump on Pubby, but he is either overly facetious, or just plain wrong as two left feet!! I asked one time why I had to show my ID for Beer at the Kroger, and she told me it was to avoid any further law suits for discrimination!!! "What twenty year old filed a law suit?", I asked. She laughed and said that it was an overly vain 30 something that was embarrassed because they could not pass for 21 anymore. Legal beagles said they had ask and/or card everyone, which is what they do. A year ago I was buying a can of compressed air at Office Max, and had to show ID for it. Apparently t
  15. First thing is to try the Spare key, to see if that makes a difference. If not that, test the battery and/or alternator for proper charge. The computer that handles that function, (the Body Control Module I think) will act real hinkey when the voltage dips. There is a procedure to follow when the security system falls out of sync with the key parameters, which takes about 30 minutes, and varies from brand to brand. Try the key, then the battery (you'll need a good battery for the reset), then see if you can find the reset procedure online and try that. GOOD LUCK!!
  16. Was it bad???? I couldn't watch,,, as soon as I heard Dan Dierdorf, I switched over to figure skating. The NO/Seattle game looked more like an ongoing mugging in the secondary than any game I've seen this year. The only good thing about it was the guarantee that one of those two would lose!!
  17. He's a relic of the running quarterback days. Too old to run, and not as talented of a passer to compete with the NEW kids.
  18. What else can we do,,,, Indoor snow skiing???? They have that in the Middle East, pretty interesting!
  19. Sorry if I offended Stradial, but I was thinkin outside the box. The notion that 'If you build it, they will come', slays me. What they/we really need is some type of an attraction that hasn't been done in this area before, something really novel. If it is a Casino, the Cherokee Casino group builds it, runs it and the county just rakes in the taxes. What else can we do that will draw from several counties and states???? Lets brain storm this!
  20. Get ya a Gamblers Anonymous ankle bracelet,,, and stay out of North Carolina.
  21. How about if we put a noodle bowl place in the food court, just for you????
  22. How about a conference center built by the Cherokee Nation with a Casino!!!! An indoor pool, ice skating rink and a food court.... with a Cracker Barrel! Just an idea.
  23. Screw a Conference Center... I want a Lowes and a Cracker Barrel, something we can all enjoy!!
  24. The UN as a body which represents the world, should be able to brow beat the Russians into action without even taking a vote for them to veto. World politics works much the same way that politics works in this country. Any entity can be shamed, or blackmailed into action. The question is, does the rest of the world care enough about Syria???
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