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Everything posted by SusieQ404

  1. It was a story on the AJC this morning. I think it's still there. http://www.ajc.com/news/gwinnett/good-samaritans-save-dog-903281.html
  2. This story and the other story that ran in the AJC today about the dog that was put in a garbage bag and thrown out of a moving car are just too disgusting for me to read. I can't believe that people can act this way but I keep hearing stories like this so I guess some people can & do act this way.
  3. OMG, tell me it was just the one date and not that you kept going back for more
  4. Mine either. The medication I had to take to slow me down put every pound back on me that I had lost and then some!
  5. It did with me. My metabolism was on overdrive. My hair and nails grew very quickly. But I also had chest pain, lost about 25 pounds, had terrible cramps in my legs and hands and had trouble breathing. In the beginning it was just the hair and nails growing very quickly and I ignored it. The rest of the symptoms came months and months later as my condition got worse.
  6. My hair is thin but it never really mattered because I had tons of it. I shed worse than the dog at one point. Other ailments sent me to the doctor's office and blood tests pointed towards an overactive thyroid. It may not be your problem but the next time you have a doctor's appt., ask the doctor about it. I know when my thyroid is out of whack now because my hair falls out again and my finger nails grow very quickly.
  7. FedEx routinely does not show up at my office. Twice in the last 2 weeks they haven't come out for a pickup. I keep telling everyone to use UPS. They are more dependable and we've negotiated ground rates with them that are cheaper but there's always somebody who ships FedEx. They are usually the ones that are jumping up and down the next morning when their package is still sitting at the reception desk when it should have gone out the afternoon before. But on the flip side, UPS once lost a very important package so I guess you take your chances either way. All in all UPS has a much better trac
  8. It won't be closed for long. Neither party will let it go on too long. My mother works for the government in the Dept. of Energy. She's not too concerned about it and believe me if she thought that her paycheck was going to be delayed, she'd be hollering bloody murder by now. She's worked for the government for over 35 years, I only remember her getting really worried about the shut down one time and that was back in the 90's.
  9. I ate there this past Saturday. I loved the home fries and my hubby really liked his omelet. I didn't like those animal heads on the wall staring at me while I ate. But that's just me.
  10. Take her to lunch instead. If you don't have any kids, Grant Park has some really cool, eclectic places to eat. This week, the zoo and picnic areas at Grant Park are swamped. If you are thinking of having a romantic picnic, I would wait a week.
  11. Cubes of cheese, grapes, PB&J for the kids, chicken for the adults. After lunch get some Brewster's ice cream up near the otter exhibit.
  12. I usually go through Cherokee to get to Gatliburg because the drive through the mountains along Newfound Gap is so pretty. They are only about an hour apart if you don't stop and drive straight through but we never do. We always want to stop up at Clingman's Dome or at Chimney Tops. There are lots of hiking trails off that road that lead to waterfalls to wander around also.
  13. I wouldn't cross it off, it just depends where you work downtown and what time you leave. I leave my house at 8:15 and hit the interstate around 8:30. I get to work at 9 AM (most of the time). When I left the house at 7:45 AM, I still got to work at 9AM, I just spent more time sitting in traffic.
  14. I work downtown /Grant Park area and drive down I-20 everyday around 8:30 AM. Some days it takes me 40 minutes to get here and I sail right through. Some days it takes 2 hours. Friday morning was a 2 hour commute. Traffic is usually crawling, bumper to bumper, from Thornton / Six Flags to I-285. Once or twice a week there is an accident that causes me to sit on the interstate, not moving, for extended periods of time. I am just glad that when I get to the Capitol, I don't have to get off 20 and onto 75/85. Every morning when I cross over the interstate, they are just sitting there, barely inch
  15. I know how you feel. I was ready to drive all the way out to Lawrenceville to check on my daughter because she wouldn't answer her phone right after the storm passed through there. This morning I told her, I don't care if you're 21 or 31, after a storm like that, you call your momma and let her know that you are ok.
  16. There should be a copy of the DVD at each branch in the Pines library system. You have to check the DVD out and when you return it you are given a receipt. You take that to the zoo for free admission for 2 adults and two kids. Or you could take them to a state park: all local libraries are participating in the Library Loan Program with Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites. According to information from Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites, any library card holder can borrow a ParkPass to any park or site from the local library. The passes cover the cost of parking or admission at any
  17. I'm not taking sides either way. With that said, I graduated in 1984 (yes, I'm old!)Most high schools had smoking areas for the employees AND THE STUDENTS. Those designated areas were always full between classes. Fast forward to 2011 and two grown women are hiding between parked cars hoping no one else notices them sneaking a cigarette while someone else blogs about it and posts their photograph on FB. I'm not commenting on non-smoker's rights or bashing smokers, I'm simply saying...my how times have changed. Can you take other people's pictures without them being aware that they are bein
  18. Both of those dresses are beautiful. Have a wonderful time.
  19. I camped out at Turtles with my friends twice. Once for tickets to Bruce Springsteen and then again for tickets to see Prince. We had so much fun! Kids today don't know what they are missing.
  20. I remember Turtles. They had stores all over metro Atlanta. But - does anyone remember Oz Records on Memorial Drive in Stone Mountain. You would tell the guy what cassette you wanted at the counter in the back of the store and he would put it in the basket of a bicycle on a wire overhead and a flying monkey would pedal it to the cash register at the front of the store.
  21. I have a 403B now but in the past I had a 401K. I don't know if things have changed in the last 5 years but I withdrew money as a loan from my 401K and paid myself back. There weren't any taxes on a loan.
  22. Come sit in my office and take notes from my co-worker. She wrote the book on being a slacker. Drives me crazy everday, all day.
  23. Working. Spring break is our biggest week of the year. Hoping for a big crowd and really nice weather to go with it.
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