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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Get a cheap ring with a decent diamond and after the wedding have that stone set into a different ring or pendant to wear for special occasions, or have him give you and "engagement watch" instead of ring. It's something you'll wear frequently and is a symbol of his love but isn't a traditional ring. A lot of people do different colored stones in their engagement rings, so if you wanted your birthstone as the center stone then switch to the right hand that's perfectly acceptable--do what you want. My preacher's oldest son got his wedding ring tattooed on so he can never take it off--maybe t
  2. I think TP just likes to argue with himself.
  3. Did you stay, make sure everyone was okay, and give your version of events to the police? Glad you weren't hurt! My dad tells a story of how he was sitting at an intersection. The light was green but there wasn't room for him to move safely out of the way so he stayed put. The guy behind him started laying on the horn and my dad didn't budge. The idiot behind him went around him and wound up blocking the intersection and the light turned red. Sure enough, the next car in line for the cross traffic was a cop, who promptly ticketed the idiot for blocking an intersection. My dad made sure
  4. Prayers going to the nurse's family, friends, and coworkers.
  5. Downtown Kitchen in Canton has an upstairs room with a fully-stocked bar. My former office held their Christmas party there two years in a row.
  6. Toxoplasmosis is why they tell pregnant women not to change, scoop, or clean cat litter boxes. Personally, I was zombie-like the first several months of my son's life. I was so tired one night that when he woke up at 2 a.m. and I put my glasses on it was so blurry I couldn't see worth crap. I got him changed, got his bottle ready, fed him, and when I was going back to bed I noticed my contact case was still open. Yep, not only had I fallen asleep in my contacts, I'd put my glasses on too!
  7. Um, the Browns beat the Steelers and the Lions almost beat the Cowboys (had to go into OT).
  8. Yes, I am definitely praying for this little girl and her family. So, my "opinion" that a child can be overpowered by a 50 lb dog is offensive? I merely stated a fact. I have a terrier mix that's 55 pounds and when he tries to climb on me to get me to pet him I sometimes have a hard time getting him to get down, so I imagine if he were to attack it would be hard escaping without injury.
  9. Hey, that's what I said, jack! Anyway, the songs that need to be removed from radio airplay (and our memories forever) are: I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer (and all it's variations) the K-Mart song (thank you, it's now stuck in my head) Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney. He sounds depressed.
  10. But a 50-pound animal CAN overpower a child.
  11. I argue with my yankee husband that Miracle Whip isn't even mayonnaise, the label itself says "dressing." I don't like mayo unless it's mixed in pasta salad-type dishes, so hubby buys Miracle Whip all the time.
  12. We already beat the Broncos once. Granted, Manning hadn't found his footing yet, but we beat them nonethless.
  13. Is it in the little strip mall on Brownsville near 92, behind Chevron?
  14. I've seen this making the rounds on Facebook. I hope everybody realizes this is an old Bill Engvall or Jeff Foxworthy joke from years ago. Besides, it doesn't work because deer don't recognize pictures of themselves.
  15. I can tell you who I wouldn't recommend for ENT. As far as OB/GYN, I love my docs but they're in Marietta by Kennestone. If that's not too far for you call them at 770-422-8700, I see Dr. Windom but they're all great. Dr. Tackett delivered both my kids, Dr. Kelley has a great bedside manner, Dr. Huffman is very personable, and Dr. Chappel is very nice. Dr. Espy is still practicing but on a limited schedule--he's been practicing 47 years with them. All their midwives are awesome too.
  16. Did that going home--twice. I carried a gallon Ziplock bag with me at all times, just in case. I figured if I had to use my bag I could zip it closed until I reached the nearest trashcan, or unzip and add to it. Hubby has a strong stomach, because every time he drove me to the hospital I had my bag(s) and didn't even have time to tell him to pull over, so he'd look out the window as I was revisiting my previous meal. And I got sick with both babies (my youngest more than once) while in active labor. My oldest is now 11, so when he's giving me a hard time I'll ask if he remembers how
  17. It's still the remnants of Halloween. Don't you celebrate HallowThanksMas?
  18. I think they typically diagnose it if it gets to the point of dehydration and needing IV fluids. That's when I was diagnosed both times, and my babies are 10 years apart. I know a lot of people have bad nausea and can't eat too much but it's the vomiting that differentiates the two. Also, typical morning sickness subsides after the first trimester, and I was fighting my hyperemesis well into my second. I was 29 weeks when I got bronchitis and the coughing led to vomiting which led to dehydration which led to contractions, so I was in labor & delivery triage being monitored, getting IVs
  19. With all the news the past day about Kate Middleton and her pregnancy, it's nice to see the exposure on hyperemesis gravidarum, the condition which has her hospitalized now. It's great to hear about her pregnancy and now all the news channels will be on baby watch, but personally I'm more excited that hyperemesis is being brought out of the shadows. I suffered from it with both pregnancies, much more with my 2nd than my first, and I got so sick and tired of people saying it's "just morning sickness, eat some saltine crackers or drink some ginger ale." It is NOT "just" morning sickness,
  20. When you call a dog, he comes running. When you call a cat, she takes a message and gets back to you at her earliest convenience.
  21. I've had an encounter on two different occasions with a white cargo van on Dorris Rd/Cedar Mountain/Flat Rock and want to warn the rest of y'all. The first time, we were coming back home from Arbor Place Mall late evening. He was on our butt so much that I couldn't see its headlights in our rearview mirror and it passed us in a no-passing zone, swerved slightly toward us, and went flying past. He then ran the red light and kept going, but we weren't able to get close enough for a tag number or even the company name on the van. A little over a month later, I'm going to Arbor Place in the af
  22. My MIL has an autoimmune disorder and it results in large, open ulcers on her feet and ankles (the disease hardens the skin so it's very slow healing, the disease also affects the lungs so she has to see a pulmonologist every 6 months to make sure her lungs aren't starting to harden) and while she can walk, she can only do so for very short distances. We were in Wal Mart in Florida and hubby dropped her off at the door while he parked. As she was going in, she passed a guy coming out on a scooter and she asked if he would be done with that one soon. He offered it at the curb (he was being p
  23. But you can relive those glory days every time the song "Convoy" comes on. My dad had a CB and he'd use it every year going on vacation to communicate with the other family driving down with us. This was well into the 80s and even 90s that he still used the CB, pretty much up until he got a cell phone. What was your handle?
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