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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. That last line is inappropriate, whether or not it's a poor attempt at humor. The rest of your statements are true, but that last line bothers me. I do not take suicide lightly after losing a friend that way.
  2. That's probably for uncontested with nothing to split, no property, no kids/child support/visitation/custody, no vehicles, just a straightforward "this marriage is over" divorce.
  3. Ask PetsMart. They have different animal rescue groups that bring animals for adoption, maybe they'll give a name or phone number. That's great for her!!
  4. Yes, she is great! She did my wedding dress alterations in no time at all and it was a nominal fee, plus she did three of my bridesmaid's dresses!
  5. I'm curious if those companies that told their employees they'd have to let people go if Obama won really will start laying off.
  6. Yeah, because the baby has NONE of his looks, right? That's so selfish and I can't believe an attorney would even take the case (well, actually, I can) and that a judge would even hear it! What parent thinks their own child is ugly anyway? That is wrong on so many levels.
  7. I give a second copy of my resume and a reference list (divided into professional and personal) to every interviewer. I have 20 copies of each and bring the folder with me since I usually interview with multiple people. I wouldn't fool with the background check; if they want one they'll run their own and have their own search agency, and it would be easy to fake one that you bring to an interview. Definitely bring the letter and good luck!!
  8. First, I am sorry for your loss. Second, it sucks but people do remove flowers from graves, whether it's a recent burial or an arrangement that's placed for special occasions. I worked with a guy who owned a funeral home and if the family didn't claim the flowers by the end of the day of the funeral, they would have to remove them. It was a running joke that if he brought flowers to work to butter someone up, be wary because they were probably funeral leftovers. Third, I stopped by my grandparent's grave one day and noticed the headstone was broken. The marble slab was cracked in half and
  9. I hate that your mom's in the hospital and hope she gets better. There was a news story about a woman (I didn't hear which state) was in labor and stopped to vote on her way to the hospital. Contractions 5 minutes apart, but she wanted her voice heard. Did you ask mom's doc about a temporary pass to vote and come right back? My grandmother had a heart attack and was given a one-day pass to attend my sister's wedding, so she's all dressed up and wearing her hospital wrist band and had to go straight back by a certain time. Granted, this was years ago and I don't know if they allow that any
  10. J'smom

    PC hospital

    From what I've heard, the existing Paulding hospital will become a nursing home and the new hospital will be the tallest building in the county at 7 stories.
  11. If you were attending both you wouldn't bring a gift to both, would you? I'd bring a wedding gift and not worry about one for the shower. Out-of-state shower invitations are usually sent as a courtesy, knowing you most likely won't be able to make it. Some people are fine with it, some aren't, but there's going to be so much going on with both events (and the time between!) that the couple won't even notice. Hubby's cousin is having a baby boy next month. We had a baby boy in February. We sent a huge box (and empty 250-count diaper box) full of clothes that our son didn't need anymo
  12. Maybe it will be real fish and not that greasy, over-battered stuff they serve across the street. Better yet, bring back Mrs. Winner's--their chicken was the best!!!
  13. I grew up near McCollum and there were always planes crashing near there. There was one that landed between 75 and 575, right at the split at Barrett Pkwy. More than one went down just short of the runway. I had a birthday party at Sparkles one year and my mom heard a boom, and on our way home we passed the plane, still in a tree, and the pilot had climbed down the tree after he crashed there. It's pretty common. Did you see the plane that hit the roof of a SUV upon landing? The SUV was driving along the edge of the tarmac and didn't see the word STOP written in faint spraypaint on
  14. Maybe that's what makes her relax, but that patient didn't want it. I hope they convict her of sexual assault, sodomy, and battery and she gets locked up so she can't hurt anyone again. Praying for the lady's recovery from this horrific ordeal.
  15. He's always had a certain cockiness about him and thought he was the team. I'm not a fan of his, nor a fan of Dieon Sanders for the same reason.
  16. Absentee ballot. College kids attending out of state schools also vote absentee.
  17. I know exactly what you're saying--the flashing yellow has the right-of-way over flashing red and red has to stop until clear; however, if you listen to the news reports, whether on radio or TV, they say "treat it like a 4-way stop." I don't know why they do this unless it's because they don't know if the light is completely out or just flashing. If it's completely out then it's a 4-way stop. Whatever it is, they just need a cop directing traffic while it's malfunctioning. Be careful out there!!
  18. I agree that it's not too old, partly because I was there opening weekend as a freshman in high school--our band marched around the field during "Roam the Dome" when it was open for everyone to explore, and I don't want to admit that I'm that old! LOL. Yes, it irked me when the NFL commissioner said Atlanta would never get a Superbowl unless we got a new stadium, something like Cowboy Stadium. We've successfully held 2 Superbowls and the Olympics--is that not good enough for them? Although, I was there for a concert and had forgotten how steep the steps are in that place!
  19. If your PCP was the one who diagnosed you, see if they'll refer you to an endocrinologist. They specialize in the endocrine system and disorders and can guide you much more effectively than your primary care, especially in this beginning stage of trying to regulate everything. Go to the counseling session and don't be afraid to ask lots of questions. Carbs are a big culprit, not just sugar. Eat right and exercise, and great job with the weight loss so far, and be careful. Have him wear bedroom shoes around the house, no more going barefoot, and don't take a stubbed toe lightly. Circulati
  20. Call Clark Howard on Channel 2. He'll get to the bottom of it, My Comcast goes out daily around the 10:00 hour and the internet goes right behind it. Grrr.
  21. My MIL has an autoimmune disease that required a kidney transplant 9 years ago (my hubby gave her his kidney). She gets open ulcers on her feet that form from the inside out and is very painful. She has a scooter for getting around because it's too painful to walk any distances beyond just a few feet at a time, and her fingers have all curled up and are immobile. She has very limited use of her hands because of this. She has to see a pulmonologist regularly because her lungs will start slowly hardening and won't be able to expand fully. Few people know how much she hurts (moaning in pain
  22. Guilt is the single worst emotion you can feel, it will eat at you like a cancer. I lost a friend when we were both 16 (she took her own life) and for years I felt like I should have done more, should have listened to her that last night I talked to her, should have gone to her house when she said she was feeling down. It took years to relieve my guilt. I can't even begin to imagine what this mom's going through and how much she's beating herself up. How many of us have sat our kids on a high surface while holding onto them? Whether it's a rail or counter or table, we've all done it. The
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