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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. But the biggest example is a newspaper headline--Dewey Defeats Truman!!! And another example, although he did have bad information, was Glen Burns reporting the extended winter forecast which said that we have a 50/50 chance of above or below average temperatures and 50/50 chance of above or below average precipitation. He got that from some weather center somewhere. The most laughed about piece of journalism was caught on camera--Geraldo Rivera and Jimmy Hoffa anyone? LOL
  2. LOL all the way. Why is it such an ugly shade of orange--ugh.
  3. Flossy, you never went TOT with a friend as a kid? I grew up on a dead-end street, no neighborhood, and only 3 kids on the entire street. After a few years, the only houses that even bought Halloween candy were the 3 kid's houses and one in the middle, so we'd go to the neighborhood behind us. A few times I'd go with a friend who lived in a big subdivision. Our subdivision has very steep hills and no streetlights beyond the entrance (don't even get me started on the uselessness of our HOA) and at 7:15 every light was off--no one does Halloween in our neighborhood. We went across the stree
  4. We had several family members stay at the Country Inn & Suites when they came for our wedding and everyone was pleased. It's a nice place, pretty cozy looking.
  5. A few years ago a reporter was hit in the head by flying debris and got cut (I think it was sheet metal from a building) and they started coming inside more or at least standing on the other side of the buildings where the wind's not so bad. It was one of the years when Florida was hit by 4 hurricanes back-to-back, from the Gulf and Atlantic.
  6. It was never meant to offend, just a tongue-in-cheek approach. Don't give up on us based on this; come on by and see. We're a very warm, welcoming church, laid-back, casual attire, contemporary music, and wonderful preacher.
  7. Come Sunday morning and find out. . .It's encouraging people to ask someone to go to church with them. There are so many people, especially in Paulding, that don't have a church home a several people have said they'd go to church if someone invited them or if they knew where a good one was at. Then the big ask of asking Christ into your heart. And yes, when Pastor Steve told us the idea for the series and car window chalking, he had a pronunciation lesson focusing on the "K" sound, so that people would say "have you seen that big asK sign on the car?" It's a corny pun but it's meant t
  8. That's the only good thing about it, since our neighborhood only has streetlights at the entrance of the subdivision and the bus stop is in complete blackness.
  9. It's for New Season Church in Hiram. We're doing a new series coming soon called the Big Ask. Thought it'd be funny to have a "Big Ask" sign on the back of the car to get people talking. We're now up to three services every Sunday, 8:50, 10:00, and 11:30. Come check it out! You can check out New Season's website www.newseasonchurch.com for more info and to watch previous sermons. Come join us!!
  10. Bear in mind, they're the same idiots who stand knee-deep in water, wearing rain coats and struggling to hold on to their hats and microphone in 120 mph winds to tell people to stay inside during a hurricane.
  11. Not very local, it was in northern Cherokee county. By the way, do you know of any offices locally that need an experienced LPN? Since my "fun" incident I've gotten over 4 years experience in different offices and I think I'm a dang good nurse.
  12. J'smom

    HWY 101

    You mean grounded beef.
  13. J'smom

    HWY 101

    No, it's a werecow. (For those that may be lost, Moby in the Morning on 101.5 but now on 107.1 had a song he'd play around Halloween called "Werecow." Maybe it can be googled?)
  14. I was only fired once in my life and that was my very first nursing job. I'd gotten my license two weeks prior to being hired and had just graduated 3 months prior, so I was BRAND NEW. I was the only LPN in an office full of RNs and MAs. The nursing supervisor was transferred to the main office to be interim clinical director because they fired the other clinical director. The lead RN I had to report to had only been working there 6 months (the longest of any full-time employees) and I had a bad feeling. The lead RN hated talking and would move to the other side of the office when a certa
  15. No pumpkin here, either, nor any candy (well, for sharing anyway). Nobody does anything in our neighborhood so we usually go to a bigger neighborhood.
  16. J'smom

    HWY 101

    The chickens are retaliating! They're tired of cows encouraging us to eet mor chikin so they're enacting revenge on every bovine they can. Cow tipping extreme. Were there any feathers lying around??? Heck, with the wind like it is, the poor thing probably got blown over!
  17. I asked myself that same question, Tornado. You think I'd learn to not read these! LOL
  18. I'd ask for a refund. It's "PAID" not "payed." And, non-profit means you're not bankrolling any extra money, what you charge for fees and services and goods is only what you need to pay for your supplies, labor, and overhead expenses.
  19. That's more accurate than what the news said. They'd gotten the long-range forecast for this winter and their official answer: 50/50 chance of above or below average temperatures and 50/50 chance of above or below average precipitation. Well, heck, pay me big bucks and I can "predict" that too!
  20. If you quit you can't get it unless you quit for good cause, like illegal practices at your employer. My hubby had to fire someone for blatant safety violations, caught on video, and the guy tried to get unemployment. The company said no and it went to a hearing and when the moderator found out what happened and saw the video of it he sided with the company. Another person was fired for violating their absentee policy, which is clearly stated in writing and very well known, and warnings before it gets to that point, and that person was awarded unemployment after the company fought it. It's
  21. What people fail to realize is that the right lane merging is NOT a privilege. They have a sense of entitlement--you can almost hear them thinking "I'm in the right lane, I saw the merge signs, therefore you HAVE to let me into the left lane". They seem to forget that they are responsible for making sure it's clear, not just forcing their way in the left lane come hell or high water. Also, if I'm in the right lane, blinker on, and getting over to merge into the right lane (in plenty of time, not at the last minute like the aforementioned idiots) and you're in the left lane, don't speed up s
  22. I agree with OP. Go FALCONS!!!!
  23. Usually you can buy tickets which are used for games/bounce houses, or this year we're having wristbands (I think $12) for unlimited things. There's a raffle drawing for themed baskets and usually pizza/Coke/chips/candy.
  24. Berry College, White Oak Park, and there's a place in Cedartown that has a waterfall and old mill--it's used a lot for weddings. I don't know the name but if you google it you can find it. Also check the fields near Kennesaw Mountain, not the actual battleground at the museum (but that would be nice too) but the fields that are just down Old 41 from it.
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