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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Clear nail polish because your hose (or bridesmaid's) WILL run (even if you don't LOL). When you're walking down the aisle, maintain eye contact with your fiance. Don't try to use your peripheral vision to see who is sitting in the pews--it will overwhelm you. Just focus on him. Remind yourself and the wedding party--DO NOT LOCK YOUR KNEES! That is the best way to ensure someone fainting. Just enjoy the day because it's over before you know it and the memories (and pictures) will last forever. Breathe, relax, and don't sweat the little details. Nobody's going to care or remember if you
  2. More people are hourly than salary. Usually it's management and the higher ups that are salary. But it also proves the point that hourly people can't work over 40 hours because management doesn't want to pay overtime and salary people don't get additional monetary benefit from working 65-hour weeks. Some might offer comp time for salary going over 40 hours but no additional digits in front of the decimal place on that paycheck.
  3. I think it all boils down to one thing--relativity. While an increase of 2.2% is NOT a decrease per se, it IS a decrease of the typical 7% increase that had been the norm for the past several years. Does that make sense? While it did go up, it didn't go up as much as expected. Now if only paychecks would go up more than expected . . .
  4. And that's the bad thing, it's not YOU specifically, it's everyone covered on the group coverage. You can eat veggies all day and hit the gym 5 days a week but if your coworkers are 300 lb smokers and go to the doctor all the time, the premiums will be raised because of frequent use. I'd like to see a plan encourage preventative care and annual well visits instead of requiring doctors (and you!) to jump through hoops to get a mammogram covered and full physicals not applied to your deductible. I also don't like having a prescription deductible before meds are covered! The ONLY thing I
  5. A friend of mine is against vaccinations and I won't even go there right now. Anyway, one of her points was "why do we need to vaccinate our kids when diseases like polio are eraticated and they don't need it?" I was so dumbfounded that I couldn't even point out that she answered herself in her own counterpoint. Without vaccinations, polio would still be a threat.
  6. Most employers don't want you working over 40 hours (I've actually had a manager clock employees out if they were getting even CLOSE to going beyond 3-5 minutes of quitting time), so unless you're working two or three jobs it's not possible to log 50-70 hour work weeks. With this economy, finding even ONE job is near impossible, and I've seen ads for jobs that require additional education and either state licensure or certification and barely pay above minimum wage. Minimum wage has been raised very recently and it was a big gamble when the increase was first initiated. It was built in
  7. And regarding the issues that their schedule isn't tough, ponder this: would you rather them be 6-0 with an easy schedule or 0-6 with the easy schedule?
  8. If you want your child to attend a charter school but don't have the means to get them there and can't take so much time to volunteer (working parents and very stubborn employers) then you're up a creek. If public school is your only option, then the money that is supposed to go to the schools is being siphoned off to help the charter school. What is happening to the kids at the public school? They are the ones suffering. If you're all for charter schools and have that option, then of course you're going to vote yes and put your kid there because you're the one winning. Just think of thos
  9. I'm sure guys would rather get their moobs (manboobs) squished than have a finger shoved "up" anywhere! I've heard this story before and it always cracks me up.
  10. United Healthcare had to issue refunds for the premium overpayments because a certain percentage did not go toward healthcare costs. The sucky part is my refund went to my employer and I'm not working so I didn't get it. Typically, insurance premiums go up based on how much it's used the previous year. We had a coworker with cancer and she apologized to all of us because our premiums went sky high and she blamed herself.
  11. My ex boyfriend's parents house is haunted (in Cobb county). They'll catch a glimpse of a figure down the hall when they're all in the living room and feel somebody behind them in the kitchen when no one else is home. One time his sister was getting out of the shower and there was writing in the steam on the mirror. She always locks the bathroom door when in the shower so nobody could have done that physically. It was weird scribble and they couldn't make out any letters, even looking with another mirror to see if they were reversed. They'll hear footsteps and doors closing all the time.
  12. I'll say it loud and proud--FALCONS RISE UP!! They're 6-0, off to a great start. Whether or not they're the best team in NFL, oh well. They're having a great season and I'm going to enjoy it. Go Falcons!!!
