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Everything posted by SusieQ404

  1. Dry over by me at Bakers Bridge and Ridge. We got your wind and thunder though.
  2. I'd rate it a 2 and only that high because it isn't raining or storming.
  3. For me at least, it is a person (male or female) who is unclean. For example, I had a 'family' in an Ingles approach me when my daughter was less than a year old (almost 24 years ago or so). They all smelled really awful, missing teeth, dirty legs and were actually barefoot in the store. It was an older woman and 3 or 4 late teen to early 20's boys. It was 9:00 or so at night. One of the 'boys' walked up to me, looked down at my daughter and said "I hate n****rs". My ex-husband is african american, so you can fill in the blanks. I got out of that store as quickly as I could beca
  4. Yes, that's the one. The paper said that Grandma was a really a man named Roxanne Taylor. Am I reading that correctly?
  5. All day long the paper kept saying that "she' died. They gave her name as Roxanne Taylor. Now the AJC has a statement from the police dept that says Roxanne is a 57 year old man. I am confused. Is Grandma a male or a female?
  6. Does anyone know why a police woman has been at the four way stop at Senator and Denton since at least 4:30 today? She stops all of the cars and seems to only be letting people through that live further back down Senator or off of Senator.
  7. Your boys along with the other seven boys are probably the reason the girls are in the front yard showing off instead of inside or in the back yard. Not much you can do. Maybe if all the boys completely ignored them, they would stop. But, getting teenage boys to ignore jiggly, half naked well developed teenage girls probably isn't going to happen.
  8. Delete the girl and forget about it. If she's an adult and causes drama because someone deleted her from a social networking group and it upsets her enough to act out about it, you don't need her around anyhow. I do it all the time and don't look back. When people I know use Facebook to ridicule others or spew their brand of hatred or ignorance, they get deleted and blocked. I even hide or delete narcissistic people who consistently talk about how incredibly great they are as compared to rest of use mere mortals. Same goes for people who always take on the role of victim. I can only take so mu
  9. Good Lord, the state has a terrible plan! I worked for the DOT back in the early 90's and remember that I didn't particpate in the insurance plan because the co-pays were so much higher and the coverage was not as good as what my husband's company was offering. Now days, his office visit co-pays are cheaper but I get my prescriptions at a better rate. We pay $20 for a 90 day supply of Lipitor. We have great coverage available with both Humana and Kaiser through our employers and I am so thankful because I know that every year when the employers re-evaluate costs, this could change. As late as
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBohsCG8emk
  11. I love this one. It really made me laugh. When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.
  12. Highway to Hell by AC/DC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_5kv8QeBBc
  13. I get an email from somebody telling me that at least once a week. It's been going on for at least a year. It's a scam. Do you remember entering a contest with U.S. Airways or did you enter a contest that gave away air fare as a prize? If not, it's most likely a scam.
  14. I tend to read all the reviews also for just about everything; doctors, hair stylists, nail salons, kennels, hotels, you name it. But I realized that of the very few reviews I have ever taken the time to write, it is nearly always where I felt the service wasn't what it should be on that given day. I've been lots of places that have had bad reviews but I didn't have any problems and even had great experiences at the same place someone else said was terrible. On the flip side of the coin, I went to see a doctor for about six months that had tons of glowing reviews and was rated as one of the t
  15. I don't think so. People from all walks of life cheat. Politicians are centered in the prying eye of the media who out them. Your neighbor down the street or your co-worker down the hall that cheats doesn't have the media or it's resources watching them and then reporting it on the noon, 6 & 11 o'clock news. That doesn't mean they aren't cheating any more than the men in Washington or any other politician it just means they aren't as newsworthy. I'll bet you that the percentage of men and women in Congress that cheat and the percentage of men and women in Paulding County that cheat aren't
  16. I don't have a political opinion about Arnold that needs to be shared. His politics didn't make him pull down his pants and sleep with the maid or whatever she was. I have an opinion about his character, he sucks. It doesn't matter to me if the liberal press or conservative press breaks the story about him or represses the story about him, he still sucks. It makes no difference whether I read it in the Enquirer or the Wall Street Journal, he sucks. Nor do I care whether Fox News or 11 Alive reports it as breaking news. All politics aside, this man is a jackass. Call a spade a spade and leave
  17. Thank goodness. The characters on Brothers and Sisters are so neurotic that it gets on my last nerve. I turned the dial a long time ago and was wondering when they would finally get their pink slips.
  18. I got bored at 35. I broke up with my long term boyfriend because he bored me. Changed jobs, dyed my hair, moved, spent a long weekend in Charleston, S.C. with a gorgeous man that was completely unsuitable for me and had a great time for about a month. Then I settled back down, reclaimed the old boyfriend, because I figured out that he wasn't really all that bad to begin with, and have been fine ever since. That was about 10 years ago. I got it out of my system and you will too. It's just something you have to work through. You'll be fine. Go shopping, it helps sometimes.
  19. When I was in middle school, my mother was still buying my clothes for me. Except for the odd piece of clothing that I bought with Christmas or birthday money, my wardrobe came from my parents and was paid for out of their bank account. I could influence my mother only to a certain degree. If she thought that something was too mature for me or what she considered in bad taste, no amount of begging or pleading would have helped get what I want. So, who's buying the thong underwear for the 12 year olds? Are they buying it or is their mother buying it for them? As for asking my mom for money and
  20. Mine has been on since the pollen count started going up a month ago or even longer than that. That pollen does awful things to me so when it shows up, the windows get closed and the air goes on.
  21. Mine are free as part of preventative care. I think it's terrible that you were charged that much. That would probably prevent women from having an annual mammogram if they knew it would cost that much beforehand. Anyway, vent over, try St. Joseph's hospital. They will take your insurance and have an excellent mobile mammogram program as well as the one physically at the hospital. I have used them several times. I had to pay a $15 co-pay once and a month later St. Joseph's sent me a reimbursement check for $15. All the other times, I never paid anything. Now I have Kaiser and mammograms are f
  22. We planted cypress trees and they grew pretty quickly. Can't see a thing over on that side of the house anymore but we can still hear all the carrying on. Sometimes it gets loud and mean and I wonder what exactly is going on over there and if I should be concerned about it should it spill over and somehow affect my household. However, nobody has started shooting at each other (yet) and most of the time hearing and not seeing the calamity is for the best.
  23. Nah, not me. Some people annoy me for weeks or months but with me, hate goes much longer than that. If you are a pain in my rear and just down right annoying, then I'll let you know that I'm not happy with you loudly and repeatedly. However, hate is a VERY strong emotion and if I truly hate you, you wouldn't hear from me or see me again regardless of who you might be. I would have cut you completely out of my life. I'm not the kind of person that needs to get revenge so if I'm done with you, if I hate you, it's as if you don't exist to me anymore. I've never gotten to that point with my child.
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