  13. When I saw the topic, I thought it was the punchline to a joke. But a rock band works too.
  14. Kinda off subject, but my hubby offered to iron one of my maternity shirts. I laughed and told him I do my own ironing--by putting it on! LOL. I don't buy shirts or pants that need ironing. If the "fluff" setting on my dryer can't handle it then it stays on the rack.
  15. They're the only undefeated team in the NFL and STILL don't get respect. What is wrong with people? Can't you, just once, say "Great job!!" and be supportive of the home team for doing something that's never been done in team history and no other team is doing right now? Geesh. I know they haven't done well in the playoffs but they have made it to the Superbowl before and have made it to the playoffs which is more than some teams can claim. Cleveland Browns fans are more supportive of their team (I worked with someone in Douglasville who had season tickets and would DRIVE to Cleveland for
  16. My parents had to take the keys from my paternal grandfather when his driving got so bad that he clipped other cars driving down the road. My grandfather had a note taped to his dashboard with my dad and uncle's names and phone numbers in case of an emergency. My grandfather was FURIOUS with them for taking his keys. He eventually moved into an assisted living facility (he had his own apartment and full privacy) and was content there. My maternal grandfather was a HORRIBLE driver and instead of taking his keys (until he sideswiped somebody) my mom and aunt insisted on driving him everywher
  17. A few years ago there was a push to remove tire pressure gauges from stores because kids would remove the middle piece (the white plastic piece that has the pressure readings on it) and use that as a pipe. I don't trust a lot of the smaller stores like that and try to stick to QT, RaceTrac, or Kroger for gas (just to get my discount). It's crazy out there.
  18. The Marietta Museum of History has an aviation wing that has C-130s on display and you can tour them. It's located near Dobbins and the old Naval Air Station Atlanta and Army Corp of Engineers. They have several planes and are in the process of refurbishing one now. It's run by volunteers Monday-Wednesday and open to the public Friday, Saturday, and Sundays. Some days they have helicopters there and you can take a ride over Kennesaw Mountain, and several times they've had the last surviving member of the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the bomb on Nagasaki, Japan in WWII. I don't have a
  19. That's funny right thar. When I looked I figured there was another sentence, like "helicopters circling New Hope are loud" or something like that. I wasn't trying to be mean, just got a chuckle out of it.
  20. How in the heck do public schools have enough money when they can't even give books to every student and they make middle and high school kids pay for a locker? Read some of the earlier posts in the school vent and see all the complaints about how much the schools have to cut back and how much teachers and parents are paying out of pocket every school year. The employees are having a huge insurance premium increase and reduced contribution by the county. Oh, wasn't it just a year or two ago that the district was so broke that they had to cut the school year by 4 days to save money?
  21. The title sounds Yoda-ish. LOL. I'm in New Georgia so I have no idea what's going on at the other end of the county, hopefully somebody does! I just had to share my humor on "Helicopters circling New Hope are"
  22. And I think that was her whole point--it's taking money away from the schools that are barely scraping by as is and giving it to the charter schools. What's going to happen to the public schools as a result? The whole system's not going charter and it takes time to get a charter school going, so while the money is being diverged from the public schools to get one new charter school going, the public schools are going to suffer even more. That's the big concern she has--what little money is there being further diminished.
  23. If your albuterol makes you jittery (a common side effect) ask if your doctor will switch you to Xopenex. It's a rescue inhaler like the albuterol ones but with a much decreased complaint of jitters. Don't stop your daily maintenance inhalers without your doctor's permission. If the Advair or Dulera aren't helping much follow up with your doctor. Are you just using your PCP or do you have an asthma specialist? There's usually a big difference in how and what the two manage your asthma. Your albuterol (or Xopenex if they change it LOL) should be with you at all times anyway, pouch or no p
  24. The way it was described to me by a friend (who's a middle school teacher here) is this: currently, elected local school boards have the power to decide how many schools are in their district and how to distribute local tax dollars to those schools. Charter schools receive tax dollars. Opening one requires local school boards to further divide funds among already struggling public schools in order to include a new approved charter school within an allocated budget. HB797 would allow an APPOINTED charter school board to approve new charter schools instead of locally elected school boards.
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